What would be some better Fatalities?
posted03/29/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/15/2004 08:58 PM (UTC)
If Ed Boon and his group really do visit this site and read the posts they really need some good ideas from fans on what good fatalities are. I mean the reason the whole game was popular(besides a great story) was the invention of the fatality.
Here's a few ideas

-Longer fatalities
-Throw on some slow motion camera shots and more camera angles(some say the slow motion thing is played out but it isn't in movies and and definitely not in vodeo games)
-Better looking blood
-I would have to say one of the best fatalities in MKD was when Sub Zero freezes your bottom half then comes up kicks your top half off and then slowly walks to you as you scream(nice add showing the fear and pain) and then he stomps on you to put you to rest.

Here's a very simple old fatalitiy but done right could look great! Take Kung Lao's old hat fatality from MK2 where he slices you in half. Have a camera circle around him and the oponent he takes his hat off and in slow motion he slices the guy in half with some really good shots like the camera followong the hat down up close and really good sound effects then after that show a high angle shot with him doing it fast and another close up of the face with blood seeping through the skin and a mid to long shot of him either falling in half showing the insides in good detail or the person taking a step then falling in half.
In my opinion a simple fatality but when done right a masterpiece.

Would love to hear some ideastongue
03/21/2005 03:07 PM (UTC)
Anybody with some fresh ideas or opinions.
03/21/2005 08:02 PM (UTC)
I guess no one really likes fatalities all that much.sad
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Sticks And Pucks May Break My Nuts, But Body Checks Never Hurt Me

03/21/2005 08:18 PM (UTC)
I think it would be great if the MK Team recreated Kung Lao's hat slice fatality from MK2. In my opinion it would look great in 3D. They should also recreate Scorpion's "Toasty" fatality. I was really wishing that was one of his fatalities in MK:D, but it wasn't unfortunately. I also believe Liu Kang's dragon animality would look just amazing in full 3D. If the MK Team does actually come to this site, hopefully they'll see these ideas and quite possibly put them into MK7. The MK Team could really make MK great and flourish if they went old school in the "new school" 3D MK games. Meaning bringing back old fatalities, old arenas, etc...

Peace Out
03/21/2005 08:35 PM (UTC)
Liu Kangs Dragon Fatality would really good in 3D. I thought they were gonns do it for MKD. One thing about the toasty though I dont think theyve mastered thr creation of fire yet. It doesnt look good to me in the fatalities. If they did do it right though it would look good.furious
About Me

Sticks And Pucks May Break My Nuts, But Body Checks Never Hurt Me

03/21/2005 10:57 PM (UTC)
FireBurner Wrote:
Liu Kangs Dragon Fatality would really good in 3D. I thought they were gonns do it for MKD. One thing about the toasty though I dont think theyve mastered the creation of fire yet. It doesnt look good to me in the fatalities. If they did do it right though it would look good.furious

Quite true, the fire used in Bo Rai Cho, Liu Kang and who ever else had fire in their fatalities look terrible. If the MK Team could just master the look of fire and make the fire look good, then I think the "toasty" fatality would look brilliant as well as other fatalities that use fire. I also thought they were going to give Liu Kang his dragon fatality in MK:D but they didnt, oh well. Liu Kang's fatalities and Hara-Kiri sucked. The MK Team could have made them way better. They actually could have made a lot of the fatalities way better IMO.

Peace Out
03/22/2005 11:31 PM (UTC)
I would have to agree. I would love to see some old fatalities redone in 3D. I dont see why they dont have better fatalities. Its not like fatalities are a big part of the game right. WRONG! Ya think they would have a couple of people just focused on how people should be killed in fatalities. Or if anyone had anygood ideas in the public and showed them the MK team might consider them.(maybe)
OK, now it's my turn. A few months ago i started to think about MK7 with new ideas. I think that some old fatalities should be in MK7, like Kung Lao's hat slice from MK2 or Scorpions toasty, BUT with more details. Ok, here some examples for some new fatalities:

Jade: she beat the opponent with her staff into chest, arms, legs, stomach. i think about 50 times ( yes, like a brutality ). you see little blutclouds when the staff hits, but nothing more. The opponent screams in pain and knees to jade after the hitstorm is over. Then jade jumps up, she takes her staff for this jump like a highjumper ( i don't know the right word to describe it in english, sry), and kicks the opponent head. The spinal breaks from the neck to the back, like in Romeo must die. then a nice pose from jade and... FATALITY!!!grin

I think Boon should make fatalities which you can only do with walls. One more example:

Mileena: ( hard to describe, cause i'm german, but i try it ) she takes her sais and kick it into the oppent arms with such power that he hits the wall and get pinned. The opponent can't move and bet for mercy. Mileena goes to him and take another two sai's and stab him in a series. Blood spreads out of the wounds ( you can also the the wounds ). Then she stabbed the sai's in the opponent eyes... FATALITY!!!

