Mortal Kombat X
Pages: 1
posted02/26/2005 07:15 PM (UTC)byMember Since
04/15/2004 07:18 PM (UTC)
Okay, I know this is real early to be asking(Since MK:Shaolin Monks is the next MK game coming out) but what should we expect to happen in MK7? Any Characters that are coming back for a fact? What are your expectations for MK7?

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My prediction is that it will centralize around enough realms merging together that The One Being makes his return, and won't stop until he consumes all of existance so that he's at full power.
]{0MBAT Wrote:
My prediction is that it will centralize around enough realms merging together that The One Being makes his return, and won't stop until he consumes all of existance so that he's at full power.
My prediction is that it will centralize around enough realms merging together that The One Being makes his return, and won't stop until he consumes all of existance so that he's at full power.
I also believe that, but I think that it could be expanded upon with Raiden being a pivotal part of the story and he could add on to the chaos that is existing in all of the realms. So pretty much it's as if Armageddon is happening in Mortal Kombat.
You know what I want and hope for? I want Mortal Kombat! I just wanna have Shao Kahn return and start the MK Tournament again to see if Earth's best warriors can win it. Call me dull and boring but I wanna see the traditional tournament come back. We really haven't seen that since MK3 or 4.

Dark Raiden ambushes the Senate of the Elder Gods and begins destroying it. Trapped in their own creation, the Senate has no control over the Thunder God's intentions of merging the Kamidogu in the Nexus. During the fusion, Liu Kang appears and a battle for salvation ensues. Raiden emerges victorious, but the Nexus has begun to collapse from the impact of the fight. Quickly ending the fusion, Raiden notices the unconscious body of Liu Kang beginning to levitate, then a giant spirit of a dragon flies from his chest and incinerates the demi-god. With its control over existence itself, the Great Dragon recreates the Nexus and returns itself to the deepest part of Liu Kang's soul, who awakens with no recollection of the events. Without the access of the Elder Gods, the realms lay dormant and unprotected, exposed to the next threat of Mortal Kombat.
*Phew!* Any good?
*Phew!* Any good?
I would like a sophisticated tournament rundown but I think you and Kombat are right. It's either gonna be Raiden running the show or the One Being will return. Either way, I can't wait!!
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