Kano appearance in Wreck-It Ralph Trailer.
posted06/12/2012 01:32 AM (UTC)by
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05/24/2008 02:09 PM (UTC)
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06/09/2012 02:25 PM (UTC)
As for the subject title, it's likely not Kano but a mere doppelganger of his. One day while I was having a peaceful walk across the beach an old, disguised man told me that looks can be deceiving. Probably some actor.
Licenses. Technically, he could be Kano if this Kano began from MK/DC, went to Batman: Arkham City Lockdown where Batman beat off his arm and now he's got enough of that. Albeit that Disney probably didn't manage to get the licenses from their competitor Warner Bros. Lock this locker!
06/12/2012 01:32 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
As for the subject title, it's likely not Kano but a mere doppelganger of his. One day while I was having a peaceful walk across the beach an old, disguised man told me that looks can be deceiving. Probably some actor.
Licenses. Technically, he could be Kano if this Kano began from MK/DC, went to Batman: Arkham City Lockdown where Batman beat off his arm and now he's got enough of that. Albeit that Disney probably didn't manage to get the licenses from their competitor Warner Bros. Lock this locker!

Why would they do that, when all the other characters there are the real characters? Bowser, M. Bison, Zangief, the Pac-Man ghost, they aren't doppelgangers or copies of other characters, they are starring in the movie as themselves.
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