Mortal Kombat Arena Ideas
posted03/27/2005 07:02 AM (UTC)by
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03/07/2005 02:38 AM (UTC)
MK1 Shrine: Circular arena wiht statues of Kano, Raiden, Liu Kang, Goro, Johnny Cage, an MK1 Ninja (how the original Scorpion/Sub Zero/Reptile looked), Sonya. No other stages or death traps.

Scorpion's Lair/Kahn's Kave: Bi-level stage starting in Scorpion's (Old) Lair from UMK3. The arena is a narrow strip of land with molten lava on either side. One power hit into the lava produces an instant fatality.

On one end on the arena is the Skull door. Knocking someone into the Skull door leads up to Kahn's Kave. Shao Kahn's Wraithhammer is ether for the taking in the center of a narrow oval arena.

Falling Cliffs: From Deception, only if both fighters fall off, the match is a draw.

Mountainside: The fight takes place on a cliff that is well guarded. There are no death traps but large boulders constantly roll off from one side of the arena. Also, storm clouds periodically enter the arena and attempt to zap someone with lightening.

Mortal Treetops: The fight takes place on three "treetops":
- - - - - - - - -
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Fighters can jump to the next "treetop". However, one misstep and it is a long fall into outer space. This probably would take place above Edenia.

Any comments? Suggestions?

03/22/2005 07:28 PM (UTC)
They're pretty good ideas.

heres on of mine.

The Kave:

Players are down in a dark, mysterious cave, vampiric writing is on the walls and the roof is held only by the pillars formed by the stalagmites and stalactites. Rubble is constantly falling from the roof and often injures the players. Weapons are stacked on the wall and an underground river of hot liquid magma flows by. The kave is a head-wrecking arena that keeps players constantly on edge.

weapons: Axes and swords mounted on the walls.
traps: Smashing all pillars will cause the roof to collapse. The player with most health survives.
Also the river of magma can be walked into. Anyone who does this is instantly set ablaze so fighters have to keep an eye on their steps.
03/23/2005 03:32 AM (UTC)
I would like to see a traditional asian battle ground area like in the first Mortal Kombat games.

Areas like the Courtyard or something that is Earthrealm based.
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03/23/2005 11:19 AM (UTC)
yes, a good arena would be a cave filled with lanterns, candles and lampi-ons, just like in the MK movie.

A Zen temple should also bring only good athmosphere in the game, beter would be if the temples battleground would be fought under a storm, a typhoon preferably at night. Also, swinging lanterns would give good at-mosphere.

03/26/2005 05:42 AM (UTC)
I dont remember any I think there was one stage in MK:D where it was raining but I think it could have been done better. I think they should do also do a remake of the snowing stage from MK4, I liked that one. Also in MK4 in the raining stage you could do a code where it was rainging blood which was cool, so if they could have a stage where its raining blood like somewhere in the slaughter house would be cool.
I also think the idea for the stage from MK1 with statues of warriors to come back is a good idea.
They also keep talking about the elder gods but what does their world look like maybe a level there would be cool.
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03/26/2005 10:08 AM (UTC)
Levels I'd like to see:

Updates: Warrior Shrine (great idea man!) from MK1, The Armory from MK2, and The Church (MK3)

Returns from MK:DA/MK:D: Wu Shi Academy (Only let people get knocked off of the arena) from MK:DA, the House of Pekara (MK:DA), the Sky Temple (MK:D), and Dragon Mountain (MK:D).


The Ancient Grounds: Basically this would be the same style as the dream Liu Kang had in the MK movie. There would be large stone buildings, and a dark, racing sky. The entire background would be in hues of black, white, and gray. Nearby, the water pounds on the shores, rocking large boats back and forth in the small wooden harbor. There would be a large amount of rain, and fighters would make splashes when they moved their feet or fell to the ground.

