What should Sub-Zero and Scorpion look like in MK7 do u think they need to change (story wise , looks wise
Mortal Kombat X
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What should Sub-Zero and Scorpion look like in MK7 do u think they need to change (story wise , looks wise
Sub-Zero : i thought that it was a great change from MKDA TO MKD but kind of getting bored of the same look just altrnated a bit like MKDA 1st costume for subby it was the same as MK3 but in 3D as well as his alternate was from MK1-2-4 so i think its time for a new look for subby and plz plz give him some new moves same crap all the time except for 1 move they change or bring back blah blah blah
Scorpion: Needs to change entirely looks wise and moves wise just keep the spear only because its his signature move and plz plz make him evil again it does not suite him to be a good guy
Scorpion: Needs to change entirely looks wise and moves wise just keep the spear only because its his signature move and plz plz make him evil again it does not suite him to be a good guy

I know there are many like you who like Scorpion the way he is, but times are changing. I strongly believe he will return good as the Champion of the Elder Gods. As appearance changes go, the Elder Gods could grant him a mortal form and remove his mask, exposing a face instead of the flaming skull. His costume should include more brightness and white, but not too much so that it doesn't resemble his past forms. Another spear in his other hand could also open windows for deadly combos and fatalities.
Despite Scorpion being more popular, Sub-Zero has made far more appearances in the Mortal Kombat saga, not to mention his personal title. This is why I believe Sub-Zero will not be included in the seventh game. Frost could possibly awaken stronger and overcome Sub-Zero by stealing the medallion from him. Sorry, but Deadly Alliance can't possibly be the end of her career. Same goes for Stryker.
Despite Scorpion being more popular, Sub-Zero has made far more appearances in the Mortal Kombat saga, not to mention his personal title. This is why I believe Sub-Zero will not be included in the seventh game. Frost could possibly awaken stronger and overcome Sub-Zero by stealing the medallion from him. Sorry, but Deadly Alliance can't possibly be the end of her career. Same goes for Stryker.

