The Actual Mortal Kombat Tournament
posted03/25/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)by
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09/05/2003 07:16 AM (UTC)
There hasn't been a game that actually outlined the Mortal Kombat tournament itself since the first game when Liu beat Shang Tsung.

Personally, when I imagine MK1 or watch the movie, one of my favourite things is the fighters from Earth getting off of the Nethership and taking the whole thing in.

Also, it would be a perfect excuse to temporarily set aside old characters and bring in some new ones from Earth (especially with the original MK gang getting on in years).

03/23/2005 11:18 AM (UTC)
They have already introduced new Earthrealm heroes, including Kira and Kobra. But I can see your point, that they have lost sight of the actual tournament. The presence is still there in some newer additions when the Deadly Alliance supposedly held it, but Deception was way off. I think if they begin scrapping the tournament all together, change the title. wink
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03/23/2005 11:26 AM (UTC)

This would enable to put good friends against each other, bring toether foes, you get the picture.

What would be great if a supreme tournament would be held, with the representants of the realms, fighting for their lives and elfish goals, while the armies and forces that are about tho engage each other must react to the results of their champion in the MK Tournament.

And this would only be a start.

03/25/2005 12:50 PM (UTC)
I think that the elder gods should interfere with the disturbance of the realms and host a tournament now that Shao Kahn is out of power.

I think that if Mortal Kombat were to revert back into a tournament like setting than the fate of the realms would be determined due to the winner of the tournament, and like the phrase "Winner Takes All" So it would pretty much stack all the evil characters against each other and secret alliances could be formed under the wraps of the tournament.

Since SHao Kahn never obeyed the rules of the Elder Gods, now that he is out of power I believe the Elder Gods are capable of holding a tournament with no disturbances and it will pit each of the realms greatest warriors against each other as representation.

So picture the Olympic Games but with a Mortal Kombat twist and style.
03/25/2005 02:03 PM (UTC)
I just got a very funny image in my head of Quan Chi doing rhythmic gymnastics when you said that.
About Me

what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/25/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)
one problem: the tournament only takes place every 50 years, I don't think we want another Tekken 4
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