Is Shao Kahn immortal?
posted12/22/2007 12:49 PM (UTC)by
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07/05/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
I don't know whether he is of semi-divine kind or not, they were speculating various stuff about Kahn, but the fact that he mentions 'mortals' whenever refering to the earth realm people might indicate he is immortal. What do you think?

Plus, his 10,000+ years of age, I mean, boy... Only Sindel could compare to him by such an infinite age (not including gods).
I'd doubt it. Even though he has god-like strength, he isn't really a god. He would die if some real god beat the living shit outta him and no souls were nearby.
12/02/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
It would be extremely difficult though, because Shao Kahn relize more on brute strenght rather than anything else.
12/02/2007 10:53 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
It would be extremely difficult though, because Shao Kahn relized more on brute strenght rather than anything else.

I think that while Shao Kahn comes off as very brutish, he's a very cunning tactician. If he weren't, he would probably have died long ago.

As for Shao Kahn being immortal, I think it's kind of an issue of the use of words. I'm sure that many refer to Shang Tsung as "immortal", even though he did in MKD's intro. I think that Shao Kahn is capable of dying.
12/02/2007 11:46 PM (UTC)
I would say he is likely a demi-god (half-god). According to MK: A (the game) this is possible in the MK universe. Most of the god in the MK universe (the few we've scene) seem to prefer a hands-off approach when dealing with mortals unless necessary to interfere. Where as Kahn is a tyrannt taking over realms by conquest. He may have at one time been a god and then lost his true divinity but I really don't see this. As for being immortal, this is a very good chance...or he could just be very hard to kill.
12/03/2007 02:32 AM (UTC)
I don’t think hes immortal. They say Shang Tsung learned to steel souls from Kahn. So perhaps that has something to do with his age. And The dimi-god or even god thing might be interesting. They did say he served a very similar function for Onaga’s outworld as Raiden did for earth realm

I think it’s a case of the pharaoh. He says “Mortals” because he has elevated himself to god status, Just like the pharaohs of Egypt did.

As far as being a brute, I disagree.. He realized he would have a problem taking down Onaga, so he poisoned him. He also, with the help of the shadow priest, resurrected Sindel on Earth realm so he could gain divine right to breach the portals Think about how he set up a “look-a-like” after his defeat by the earth forces. Hell wile the realm was in Chaos, Shao Kahn successfully dominated many realms and at one point stoll almost all the souls of earth. Hell all that stuff takes some brains.
12/07/2007 02:21 AM (UTC)
Yes he is. He may not be a God but he is definitely a Super natural Immortal being like a god. its safe to say he is a Demi-god of somekind.

Can he be killed? Most likey by other powerful Immortal beings like raiden and the Elder Gods. By a Mere mortal? Hell NO! Shao Kahn is forbidden to enter the MK Tournament because only mortals are required to do. So that should tell you something Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn steal souls not for the same reasons. Shang does so to stay young. while Kahn does so to increase his power just like merging realms strengthens his power....
12/07/2007 04:27 AM (UTC)
Well I think the first thing to do is define what is an "immortal."
Does it mean he can't die or that he just won't die by natural means?
Vampires are considered immortal, but they most certainly can be killed.

I think Shao Kahn falls under the latter category of immortality. So though he may never die from old age or any natural means, he can definitely be killed. It would just require someone with the power and/or skill to do so. And it would probaly require a great deal of damage to get the job done.
12/07/2007 05:34 AM (UTC)
Shao Kahn is definitely immortal.

In MK:DA, Kahn is killed at the start of the game by Quan Chi and Shang Tsung (the Deadly Alliance). However, he returns in MK:D, of which clearly succeeds MK:DA.

It is extremely possible that Shao Kahn is in fact, a half god. As in the movie, it is revealed that Kahn is the brother of Raiden and son of Shinnok.
12/07/2007 04:38 PM (UTC)
Two things:
MK-4-LIFE Wrote:
In MK:DA, Kahn is killed at the start of the game by Quan Chi and Shang Tsung (the Deadly Alliance). However, he returns in MK:D, of which clearly succeeds MK:DA.

The Shao Kahn killed in MK:DA wasn't the real one, but rather a clone created by Kahn to act as a decoy. As stupid as that sounds...

MK-4-LIFE Wrote:
It is extremely possible that Shao Kahn is in fact, a half god. As in the movie, it is revealed that Kahn is the brother of Raiden and son of Shinnok.

The movies are non-canon and don't count.
12/07/2007 05:47 PM (UTC)
I was reading Khameleon’s bio and it pointed out

MKA bio:
For a long time I had given up hope. It seemed that Shao Kahn was invincible. His allies served and protected him, and those who fought against him only seemed to make him stronger. It was as if he fed on kombat itself. I wandered the realms aimlessly, uncertain of what could be done to stop him.