The Elder Gods are neutral, and Scorpion still too... we considered the Elder Gods "good" because "fighting" a "evil" force... the Elder Gods don't choice Scorpion and turned "good", they choice him because Scorpion is a neutral force like them...
Here's my opinion...
Scorpion - First off I'd like to say I like what MIdway was doing with making both character's costumes COMPLETELY different from each other, and they should keep up with that. Also, I'm glad they made their defaults and alternates look WAY different, but anyway, I think Scorpion's primary costume should have some kind of holyness to it since he's the champ of elder gods. Still goldish/yellowish of course, and his eyes should still be white(perhaps a bright gold light to sybolise him being the champion of elder gods). His costume should maybe look a little lighter and less heavy, but still very intricate in design and coolness. I think the sword on the back thing could go away, and perhaps on his back the symbol of the elder gods(I almost know for a fact there is no such thing, but Vogel and crew should make one up). For his default it should have nothing to do with his elder god champ status. First of all I think his mask should be off, and perhaps since he's been purified(being the elder god champ and all) we can see his TRUE face, and not a skeleton. I think that would be pretty bad ass, though it might dissapoint some Scorp fans(but I doubt it). Maybe this costume could have a heavier, more netherealmish kind of look with more armor and the swords on the back. Kind of a like a altered version of his MKDA/D costume.
Sub-Zero - I loved what they did with him for MKDA, and I ADORED what they did for him in Deception. Even though tier was Sub-Zero has been mediocre in the past few games, atleast you know you could lose in style! The whole Dragon Armor thing was AWESOME, and since it **SPOILERS COMING*** most likely belonged to the dragon king, perhaps it could not only give him much quicker senses and power, but may also sligtly alter his appearance. Perhaps his eyes could glow read from the power of the dragon amulet and the dragon armor combined, and his skin could turn to a shade of blue(almost making him look dead). His helmet should stay intact, and the overally design of the armor should still be cool, but make it different and interesting enough so that people don't think "damn, I saw this shit in deception!". For his alternate costume I would personally LOVE to se Sub-Zero with long, icy blue hair with his eyes still glowing that bright blue. I think that would be toooo bad ass. In this costume he could still have the dragun amulet, but not the armor. This costume could have more of an old school lin kuei feel to it, but should resemble any of his costumes from MK2-MKDA.
Also, no offense to the other costume designers, but I think only Luis Mangubat should be the one for the job of doing Scorpion and Sub-Zero. That guy kicks ass and knows how to make great costumes.
Scorpion - First off I'd like to say I like what MIdway was doing with making both character's costumes COMPLETELY different from each other, and they should keep up with that. Also, I'm glad they made their defaults and alternates look WAY different, but anyway, I think Scorpion's primary costume should have some kind of holyness to it since he's the champ of elder gods. Still goldish/yellowish of course, and his eyes should still be white(perhaps a bright gold light to sybolise him being the champion of elder gods). His costume should maybe look a little lighter and less heavy, but still very intricate in design and coolness. I think the sword on the back thing could go away, and perhaps on his back the symbol of the elder gods(I almost know for a fact there is no such thing, but Vogel and crew should make one up). For his default it should have nothing to do with his elder god champ status. First of all I think his mask should be off, and perhaps since he's been purified(being the elder god champ and all) we can see his TRUE face, and not a skeleton. I think that would be pretty bad ass, though it might dissapoint some Scorp fans(but I doubt it). Maybe this costume could have a heavier, more netherealmish kind of look with more armor and the swords on the back. Kind of a like a altered version of his MKDA/D costume.
Sub-Zero - I loved what they did with him for MKDA, and I ADORED what they did for him in Deception. Even though tier was Sub-Zero has been mediocre in the past few games, atleast you know you could lose in style! The whole Dragon Armor thing was AWESOME, and since it **SPOILERS COMING*** most likely belonged to the dragon king, perhaps it could not only give him much quicker senses and power, but may also sligtly alter his appearance. Perhaps his eyes could glow read from the power of the dragon amulet and the dragon armor combined, and his skin could turn to a shade of blue(almost making him look dead). His helmet should stay intact, and the overally design of the armor should still be cool, but make it different and interesting enough so that people don't think "damn, I saw this shit in deception!". For his alternate costume I would personally LOVE to se Sub-Zero with long, icy blue hair with his eyes still glowing that bright blue. I think that would be toooo bad ass. In this costume he could still have the dragun amulet, but not the armor. This costume could have more of an old school lin kuei feel to it, but should resemble any of his costumes from MK2-MKDA.
Also, no offense to the other costume designers, but I think only Luis Mangubat should be the one for the job of doing Scorpion and Sub-Zero. That guy kicks ass and knows how to make great costumes.
I love the new look they gave Sub-Zero. Amazing. His story is also evolving, nice.
As for Scorpion, Im happy to say his story has finally changed. Though I hate the idea of him being "champion" because it doesnt fit him, I like his story.
As for his look......still VERY boring.
They should had given him the MONSTER look of MKD. He needs a dramatic change.
As for Scorpion, Im happy to say his story has finally changed. Though I hate the idea of him being "champion" because it doesnt fit him, I like his story.
As for his look......still VERY boring.
They should had given him the MONSTER look of MKD. He needs a dramatic change.
The Monster look was originally going to be Scorpion's alternate costume.
Anyway, I like the looks for both Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
Versatile, you have an interesting idea about Scorpion having his true face since he's now the champion of the Elder Gods.
I also agree with you about how awesome Sub-Zero's costume was in MKD. However, I'm going to disagree with you about there being any connections to the Dragon King's armor. Sindel's ending took place in the Lost Tomb which is near the Sarna Ruins. Sub-Zero found his ancestral armor on a throne in ancient ice ruins.
Anyway, I think his ancestral armor look is fine. However, his alternate could use some modifications. I personally liked the hairstyle he had in MKDA and I think he should have that instead of the bald with ponytail type look like in his MKD alt. Perhaps Sub-Zero could have a ponytail but it should be thin, not big and fluffy like it was in MKD. The rest of the costume was fine.
Anyway, I like the looks for both Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
Versatile, you have an interesting idea about Scorpion having his true face since he's now the champion of the Elder Gods.
I also agree with you about how awesome Sub-Zero's costume was in MKD. However, I'm going to disagree with you about there being any connections to the Dragon King's armor. Sindel's ending took place in the Lost Tomb which is near the Sarna Ruins. Sub-Zero found his ancestral armor on a throne in ancient ice ruins.
Anyway, I think his ancestral armor look is fine. However, his alternate could use some modifications. I personally liked the hairstyle he had in MKDA and I think he should have that instead of the bald with ponytail type look like in his MKD alt. Perhaps Sub-Zero could have a ponytail but it should be thin, not big and fluffy like it was in MKD. The rest of the costume was fine.

