How powerful do you guys think Reiko should be?
posted01/10/2021 07:15 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/15/2020 10:11 PM (UTC)

The guy was originally planned to be Shao Kahn reincarnated but they scrapped that. Still I believe the man that was so closely linked to Kahn should be a massive powerhouse. I like the idea of him also having hell fire since he was a general of the undead but I wouldn't want to take away from Scorpion. What about you guys? Any ideas on how to make him a beast?

03/03/2021 10:18 PM (UTC)Edited 03/03/2021 11:04 PM (UTC)

With the impression of the Principal (in MK4), I reminisce of seeing a juvenile Kahn side in Reiko with his conduct, dark or not. Only difference being him having his way of modest pitying compared to the Emperor, but remaining ruthless in Netherrealm and Outworld (cancellations aside). Travelling through time gateways with the late conqueror versus the modern conqueror (think a Terminator 2 scenario) would've been cool, if they were the same being (or like 2 warriors in 1 body, at a point). He could make use of the Keeper of Time, but I'd see him failing in his goal to become a ruler (he's not quite at that level).

03/04/2021 05:39 AM (UTC)

To sum the last post up, what I'm trying to say is maybe at some point Reiko had an out of body experience with Shao Kahn upon his discovery of the General, like how Onaga chose Reptile as his vessel. I'm glad it was unveiled they're there own characters though and it's not proved this happened.

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04/30/2021 02:02 PM (UTC)

I never have seen Reiko more powerful than Johnny Cage, I mean he's ambitious, but he's the kind of character that would fall before so much power. He was killed by Havik after being betrayed by the Blood Magic, so I don't think he's smart or strong enough to be a Boss or sub Boss.

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