Raiden....the One Being?
Mortal Kombat X
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Raiden....the One Being?
posted03/18/2005 06:18 AM (UTC)byMember Since
02/19/2004 05:54 PM (UTC)
In Deception we have learned of the One Being and how he or she has been subconciously influencing Shao Kahn and Onaga to unite the realms so he or she can reform. Similar to how Trilogy hinted at the coming of Shinnok and DA hinted at the coming of Onaga, it seems somewhere down the line the One Being will be the next threat.
Now, judging from the endings in Deception, and I admit I could be wrong on this, I got the impression that if the One Being is truly reformed then that's it. Game over, everyone's dead. If that's the case then how can the One Being ever become the next boss?
Now, look at Raiden. We see him "sacrifice" himself against Onaga, but he immediatly returns. Which begs the question, why didn't Raiden ever play the "self destruct" card before? When the Deadly Alliance killed the Earth heroes, why didn't Raiden just blow himself up, taking out Shang, Quan Chi and the Undefeatable Army?
Perhaps Raiden knew if he blew himself up, he'd come back different? Maybe he knew there was more risk to it than his existence?
Which brings me to my point: after Raiden blew himself up and was reforming on Earth, was he somehow tainted by the influence of the One Being? Perhaps Raiden's newfound anger and frustration is because he's being unknowingly influenced by the One Being? Maybe Raiden frying Shujinko was more than just punishment for endangering Earthrealm? Maybe the One Being was also pissed Shujinko screwed up his shot at reforming?
In the next game, maybe we'll see Raiden's sanity continue to slip as the One Being's hold on him gets tighter, until eventually it takes over and that will be how the One Being will be the next boss. Maybe he'll use Raiden's body as a vessel, like Onaga is using Reptile's body, and try to unite the realms himself? Or maybe Raiden and the One Being's minds will fuse into one and Raiden will truly become the One Being?
Just imagine, this could be the last line in Raiden's MK7 or MK8 ending:
"There is no more Raiden. There is only...the One Being."
Now, judging from the endings in Deception, and I admit I could be wrong on this, I got the impression that if the One Being is truly reformed then that's it. Game over, everyone's dead. If that's the case then how can the One Being ever become the next boss?
Now, look at Raiden. We see him "sacrifice" himself against Onaga, but he immediatly returns. Which begs the question, why didn't Raiden ever play the "self destruct" card before? When the Deadly Alliance killed the Earth heroes, why didn't Raiden just blow himself up, taking out Shang, Quan Chi and the Undefeatable Army?
Perhaps Raiden knew if he blew himself up, he'd come back different? Maybe he knew there was more risk to it than his existence?
Which brings me to my point: after Raiden blew himself up and was reforming on Earth, was he somehow tainted by the influence of the One Being? Perhaps Raiden's newfound anger and frustration is because he's being unknowingly influenced by the One Being? Maybe Raiden frying Shujinko was more than just punishment for endangering Earthrealm? Maybe the One Being was also pissed Shujinko screwed up his shot at reforming?
In the next game, maybe we'll see Raiden's sanity continue to slip as the One Being's hold on him gets tighter, until eventually it takes over and that will be how the One Being will be the next boss. Maybe he'll use Raiden's body as a vessel, like Onaga is using Reptile's body, and try to unite the realms himself? Or maybe Raiden and the One Being's minds will fuse into one and Raiden will truly become the One Being?
Just imagine, this could be the last line in Raiden's MK7 or MK8 ending:
"There is no more Raiden. There is only...the One Being."

Scorpion Did it

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Dude, that is one kick ass theory. But sorry to say, I don't want it to happen. I would prefer if the One Being takes complete control over Reptiles body, while it is in the shape of Onaga. Then then reshape it to what it looks like. I like Raiden and don't want anything real catastrophic to happen to him, though I wouldn't mind if he got his ass kicked to knock some sense into him.

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You know, this idea also begs another thing...the return of Shinnok...only this time, Shinnok will be in Raiden's former shoes in this situation: the ringleader of the warriors fighting to prevent catastrophe on the realms.
Why do I think this?
Shinnok was most likely one of the original Elder Gods who fought the One Being in the very beginning. Which means if ANYONE knows anything about the One Being, let alone how to kick its ass, it's Shinnok. Plus, Shinnok and Raiden go WAY back.
Why do I think this?
Shinnok was most likely one of the original Elder Gods who fought the One Being in the very beginning. Which means if ANYONE knows anything about the One Being, let alone how to kick its ass, it's Shinnok. Plus, Shinnok and Raiden go WAY back.
What a brilliant post ! It shows a lot of logic
But for some reason , I don't think it's Raiden . Raiden has been one of the "goodies" throughout the range of MK games , and his eyes have been white throughout the time he has been good , but when he becomes evil ( if you like ) his eyes change to red , as seen in deception , which suggests he has turned ( a bit like Anakin Skywalker turning into Darth Vader in Star Wars ) evil . Being a God , I'm sure he can brobably change his eyes when he wants to , but I just don't think it was Raiden , although I like your final line for hime though . Perhaps another evil Elder God , like Shinnok , yet much more powerful is behind it all .
Phew , what a mouthfull ! I don't think it was Scorpion (!) either , but I won't go into that !!!

Phew , what a mouthfull ! I don't think it was Scorpion (!) either , but I won't go into that !!!

About Me
"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."
Joes04 Wrote:
Hey , if the ' one being ' had a name , what would you think it would be ?
Hey , if the ' one being ' had a name , what would you think it would be ?
Bob. Definitely Bob. When in doubt, the answer is always Bob.
As for the idea of Raiden being influenced by the One Being, I've had a similar idea, but I see Raiden being more of a pawn in the One Being's resurrection plot than the actual vessel for his return. In Fujin's MK4 ending, Raiden warned the God of Wind that humanity had (and still has) the capability for self-destruction before he ascended to his former role as Elder God, so that should tell you that Raiden's already got some stress issues with trying to keep humanity from nuking themselves out of existence. That, combined with his intollerance for apathy (as shown by his grudge against the other Elders for not stepping in during the Deadly Alliance crisis), would make it easy for whatever taint of the One Being's control over him to play with his emotions and use them to take out the Earth Warriors. Think about it: Liu Kang and his allies are probably THE penultimate force of good at that time, having taken down an evil sorcerer, Outworld Emperor, and fallen Elder God all in the span of...what, a decade? True, they fell against the Deadly Alliance, but at least they gave it their all to try and stop their mad scheme. They have kicked so much big, bad, evil ass in a relatively short time span than probably anyone within the realms has had in centuries, if not millennia. That makes them a real threat to the One Being's plans, so what better way to exterminate them than to use their mentor - playing his rage towards the seemingly apathetic attitudes by both humanity and the Elder Gods about the former's existence, and his sense of duty for his former position as Earth's Protector against him - as the war machine for their own demise? It's another perfect example of the 'deception' and manipulation of the One Being to influence events to further his own ends.
So, no, Raiden as vessel for the One Being is not something I can see happening. Raiden being the pawn of the One Being, though....
And I agree with most of the people on here that most likely, Onaga will become the vessel for the One Being. I predict that, at the end of MK7 during the final fight, we'll have to fight Onaga after he's become possessed and mutated further by the One Being's subconcious just before he is finally able to merge the realms together and destroy reality as we know it.
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