Ok, i got about 30 ideas of new and old ( updated ) fatalities. I thought about new characters and i got 5grin

But the main thing i don't like in MK:D was the fatalities. Some of them are great like the two of Sub Zero, but most of them.... no commentwink
If Boon make the next fatalities with more details... that would be awesome. And bring some good old fatalities back in 3D!!! I hope Boon read itsmile
03/26/2005 01:51 AM (UTC)
Here's another Idea

Baraka Fatality

1. He slits your throat and he waits a seconds as you grasp your neck while blood is pouring out.
2. He takes his blade and stabs you in the head and rips it off.
3. He does this so fast your body is still alive and stumbles a little bit before falling down with blood still pouring out.
4. And like a prize he holds your head up in the air on his blade.
About Me

what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/26/2005 03:00 AM (UTC)
he sticks his hand in your chest and lifts you in the air by your heart. he squeezes and a crunchy squishy sound is heard. as you scream, he lasers off your limbs, then finally vaporizes your head
03/26/2005 04:26 AM (UTC)
This one isnt the greatest but an idea


1.Freezes a slanted ice spike behind opponent
2.Kicks opponent in the head with force and they fly back into the thin ice spike with their head.
3.As they hang from the spike they twitch and Sub-Zero comes up to them and pulls them fiercely and quickly by the legs.
4.The body is thrown across the screen as the head and spine stay attached to the spike.
03/28/2005 07:39 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero should have his original fatility where he gathers ice from the air then freezes them and finally slides over and uppercuts them into ice cubes, but details need to be added. the opponet needs to wake up while subzero taunts them. Sub needs to then gather the ice from the air while the opponet gets ready to charge. When the opponet jumps to kick him at a distance he throws the icy ball at them freezing them. The camera goes into slow motion. right when the opponet flies overhead he does a sliding uppercut to make ice cubes out of them. What ya think.he also needs the head rip from mk4.confused
03/28/2005 07:43 PM (UTC)
HockeyPlaya Wrote:
I think it would be great if the MK Team recreated Kung Lao's hat slice fatality from MK2. In my opinion it would look great in 3D.

I was going to say that. They are just too lazy to do the animations for it.sad I'd like to see alot of the older fatalities come back. Especially fatalities with skin ripping (Like in Sindel's scream MK3)
03/28/2005 08:14 PM (UTC)
I'm really good at thinking up some creative fatalities, so I'll just do two since I'm in school. Also, I think it would be really cool to be able to rip off opponent's limbs or break bones DURING combat too, with the exception of the head. That way it could alter gameplay, similar to the impaling factor of Deadly Alliance

1) Freezes the opponent's arm
2) Rips it off
3) Beats them down with it(similar to Quan Chi's MK4)
4) Once they're on the ground, crawling away, he kicks them in the stomache, forcing them to cough out blood
5) Once they do, he shoves the arm in their mouth, ripping through the back of their head

1) Walks up to the enemy and rips their eyes out in one motion
2) While they're holding their eyes, screaming in pain, he reaches over and rips off their jaw
3) He casually walks behind the enemy and kicks them to the ground
4) While they're squirming, he puts one foot on their back
5) Scorpion then thrusts his hand into the opponent's back
6) When he retracts his hand, half of the enemy's spinal cord comes with it

I actually have a lot more that are better, but I only have 5 minutes to post this.
03/28/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
I like the Sub-Zero one. Heres another one I just thought up.

Shang-Tsung 2

1.Starts by summoning evil souls
2.Then he sends them through the body back and fourth and he sends more and more where in the end they come from behind all at once and pulls the opponents soul out with some fight from the opponents soul.
3.They pull the soul out kicking and yelling fighting, where they then pull the soul back to Shang-Tsung into his body.

I'm proud of this one but the souls i'm envisioning are detailed and scary lookin' and I dont think the MK Team would want to put enough effort towards it.
03/28/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
I have a simple one for Quan Chi.

1) Makes a portal with his amulet.
2) Throws opponent in the portal.
3) Closes the portal.
4) Opens another portal in which the body parts of the opponent fly out.

I'll think of some more later.
03/29/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)
Here's one for Baraka:

1) Baraka pulls out his blades
2) He runs behind them and shoves them through the opponent's head from behing
3) He hops on their back with his blades in their head and wraps his legs around their stomache
4) Baraka starts to knaw on the enemy's neck from behind until he eats it clear off the shoulders
4) With blood dripping down his mouth and blades, he thrusts his arm outwards, slicing the head in half.
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