idea for a ermac what if storyline. (alt characters storylines.)
posted04/09/2012 05:47 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
i was thinking of comic books a few days ago and i remember reading a what if storyline involving the death of wolverine by magneto. he ripped the metal right out of his body. i was thinking of something similar happening to ermac involving shang tsung. shang tsung sucking all the souls from ermac killing him.

ermac might not be in the next game so this type of idea could be used to give a character a break from a game or 2. these type of storylines could be an alternate from the main stories/bios for the characters and could add somthing special.

i'm not say get rid of characters i'm just asking if you'd like to have these what if stories. do you like the idea,hate the idea or etc. there could even be different ways of unlocking them.
03/31/2012 12:16 PM (UTC)
I actually like that idea. That would be an awesome what if for Ermac to be granted a break for sure. I'd rather see Ermac have a break of a game or 2 if he's to turn neutral or good in this new timeline. ^That death would be kind of cool if they don't intend to get rid of him permanently.
04/09/2012 05:47 PM (UTC)
night - wolf was not in mk4/mkda but did make a return in mkd/mka. it think if there trying to go with more characters that have not been used. he could take a break from the next game or 2.

here's an idea for night - wolf alt storyline. he shapeshifts into his wolf form and wanders the desert seeking other tribes he can communicate with and train. get more in touch with his native roots.
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