Who should have possession of Onagas Amulet?
Mortal Kombat X
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Who should have possession of Onagas Amulet?
posted05/08/2005 03:25 AM (UTC)by

Question self-explanatory.

not exactly, which amulet? Shinnok's, Sub-Zero's, who's?
Sub-Zero's Amulet: Frost
Shinnok's Amulet: Dark Raiden
merged Kamidogu: Shujinko (or) Elder Gods
Shinnok's Amulet: Dark Raiden
merged Kamidogu: Shujinko (or) Elder Gods

It would be better if you guys and gals elaborate:
"Kahn after killing Onaga finds the opportunity to snatch the Amulet."
Anything on those lines.
"Kahn after killing Onaga finds the opportunity to snatch the Amulet."
Anything on those lines.

sub zeros amulet: sub zero duhhhhh
shinooks amulet:shinook or shao kahn
merged kamidogu:shinook he will become very powerful
shinooks amulet:shinook or shao kahn
merged kamidogu:shinook he will become very powerful

migueltwecorral Wrote:
Sub-Zero's Amulet: Frost
Shinnok's Amulet: Dark Raiden
merged Kamidogu: Shujinko (or) Elder Gods
dude, Frost died. she went freezey (opposite of explodey).Sub-Zero's Amulet: Frost
Shinnok's Amulet: Dark Raiden
merged Kamidogu: Shujinko (or) Elder Gods

Wasnt the whole deal of the amulet thing suppose to be Quan Chi's but then Raiden went and killed it killing them all cept The D. K and then quoting Shujinko Onaga finally had what he needed.

About Me
The amulet belongs rightfully to the Gods. Now that Raiden is on the edge of sanity perhaps he will come to own it. And rightfully so since it did belong to a god before it even came to Onaga's possession.
Shinnok--> Elder Gods--> Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot--> Quan Chi--> Onaga --> ???(Hopefully Raiden).
Shinnok--> Elder Gods--> Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot--> Quan Chi--> Onaga --> ???(Hopefully Raiden).

About Me
I, Cleric
dark raiden. probably the next boss as well. the next boss will most likely be the one being if its possible or a classic character