The Swamplands: An multitiered arena that's set with a native American/Asian style. Players are up to thier knees in green water. There are dragonflies buzzing around them, there is a light assortment of skinny, ominous trees, just enough to provide a solid background, but not enough to obscure the almost completely set sun. There are stone statues with torches, both of which can be broken. These statues look a bit like the statues from MK the movie. Basically they're in disarray. Players can be knocked off of the swamp a few feet down into a fast moving lake that sends the player splashing down into the next level of the swamp. This level is darker, with only a few torches lit, and the water has shadows in it moving around, with bubbles popping on the water.

Lotus Castle: This is basically, a gothic looking castle hidden away in the hills; the stronghold of the White Lotus Society. A large, bleak room with portraits of Kung Lao, Kai, and other members hang in golden frames. There is also a fire lit chandelier, and large windows that show a rain and lightning outside. Of courrse, players can be knocked through the windows and out onto a cobblestoned balcony surrounded by lotus trees that are whipping in the wind. Both the room and the balcony have asian designs. Players can also be uppercutted through the ceiling and onto the roof, which shows the skyline of clouds and the angry storm.

More ideas to come
03/26/2005 12:39 PM (UTC)

I like the Swampland idea and I think it would be cool if an effect could be added where the sun is setting as you fight and towards the very end of the round if it lasts that long the sun becomes set where for the last few seconds its darker but not pich black.
03/26/2005 01:14 PM (UTC)
I think that MK Deception over used too many old MK backgrounds. Deception over all to me suffers from un- originality in most areas of the game including background.MK7 to me should bring back 1 or 2 old backgrounds from past MK games and have the rest all new.
03/26/2005 02:00 PM (UTC)
"I think that MK Deception over used too many old MK backgrounds. Deception over all to me suffers from un- originality in most areas of the game including background.MK7 to me should bring back 1 or 2 old backgrounds from past MK games and have the rest all new."

Ed Boon stated that Deception was purely to resurrect past characters (no, not in the irritating way!) and old-fashioned background systems. The whole concept of Deception is to reestablish characters like Baraka, Nightwolf and Sindel back into the storyline. I understand the annoyance of reliving certain backgrounds, but it was a welcome change seeing as it hadn't been done prior. I agree with the seventh not including as many classics, but without increasing the amount of realms accessible in the tournament, I doubt it would happen. The Garden, The Mine and Zaterra... All three were concepts for backgrounds abandoned during the creation of Mortal Kombat 4, and beside the obvious one already created, they sound good to go. wink
03/26/2005 06:56 PM (UTC)
Frost4584 says:
"I think that MK Deception over used too many old MK backgrounds. Deception over all to me suffers from un- originality in most areas of the game including background.MK7 to me should bring back 1 or 2 old backgrounds from past MK games and have the rest all new."

I guess you werent an MK, MK2, or MK3 fan. And I know konquest mode was in MK:DA but com'on that was very original to incorporate a fighter's storyline and living it out not to mention all the charadcters and missions and other stories added to incorporate into this one persons life. Brilliant! Just Brilliant! They paid attention to a lot of specific details of the games missions and story. I know a lot of people complained about konquest mode but it made me feel apart of the MK story rather than just fighting and hearing the story at the end.And what did thye have like 4 maybe five old arena's, come on do you really hate MK that much. Another thing about glitches people keep talking about in the well i've put many hours into the game and havnt had one glitch. Too many people keep putting such a great game down, one thing to say about that:

Become an animator/game designer join the MK Team and make the changes. Otherwise stop complaining and give ideas. Healthy critiscism not whinning.
03/26/2005 07:57 PM (UTC)
FireBurner Wrote:
Frost4584 says:
"I think that MK Deception over used too many old MK backgrounds. Deception over all to me suffers from un- originality in most areas of the game including background.MK7 to me should bring back 1 or 2 old backgrounds from past MK games and have the rest all new."

I guess you werent an MK, MK2, or MK3 fan. And I know konquest mode was in MK:DA but com'on that was very original to incorporate a fighter's storyline and living it out not to mention all the charadcters and missions and other stories added to incorporate into this one persons life. Brilliant! Just Brilliant! They paid attention to a lot of specific details of the games missions and story. I know a lot of people complained about konquest mode but it made me feel apart of the MK story rather than just fighting and hearing the story at the end.And what did thye have like 4 maybe five old arena's, come on do you really hate MK that much. Another thing about glitches people keep talking about in the well i've put many hours into the game and havnt had one glitch. Too many people keep putting such a great game down, one thing to say about that:

Become an animator/game designer join the MK Team and make the changes. Otherwise stop complaining and give ideas. Healthy critiscism not whinning.

