Did You Know
posted03/05/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I felt that these two videos might intrigue some of you, that is if you have never seen or heard of these videos:

Part Two

I thought when they covered about Noob's name in this was really funny because I remember how some people were making such a HUGE fuss about how "Noob Saibot" was announced, but his name only showed up as "Noob" on his lifebar. Well, this video explains why that is.

There are other stuff that they mention in these videos that have been known for quite some time, but I thought I would share these just for anyone's amusement or if they really didn't know something. Enjoy.
03/05/2014 05:34 AM (UTC)
Yeah I even tried to get this in via a news lead last year. It basically recaps what has already been known by some but it's nonetheless worth a watch.
03/05/2014 06:18 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I thought when they covered about Noob's name in this was really funny because I remember how some people were making such a HUGE fuss about how "Noob Saibot" was announced, but his name only showed up as "Noob" on his lifebar. Well, this video explains why that is..

Perhaps, but "Noob is his name and Saibot is his shadow's name" is a REALLY dumb idea, because giving it a name implies that the shadow-clone is alive and has its own identity, and it's not a living thing at all, Noob just has the power to turn his shadow into an animated object.

It'd be the same thing as if a Green Lantern started naming the things he makes with his ring, or if Sub-Zero started naming his ice clones, or if Johnny Cage started naming all the green afterimages of himself he leaves behind when he does his moves, or if Kenshi named the glowy blue clone his moves now make in MK9.

And Noob didn't even have shadow clone moves in some of the games he's been in where he was called "Noob Saibot'. Also, in Deception and Armageddon, characters even call him "Noob Saibot", not just "Noob", they say it like it's his full first and last name, not the team name of two people. Nobody's ever called him "Noob and Saibot".

Also, none of this changes the fact that the text displayed on the screen really ought to always exactly match what the announcer is saying. Even if it's done on purpose, it LOOKS like a glitch or developer mistake when they don't match. That's not just a problem that happens to Noob. Sonya's lifebar says "Sonya Blade" but the announcer only says "Sonya wins". It just creates the appearance that someone didn't proofread what they were doing in development, even if that's not necessarily true.

It just kinda adds to this pile of little things in MK9 that sure, each individual one seems unimportant by itself. Like "oh, Scorpion's sword looks glitchy when he does his win pose, big deal, it doesn't break the game, whatever"...I understand the people who choose not to complain about that stuff...but the little things add up. And other games like Street Fighter or Xbone Killer Instinct either don't have these little glitches at release and are completely polished, or they always bother to fix the bugs, even the tiny, unimportant seeming graphical ones, when they put out a patch. It just makes NRS games look less well made by comparison.

Granted, I don't know if Injustice has any unpatched visual bugs or not. Hopefully they're getting better about this stuff and didn't make the same mistakes they made with MK9. But you never know, I mean, they got better at modelling realistic looking skin on the characters while at the same time got super-worse at modelling female facial features. It seems like they're always making one step forward and one step back at the same time.
03/05/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
It'd be an insult to co-creator Johnny Saibot to suggest that his namesake would be nothing but a shadow. It would be interesting to find out what Black Kryptonite or an object with similar traits would do to Noob Saibot.
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