Scorpions role in MK7?
Mortal Kombat X
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Scorpions role in MK7?
Since Deception's release Scorpion's story had made a complete 360 degree turn around now that he serves the Elder Gods. We are also revealed to new secrets from the Mortal Kombat universe that would very much relate to Scorpion's story. There two ways I think Scorpion could play his new role in Mortal Kombat 7.
Since Raiden had turned away from the Elder Gods and is serving justice in his own manner, I am positive that this will not please the Elder Gods who Scorpion is now serving as their champion. I believe that the Elder Gods had enough resistance from the thunder god and would send Scorpion on a holy mission to destroy Raiden and end his rebellious ways.
In Deception we learned of Noob Saibot's true identity due to Noob-Smoke's ending. If you are a fan of Mortal Kombat you would know that Scorpion's arch enemy is the original Sub-Zero who is now a wraith of his former self and is granted powers from the depths of the Netherealm. If Scorpion decides to continue his vendetta against Noob Saibot who is out to control everything for himself, Scorpion would be torn between serving the Elder Gods and serving himself. In your opinion would you like to see Scorpion follow one of the two paths listed above? Or would you like to see Scorpion follow a whole new path that is unknown?
Since Raiden had turned away from the Elder Gods and is serving justice in his own manner, I am positive that this will not please the Elder Gods who Scorpion is now serving as their champion. I believe that the Elder Gods had enough resistance from the thunder god and would send Scorpion on a holy mission to destroy Raiden and end his rebellious ways.
In Deception we learned of Noob Saibot's true identity due to Noob-Smoke's ending. If you are a fan of Mortal Kombat you would know that Scorpion's arch enemy is the original Sub-Zero who is now a wraith of his former self and is granted powers from the depths of the Netherealm. If Scorpion decides to continue his vendetta against Noob Saibot who is out to control everything for himself, Scorpion would be torn between serving the Elder Gods and serving himself. In your opinion would you like to see Scorpion follow one of the two paths listed above? Or would you like to see Scorpion follow a whole new path that is unknown?

0's hard to say where scorp's new direction is taking him....personally i love both of your ideas....even though the noob saibot route is technically back tracking his story....especially after such a dramatic turn in deception.....i assume his next journey all depends on whether or not the dragon king was in fact destroyed.....and don't forget about quan's not really known if he was destroyed or not.....
personally i'd love to see a raiden/scorpion throwdown.....or maybe see him go in a whole different direction
personally i'd love to see a raiden/scorpion throwdown.....or maybe see him go in a whole different direction

Ugh, pleeeeeeeease dont give Scorpion ANOTHER revenge story. Revenge revenge revenge revenge.........It gets boring. Sorry Scorpion fans but it does.
Personally, i would like to see Scorpion take a whole new role in MK. Personally, I dont buy this whole Champion of The Elder Gods thing......he has basically been evil or neutral and never wished to serve anyone before, so why now all of a sudden.
And as for the Noob thing and him going after Noob, well I personally think that is most likely, but the one I want least. It will make Scorpion all about revenge...AGAIN, and boring.
Scorpion can be so much more. Why dont the ally him with others for once, or have him try and build up a new Shyrai Ryu Clan (or whatever it is called).
Personally, i would like to see Scorpion take a whole new role in MK. Personally, I dont buy this whole Champion of The Elder Gods thing......he has basically been evil or neutral and never wished to serve anyone before, so why now all of a sudden.
And as for the Noob thing and him going after Noob, well I personally think that is most likely, but the one I want least. It will make Scorpion all about revenge...AGAIN, and boring.
Scorpion can be so much more. Why dont the ally him with others for once, or have him try and build up a new Shyrai Ryu Clan (or whatever it is called).
Noob Saibot's a wraith because he died, Scorpion has had his revenge. Scorpion should be sent by the Elder Gods to destroy Raiden. Though I would like Scorpion to discover some kind of greater destiny in the process.

I agree that revenge and vengeance are the paths that Scorpion has been following his entire career, but if the Elder Gods instruct him to defeat Dark Raiden, wouldn't that be repitition of his position in Deception? With his new strengths as the Champion of the Elder Gods, who wouldn't attempt to escape their leash and use the power for their personal benefit? Scorpion could flee the Senate and begin reconstructing the next saga of the Shirai Ryu... Though this would be another form of repitition. Cyborg demons, the Tekunin, the Centaurions... There are too many armies in the reserve all ready. Perhaps he would become Raiden's right-hand man... Maybe. 
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