Please I've been playing MK since MK1. I've never said I hated MK or Deception. I dislike Deception. I never stopped playing most of MK games ( MK1- MK: DA_ till Deception ) I still play MK: DA and MK2 and MK3 on MAT2). MK: Deception is too much rehash. In almost every aspect. What really makes me mad isn't the fact that I don't like MK Deception , it is because I know the MK team can / could have done far better. They have been creative MK1-MK: DA, but in Deception it seemed like not much do done to make it better. What really mades me mad that some MK fans what to bring back 5+ stages from MK past. Guess what? The number one reason to making a sequel to good video game is to go forward, not go backward.

Progression is the name of any video game sequel Deception didn't have it at all. Bring back old areas, is just like bring back old characters the same that haven't been that much improved or even the fighting engine. Expand the MK world to stuff we haven't seen or donebefore, instead of putting time on modes that aren't what MK is about. Play online you'll find people that glitch. Deception IMO could have been far better but not much time was spent on the fighting engine. Instead MK: Deception barely donesn't do anything we haven't seen in MK: DA. Decetpion even slows the fighting a bit from MK: DA and creating these huge lag opening from after you attack so when ever you attack and miss your doomed. Also not to mention the throws in MK Deception. I mean why were those types of throws put in Decpetion? Clicking one button to get 3 hits is too lame.

Also because I don't want past MK stages from older MK games for a future MK game doesn't make me less a fan. I want something new, if old stuff from MK past should come back it should have be kept to 1 or 2 stages. I don't want to wait 2 plus years to a stage from 2 or 4 MK games ago rehashed. I always welcome the MK teams ideas for all sorts of things. The is the reason why I love pretty much all MK games, but Deception. The MK team is a creative one, MK series is prove enough.

Well since you liked Deception Konquest so much good for you. I feel that part of what MK , MK is the storyline. Deception 's konquest didn't have any meat to the Konquest like MK: DA had. Also Deception Konquest didn't pay that close attention to MK storyline at all. Decpetion's konquest barely has anything to do with the game. It gives you bits and pecies of information that in some cases that have been know since MK1. Its one big time killer. Again it all leads back to kontent. Which no MK game has never been about. Btw Mortal Kombat a fighting game which means the highlight should be the fighting. Kontent for me lead to lead to the rehash of Deception. Also the missions timeline wise couldn't have happened.

I am still very confidant in the MK team , that they will make MK7 more of a traditional MK game and the best MK game to date. By saying that I mean 95% new, and not rehash.Also not other modes of play that don't involve other modes of play, but rather other modes of play of the fighting.All I am saying is lets move forward to better possiblies.
03/27/2005 01:16 AM (UTC)
I don't have an idea but I hope the new levels won't all feel the same when playing on them.In MKD and DA most of the stages had the same shape.
03/27/2005 02:41 AM (UTC)
FROST4584 wrote:

A whole bunch of stuff and I agreed with most of it. I still like the old arenas redone but that might be because I loved MK2 so much. Your right they do need to move forward. I guess im stuck in the past form when I was a kid playing MK2 all night forever. You are also right that it is a fighting game but I still liked konquest because of how it opened up the worlds visually. And as you said the game needs a complete revamping.(especially new characters and story's) But I also have posted in other boards stating that the fighting engine needs to be redone and is smooth unlike other 3D fighters. I guess a part of me wants MK2 reinvented with 2D up to date digitized graphics but thats livin' in the past.

Well written post. Much better than your first.(sorry but the first one just seemed like some bi*ch*n but the second was very well written)
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/27/2005 07:02 AM (UTC)
Check the address in my sig for my MK7 ideas. I think you'll like my remake of MK3's Subway stage.
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