Is there a source that has all of the Mk lore in one spot?
posted02/05/2020 04:12 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/05/2020 03:42 AM (UTC)

I stumbled upon a tweet that basically said "Mortal Kombat is not by Mk fans anymore." I agree with that stance and it made me think about how the lore has been erased and the lore has become way too inconsistent. Do Mortal Kombat fans have a source or website that has the lore recorded for the fans to view and remember as these new installments go further away from the source material?

I know there are plenty of lore lords in the community, but I don't think they've recorded all of the information they know. Is there a list of media that's considered canon? Do we as a community have to create something that has all Mortal Kombat lore and information on one spot?

There's a lot of concern and anxious feelings from me about the lore of Mk and I think I'm just venting.

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