What tweaks/additions to MKX would make this game perfect?
posted07/04/2016 04:14 AM (UTC)by
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

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06/25/2004 09:21 AM (UTC)
Lingering hope of a new patch for MKX made me wonder, what would really make this game that much more enjoyable for me?

From a gameplay perspective, I'd like to be able to punish jumping more effectively. I considered toning down the safe 50/50's, but that's pretty much the foundation the damn game is built on. At least the ability to punish jump ins would make it more difficult for foes to get in close and start flipping the coin.

In addition to that, and this is a biggie...I'd like to see free invincible frames or a free hit of armor for wake ups to return. As it stands now, you have to spend a bar for this benefit. If the 50/50's are going to stay, I feel like this is another way to keep them in check, and make your opponent be more thoughtful about running in and just throwing out random pressure.

I really feel like these two changes would positively effect this game in a big way, and make neutral mean something again.

I'd like this to be suggestions from a gameplay perspective, but if you insist on throwing in what character you want, that's fine as long as you also add in what gameplay you'd like to see altered.

Anxious to see the replies.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
07/01/2016 01:42 AM (UTC)
There are some things I would make to make the game perfect, where to start.

1. Have easier ways to unlock some of the skins like Revenant Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc... because not every MK fan plays online (or is good online) or uses the mobile version. Do like what they did with unlocking Revenant Jax and Sub-Zero.

2. Have more cameos from characters in Story Mode who probably will not be in future games just as a nice nod. It seems when I read the comic and played both MK games, a good chunk of the whole MK roster got killed off leaving room for the next generation to take up the plate.

3. It's a plot hole that got ignored and no one cares, but whatever happened to the time-travel medallion Rayden had in MK (2011)?

Those would be some things I'd add.
About Me


07/03/2016 02:03 PM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:1. Have easier ways to unlock some of the skins like Revenant Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc... because not every MK fan plays online (or is good online) or uses the mobile version. Do like what they did with unlocking Revenant Jax and Sub-Zero.

This definitely. There's no way to complete the unlocks without these ridiculous criteria. It would be best if there is this way to unlock and an alternative. i.e. Win x amount of matches online OR spend x amount of hours in training mode. Both would work but you would only need to achieve one.

Things i would change: The speed. Seriously, does anyone think it would benefit from being just a little slower? I play MK9, which is already quick enough. Then i visit my friend and play MKX - The thing that hits me like a ton of bricks is the game is on amphetamines.

Training mode: Don't get me wrong, i like the free do-whatever-you-like to a punchbag mode, but i would really appreciate a more direct tutelage as well. Like konquest in MKDA/MKD, you go through and learn the moves, combos and specials of each character methodically. With MK9 & MKX there is no teaching. Just dropped in at the deep end. What with the variation system making the kombat itself very complex, and the large roster, there's just so much to learn and a real need for a more in-depth training mode.
07/04/2016 04:14 AM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
Venkman28 Wrote:1. Have easier ways to unlock some of the skins like Revenant Liu Kang, Kung Lao, etc... because not every MK fan plays online (or is good online) or uses the mobile version. Do like what they did with unlocking Revenant Jax and Sub-Zero.

This definitely. There's no way to complete the unlocks without these ridiculous criteria. It would be best if there is this way to unlock and an alternative. i.e. Win x amount of matches online OR spend x amount of hours in training mode. Both would work but you would only need to achieve one

I somewhat agree with you but also don't. I'm fucking terrible online and I managed to unlock every skin except Hotshot Johnny (which I had to let my friend kill him 10 times consecutively). I really enjoyed the challenge, it definitely took me a while and a fair amount of frustration going up against some really good players. The pay off was sweet though, reminded me of playing games when I was a kid when you had to actively work at something to get better.

But yeah, where I agree with you the is Hotshot Johnny skin. I couldn't get good enough to earn 10 consecutive wins in a KOTH scenario, so having an alternative way to unlock it would have been nice.
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