Subzero as lead of the LinKuei should look more regal like a boss type character. He looked great in the past 2 games but he is a leader and he should look like one.
Scorpion should be a bit more human.As champion of the elder gods he must represent order.In the past two games we only saw his skull face once in his second costume In MKDA.The skull represents evil and is not befitting of a champion of the elder gods.He himself has been neutral in most of the Mk games.His next look should represent his new path in serving the elder gods.His rebel personality is geting boring.
Scorpion should be a bit more human.As champion of the elder gods he must represent order.In the past two games we only saw his skull face once in his second costume In MKDA.The skull represents evil and is not befitting of a champion of the elder gods.He himself has been neutral in most of the Mk games.His next look should represent his new path in serving the elder gods.His rebel personality is geting boring.

Yea the mask they re-designed was fricken awesome, though i liked the alternate clothing better than the original but that mask jesus christ thats awesome.
As For Scorpion I thought he looked great for having the same look from DA but with a few minor adjustments, and as for the alternate, i liked the old custom once again modifed, but his feet looked retarded and on the loading screen does anyone else feel like his face is stretched a little too much?
and as for the guy who said sub-zero prolly wont be in 7, shit man i got a strong feeling that your right.
As For Scorpion I thought he looked great for having the same look from DA but with a few minor adjustments, and as for the alternate, i liked the old custom once again modifed, but his feet looked retarded and on the loading screen does anyone else feel like his face is stretched a little too much?
and as for the guy who said sub-zero prolly wont be in 7, shit man i got a strong feeling that your right.
Sub won't be in MK7? Two words...YEAH RIGHT! What reason do they have NOT to put him in? Just to spite fans who were pissed off with his laziness with MK as of late like myself? Nah, I doubt it. Scorpion and Sub-Zero will be in all the rest of the MKs till MK no longer exists until fans stop considering them the two most popular characters...which will never happen.

Scorpion needs a majore revamp story wise. His whole revenge thing throught the games has been boring and i dont buy this Elder God Champion stuff either.
Although i dont like Scorpion at all, we are stuck with him, so I would like to see Scorpion ally himself with someone or start up the Shyrai Ryu (thats prob not right lol) and introduce more characters for him to be invovled with.
As for Sub Zero well he seems to evovling storywise quite nicely and noe the whole Noob being his brother story ahs come along, things will get interesting indeed. Maybe Scorp and Noob can from an uneasy alliance to banish Noob Saibot???
As for looks, well they are both pretty different now, as are all the ninjas, male and female. This gives them all independence, yet keeps some similarities too, and stops them from being boring palette swaps.
Although i dont like Scorpion at all, we are stuck with him, so I would like to see Scorpion ally himself with someone or start up the Shyrai Ryu (thats prob not right lol) and introduce more characters for him to be invovled with.
As for Sub Zero well he seems to evovling storywise quite nicely and noe the whole Noob being his brother story ahs come along, things will get interesting indeed. Maybe Scorp and Noob can from an uneasy alliance to banish Noob Saibot???
As for looks, well they are both pretty different now, as are all the ninjas, male and female. This gives them all independence, yet keeps some similarities too, and stops them from being boring palette swaps.