About Me

As for Shinnok's amulet, there are four possible people whose hands it will fall into next.
Shao Kahn
I'm willing to bet that if RAIDEN ends up with the amulet next, Shinnok will likely return taking the role Raiden once held...the leader of the good guys. It's very possible, actually. Because if ANYBODY aside from Raiden knows anything about the "One Being", it's Shinnok, because even though both are former Elder Gods, Shinnok was most likely one of the original six Elder Gods that kicked the One Being's ass, while Raiden didn't become an Elder God until after MK4. And if Raiden happens to be the next to fall under the One Being's influence, then only Shinnok will know how to take Raiden down. After all, Shinnok and Raiden DO go way back.
Now Shao Kahn may see the amulet as a powerful tool in conquering the Realms. After all, Shinnok did use this same amulet to get into Earthrealm without any intervention from the Elder Gods. Quan Chi used it to escape the Netherrealm. However, I don't think Shao Kahn knows everything this amulet is capable of, because I think he is unfamiliar with it. But I'm sure the One Being knows, and the One Being has been manipulating both Onaga and Shao Kahn, without either of them knowing. So I'm sure the One Being manipulated both the overthrow of Onaga AND Onaga's return to power. So I am pretty certain that if Shao Kahn is unfamiliar with the amulet's whole potential, it is because the One Being denied him that information. Now, even with Shao Kahn's new storyline, there is a possibility that towards the end of MKD, Shao Kahn could learn the truth behind Onaga's rise to power, his own rise to power, and Onaga's resurrection; that he was merely a pawn of the One Being; a pawn being used to merge the realms into one in an effort to destroy all existence, and that the One Being used Shao Kahn to overthrow Onaga, only to have Outworld return to Onaga's rule. If that happened, there are quite a few possibilities as to what might happen from there. I'm still thinking about those at the moment.
Shujinko unknowingly handed the very fate of the realms to Onaga, and thus, indirectly did the same to the One Being. I am certain he knows that the amulet is connected to the Kamidogu. During his quest to retrieve the Kamidogu, he did learn that Quan Chi used the amulet to escape from the Netherrealm. But I don't think there's much he'd want to do with that amulet. Then again, given Raiden's MKD ending, the amulet may end up in Raiden's hands.
Now Scorpion is revealed to be the true champion of the Elder Gods. The only thing I see Scorpion doing with the amulet is handing it over to the Elder Gods, themselves. I don't think Scorpion's the type who seeks material gain.
There is a strong possibility that Quan Chi is still alive, given the fact that his fortress has an inner sanctum where he can place himself in to recharge his sorcery powers, or send fake versions of himself across the realms and trick people into thinking they killed him, when they really haven't. But if that's the case, then Quan Chi has done to Onaga the same thing he did to Shinnok; handed Onaga a bogus amulet while the real one remains in the sorcerer's possession. And if that's the case, then only a bogus amulet would be changing hands at the end of MKD. However, if Onaga happened to get his hands on the REAL amulet, then that most likely means that Quan Chi is dead.
We'll have to wait until MK7 to see who now has possession of the amulet.
My opinion is that the amulet should fall into either Shao Kahn's hands or Raiden's. Raiden seems to be the most likely candidate, though.
Shao Kahn
I'm willing to bet that if RAIDEN ends up with the amulet next, Shinnok will likely return taking the role Raiden once held...the leader of the good guys. It's very possible, actually. Because if ANYBODY aside from Raiden knows anything about the "One Being", it's Shinnok, because even though both are former Elder Gods, Shinnok was most likely one of the original six Elder Gods that kicked the One Being's ass, while Raiden didn't become an Elder God until after MK4. And if Raiden happens to be the next to fall under the One Being's influence, then only Shinnok will know how to take Raiden down. After all, Shinnok and Raiden DO go way back.
Now Shao Kahn may see the amulet as a powerful tool in conquering the Realms. After all, Shinnok did use this same amulet to get into Earthrealm without any intervention from the Elder Gods. Quan Chi used it to escape the Netherrealm. However, I don't think Shao Kahn knows everything this amulet is capable of, because I think he is unfamiliar with it. But I'm sure the One Being knows, and the One Being has been manipulating both Onaga and Shao Kahn, without either of them knowing. So I'm sure the One Being manipulated both the overthrow of Onaga AND Onaga's return to power. So I am pretty certain that if Shao Kahn is unfamiliar with the amulet's whole potential, it is because the One Being denied him that information. Now, even with Shao Kahn's new storyline, there is a possibility that towards the end of MKD, Shao Kahn could learn the truth behind Onaga's rise to power, his own rise to power, and Onaga's resurrection; that he was merely a pawn of the One Being; a pawn being used to merge the realms into one in an effort to destroy all existence, and that the One Being used Shao Kahn to overthrow Onaga, only to have Outworld return to Onaga's rule. If that happened, there are quite a few possibilities as to what might happen from there. I'm still thinking about those at the moment.
Shujinko unknowingly handed the very fate of the realms to Onaga, and thus, indirectly did the same to the One Being. I am certain he knows that the amulet is connected to the Kamidogu. During his quest to retrieve the Kamidogu, he did learn that Quan Chi used the amulet to escape from the Netherrealm. But I don't think there's much he'd want to do with that amulet. Then again, given Raiden's MKD ending, the amulet may end up in Raiden's hands.
Now Scorpion is revealed to be the true champion of the Elder Gods. The only thing I see Scorpion doing with the amulet is handing it over to the Elder Gods, themselves. I don't think Scorpion's the type who seeks material gain.
There is a strong possibility that Quan Chi is still alive, given the fact that his fortress has an inner sanctum where he can place himself in to recharge his sorcery powers, or send fake versions of himself across the realms and trick people into thinking they killed him, when they really haven't. But if that's the case, then Quan Chi has done to Onaga the same thing he did to Shinnok; handed Onaga a bogus amulet while the real one remains in the sorcerer's possession. And if that's the case, then only a bogus amulet would be changing hands at the end of MKD. However, if Onaga happened to get his hands on the REAL amulet, then that most likely means that Quan Chi is dead.
We'll have to wait until MK7 to see who now has possession of the amulet.
My opinion is that the amulet should fall into either Shao Kahn's hands or Raiden's. Raiden seems to be the most likely candidate, though.
Kano_rulz Wrote:
migueltwecorral Wrote:
Sub-Zero's Amulet: Frost
Shinnok's Amulet: Dark Raiden
merged Kamidogu: Shujinko (or) Elder Gods
dude, Frost died. she went freezey (opposite of explodey).Sub-Zero's Amulet: Frost
Shinnok's Amulet: Dark Raiden
merged Kamidogu: Shujinko (or) Elder Gods
How about a Noob Frost, why not? They all ready made a Noob Saibot out of Classic Sub~Zero?
Bloodline666 Wrote:
As for Shinnok's amulet, there are four possible people whose hands it will fall into next.
Shao Kahn
My opinion is that the amulet should fall into either Shao Kahn's hands or Raiden's. Raiden seems to be the most likely candidate, though.
As for Shinnok's amulet, there are four possible people whose hands it will fall into next.
Shao Kahn
My opinion is that the amulet should fall into either Shao Kahn's hands or Raiden's. Raiden seems to be the most likely candidate, though.
Now I know she's not very popular (she happens to be one of my favorite charcters tho).... but what about Tanya? Has anyone considered her ending to be the outcome??
For the longest time now (ever since the release of MK4 anyway) I've been mentioning the idea of a female boss. If not Tanya.... then let it be some other evil female character!!!
IMO A female should dominate the next game/storyline. It'd be fresh.... and doing so would also provide more time to elaborate more on the background for this "One Beiing".
Anyone intersted in viewing a sketch of Tanya with the Amulet (Strapped to her thigh) take a look at this:
(Drawn by myself BTW)
The Elder Gods should have Onaga's Amulet
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