The first thing that came to my mind is he is some sort of God of War, similar to Ares. I don’t know about him being a full god, but it would make sense if he were half due to his very long staying status.

Even his ending seems to point out the same thing.

MKA Ending:
Blaze was no match for Shao Kahn the Konqueror.
His strength increased tenfold, the forces of Light could not fend off his final invasion as he merged each realm with Outworld.
But his ultimate triumph was soon to be his downfall.
With nothing left to conquer, Shao Kahn was driven to madness.

Without conflict, he literally goes insane.
-Brad- Wrote:
I was reading Khameleon’s bio and it pointed out

MKA bio:
For a long time I had given up hope. It seemed that Shao Kahn was invincible. His allies served and protected him, and those who fought against him only seemed to make him stronger. It was as if he fed on kombat itself. I wandered the realms aimlessly, uncertain of what could be done to stop him.

The first thing that came to my mind is he is some sort of God of War, similar to Ares. I don’t know about him being a full god, but it would make since if he were half due to his very long staying status.

Even his ending seems to point out the same thing.

MKA Ending:
Blaze was no match for Shao Kahn the Konqueror.
His strength increased tenfold, the forces of Light could not fend off his final invasion as he merged each realm with Outworld.
But his ultimate triumph was soon to be his downfall.
With nothing left to conquer, Shao Kahn was driven to madness.

Without conflict, he literally goes insane.
Remember that Kahn is also a good plotter with tough forces. Although he has the strength of one, his status as one wouldn't fit due to the fact of his service to Onaga. If he was a demigod, he would've used it to his advantage a helluva lot earlier. But he didn't.

The conquest part just goes with his need for more servants. He knows no bounds on what he can or can't conquer. Godhood has no effect on this.
12/08/2007 12:14 AM (UTC)
No. He can't be immortal. Quan Chi and Shang Tsung killed him in DA, but he somehow came back Deception for the Gamecube. confused
12/08/2007 01:09 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi and Shang tsung killed a clone. And the Clone almost beat them but it was overwhelmed. If they fought the real Kahn, Who was in his weakened state, the battle could have gone either way. Since Kahn lost the Earth realm he has been vulnerable to death. If they fought Kahn at full strength than Kahn would have annihilated the Sorcerers. He is definitely immortal
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I Have Become as the Wastelands of Unending Nothingness. Now Shall the Night Things Fill Me with their Whisperings, and the Shadows Reveal their Wisdom.

12/09/2007 10:31 PM (UTC)
Subzero_5th Wrote:
Quan Chi and Shang tsung killed a clone. And the Clone almost beat them but it was overwhelmed. If they fought the real Kahn, Who was in his weakened state, the battle could have gone either way. Since Kahn lost the Earth realm he has been vulnerable to death. If they fought Kahn at full strength than Kahn would have annihilated the Sorcerers. He is definitely immortal

It strikes me as rather implausible that Shang and Quan wouldn't have been aware whether or not he was immortal, or for them to be foolish enough to attack him if they knew that he was, in fact, immortal.
12/09/2007 11:56 PM (UTC)
Like I said in my previous post. After his failed invasion he lost a lot of power and his strong hold was waning. They knew he was vulnerable.
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12/22/2007 01:16 AM (UTC)
Well i definetly dont think hes immortal mabey its the fact of him being emperer that gives you that divine feeling to him or its the cape we all love the cape.
12/22/2007 01:24 AM (UTC)
1: In order to make the movies the producers had to get permission from the Boon's, so they had a say in the making of the movies, therefore they are plausable, maybe not canon, but relevent none the less.
2: He is a god--immortal, I don't know about the clone thing though.
3: He is Raiden's brother and they are the son of Shinnok-former elder god.
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12/22/2007 10:22 AM (UTC)
finalfreak1 Wrote:
1: In order to make the movies the producers had to get permission from the Boon's, so they had a say in the making of the movies, therefore they are plausable, maybe not canon, but relevent none the less.
2: He is a god--immortal, I don't know about the clone thing though.
3: He is Raiden's brother and they are the son of Shinnok-former elder god.

1. No, the story in the movie is not relevant. They're non-canon, so the story in the movie has nothing to do with the games. Just because of that it's not relevant.
2. The clone thing is real, that's the official story in the game. Kahn didn't die, his clone did. And no, Kahn is not a god.
3. He's not Raiden's brother in the game, only in the NON-CANON movie he is. Shinnok is also not the father of Kahn or Raiden in the game.
Calling the Human types "mortal" is just an insult. It's a common trait of demons, and other magical/divine beings(in Western stuff anyways)

"Puny mortal, bla bla bla"

Plus, our Emperor has a God Complex. He isn't a God, but he thinks he is, and thus his poor treatment of the lesser beings is justified in his mind.

The clone decoy was a brilliant strategy, especially considering how untrustworthy many of his subjects seem to be.

Is noone truely loyal to Shao Kahn?

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