Sub-Zero sucks in MKD. they could have come up with something better than a shredder rip off. and his alternate reveals his religion... Hari Krishna! and where is the scar!? that was cool! (no pun intended). MKDA wasn't that bad, exept he was a friggin geezer! if he is the younger Sub-Zero, it's a wonder Noob Saibot doesn't have 'walker' as a weapon.
MKKitana Wrote:
Scorpion needs a majore revamp story wise. His whole revenge thing throught the games has been boring and i dont buy this Elder God Champion stuff either.
Although i dont like Scorpion at all, we are stuck with him, so I would like to see Scorpion ally himself with someone or start up the Shyrai Ryu (thats prob not right lol) and introduce more characters for him to be invovled with.
Scorpion needs a majore revamp story wise. His whole revenge thing throught the games has been boring and i dont buy this Elder God Champion stuff either.
Although i dont like Scorpion at all, we are stuck with him, so I would like to see Scorpion ally himself with someone or start up the Shyrai Ryu (thats prob not right lol) and introduce more characters for him to be invovled with.
I 100% agree.
Kano_rulz Wrote:
Sub-Zero sucks in MKD. they could have come up with something better than a shredder rip off. and his alternate reveals his religion... Hari Krishna! and where is the scar!? that was cool! (no pun intended). MKDA wasn't that bad, exept he was a friggin geezer! if he is the younger Sub-Zero, it's a wonder Noob Saibot doesn't have 'walker' as a weapon.
Sub-Zero sucks in MKD. they could have come up with something better than a shredder rip off. and his alternate reveals his religion... Hari Krishna! and where is the scar!? that was cool! (no pun intended). MKDA wasn't that bad, exept he was a friggin geezer! if he is the younger Sub-Zero, it's a wonder Noob Saibot doesn't have 'walker' as a weapon.
Nah, the Shredder-like helmet is fine as it is. I personally think it has that Grandmaster feel to it. As for his alternate costume, the person/people who designed that costume wanted Sub-Zero to have more of that Chinese feel to him. However, I don't like the fact that they made him bald. They could've given him his MKDA hairstyle with a ponytail similar to Dairou's.
Btw, Sub-Zero's religion would most likely be Taoism/Daoism, not Hinduism.

About Me
I like Scorpion the way he is. I like the revenge on Quan Chi thing, but what do you think he's getting out of the champion of elder gods thing? My guess is either is family, or if Quan Chi is proven dead; the elder gods will resurect him.
Sub-Zero, I kind of miss the scar, is alright. His costume may have a Shredder look to it but it reeks of Lin Kuei Grandmaster. I would like his alternate costume to have him unmasked but not tone down on the concept of him being the grandmaster.
Sub-Zero, I kind of miss the scar, is alright. His costume may have a Shredder look to it but it reeks of Lin Kuei Grandmaster. I would like his alternate costume to have him unmasked but not tone down on the concept of him being the grandmaster.
Why does everyone assume that Scorpion is one of the good guys? The elders never gave a shit about human fates, but only acted on behalf of the entire universe. Scorpion is a champion: yes, but think of it as an agent.
And Scorpion hasn't dropped his plan of vengeance. If Quan Chi is dead by any matter, he will enjoy going back to the nethers, torturing him for a long time.
Also, why does Scorpion acts on the behalf of the elders? Most possibly the specter cannot be bargained with, unless you offer something in exchange what he desires the most: ...you guessed!
look forward to this agent-champion plotline. Scor[pion still retains his vicioyusness, only now in the servitude of powers unpredictable.
And Scorpion hasn't dropped his plan of vengeance. If Quan Chi is dead by any matter, he will enjoy going back to the nethers, torturing him for a long time.
Also, why does Scorpion acts on the behalf of the elders? Most possibly the specter cannot be bargained with, unless you offer something in exchange what he desires the most: ...you guessed!
look forward to this agent-champion plotline. Scor[pion still retains his vicioyusness, only now in the servitude of powers unpredictable.

and as for the guy who said sub-zero prolly wont be in 7, shit man i got a strong feeling that your right.
Sub Zero is one of the most popular characters of the whole MK series along with Scorpion. Ed Boon has said it himself that Scorpion and Sub Zero will be in every Mortal Kombat as long as he is around.

About Me
Chrome Wrote:
On that I can only agree...MK1 ninjas are the best
On that I can only agree...MK1 ninjas are the best
Their MK1 outfits look like raincoats.
I would like Reptile to do what he used to do though, drop little hints on how to fight him.
Think of the Ermac jokes the could do.....
Change is always a good thing for these two characters.
For Sub-Zero his look has greatly improved over the years and many would agree with me. His new armor is troubling me thougn, although the look is not that bad, the armor seems very important to Sub-Zero and I don't think he would be taking it off any time soon, so do you guys think he would have almost the same look in Mortal Kombat 7? I can't see any possible storyline directions he could go to change his look but keep that knowledge with him unless... (Okay off topic, I love writing in threads and get inspired new ideas, just disregard that last scentece I just said.)
Anyway, his storyline is getting real juicy now in regards to Noob Saibot. I would love to see brother against brother. Sub-Zero represents nobility and humanity while Noob Saibot is cold blooded and is a wraith. But yet I would see Sub-Zero show love to Noob Saibot while Noob Saibot would think quite differently. Also, I could see Scorpion coming back in Sub-Zero's life after 2 games. But this time, an enemy yet again but without the personal vendetta. That would all be pointed towards Noob Saibot.
Scorpion however could change alot in terms of looks, but I am fond of what he has right now. There are some pretty kick ass designs people think of and I fully support that.
In terms of story, Scorpion is progressing in a positive way. Scorpion is shaping up to become one of the pivotal characters in the Mortal Kombat storyline rather than portraying the wild card role he usually does. Scorpion is a neutral character and in my eyes will always. Remember Scorpion is still not a good guy even though he serves the Elder Gods, Raiden guided all the good guys against their will. And I picture the Elder Gods with no remorse, and they are now in terms Scorpion's "Bosses" I would expect to see Scorpion gain a reputation and be feared as a champion.
But Scorpion's vendetta I think should still burn strong within him. So he would be battling himself also while battling enemies of the Elder Gods. I would love to see Scorpion having to face the fact of not obeying the Elder Gods and go after Noob Saibot, and if he makes that move there is no turning back and Scorpion would be just as ruthless and mabey even more so against everyone that stands in his way. Only the future can tell.
For Sub-Zero his look has greatly improved over the years and many would agree with me. His new armor is troubling me thougn, although the look is not that bad, the armor seems very important to Sub-Zero and I don't think he would be taking it off any time soon, so do you guys think he would have almost the same look in Mortal Kombat 7? I can't see any possible storyline directions he could go to change his look but keep that knowledge with him unless... (Okay off topic, I love writing in threads and get inspired new ideas, just disregard that last scentece I just said.)
Anyway, his storyline is getting real juicy now in regards to Noob Saibot. I would love to see brother against brother. Sub-Zero represents nobility and humanity while Noob Saibot is cold blooded and is a wraith. But yet I would see Sub-Zero show love to Noob Saibot while Noob Saibot would think quite differently. Also, I could see Scorpion coming back in Sub-Zero's life after 2 games. But this time, an enemy yet again but without the personal vendetta. That would all be pointed towards Noob Saibot.
Scorpion however could change alot in terms of looks, but I am fond of what he has right now. There are some pretty kick ass designs people think of and I fully support that.
In terms of story, Scorpion is progressing in a positive way. Scorpion is shaping up to become one of the pivotal characters in the Mortal Kombat storyline rather than portraying the wild card role he usually does. Scorpion is a neutral character and in my eyes will always. Remember Scorpion is still not a good guy even though he serves the Elder Gods, Raiden guided all the good guys against their will. And I picture the Elder Gods with no remorse, and they are now in terms Scorpion's "Bosses" I would expect to see Scorpion gain a reputation and be feared as a champion.
But Scorpion's vendetta I think should still burn strong within him. So he would be battling himself also while battling enemies of the Elder Gods. I would love to see Scorpion having to face the fact of not obeying the Elder Gods and go after Noob Saibot, and if he makes that move there is no turning back and Scorpion would be just as ruthless and mabey even more so against everyone that stands in his way. Only the future can tell.
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