What`s your favorite mortal kombat game?mk1, mk2, mk3, umk3, mkt, mk:a, mk4, mkg, mkda, mk:te, mkd, mku, mksm, mk8 and why?
posted03/10/2008 06:00 PM (UTC)by
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06/01/2007 10:00 PM (UTC)
hey all this is the new forum for this thread please be careful so you don`t get in trouble please write down what you feel about the games i listed so be good and do whatever ythe hekc u want!
02/03/2008 08:15 PM (UTC)
I love Mortal Kombat 2! It’s the best hands down!

It has all the characters I love (minus Sonya ), Its got my favorite fatality (Kong Lao’s “split em’ in half), Its got my favorite bosses (kintaro and Shao Kahn), and Its difficulty is just were I like it (just hard enough for me to never beat it with out dieing a couple of times). It improved on everything that made the first mortal kombat great, had a hand full of secrets, and gave way to “Toasty!”. I love all mortal kombat, however MK2 is the only one I still get a rush from beating. I made an Arcade machine just so I could play it old school (check it out on my profile pics)
02/18/2008 09:38 PM (UTC)
mk trilagy sound it out i ncant spell great game play
02/21/2008 02:26 PM (UTC)
Firstly, when you say MK8 you mean MKA ?? Well then I like MKA. Why?? Because it has ALL the characters of MK and the Crypt is also FANTASTIC. Another great clue is the Kreate-A-Kharacter because you can show how YOU think a character should be (moves, appearance etc.) . Though, I still think MKT is very good because it has many characters as well and because the Supreme Demonstration Gift is a very good idea (for those years). And I support MKD as well becuase of the graphics, the number of the characters (of course) and last but not least.... the NEW fatalities and HARA-KIRIES. That was a pretty good thought for the game.
03/02/2008 11:57 PM (UTC)
MK Deception by far and wide. It has the best Konquest, Has a mk style chess. The boss is somewhat hard to beat, at least at first, it had tag-team battle w/ Noob/Smoke. The only problem is that it didn't have Shang Tsung.
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

03/03/2008 02:35 AM (UTC)
MK4, hands down. Yes, MKII was awesome in the art and graphics department and all-around and the only reason it doesn't take the spot as my favorite is because I was there when MK4 came out and followed all the hype, I bought the game before I even had a PS1 to play it on. Overall, I think I've had more fun playing that one than any other MK game.

It's not all out of sentimental value, though. It was the final and most refined version of the fighting system that had been present from MK1. Bonebreakers(press LK up close) were the shit. Hell, we don't even have two grappling moves per character now. The fatalities were freakin' awesome! The camera was put to excellent use as well as replays in some rare cases. Overall, it had more cinematic value than any other MK game period.

Speaking of cinematic value it had better endings than any other MK game. We haven't had FMV endings since then.

Gameplaywise, I'd have to say it kicks all other MKs' arses. It wasn't too fast and it definitely wasn't too slow. It was solid, responsive and when moves landed, you felt it. There was nothing like smacking someone with a boulder from halfway across the screen or knocking them halfway across the screen with a new and improved roundhouse kick or using a spiked club to knock them INTO the screentongue

Memorable moment: Using Reptile to turn invisible and then chew the face off of your opponent. grin
03/10/2008 06:00 PM (UTC)
mkt or gold

because it had all of the characters from umk3 backwards and playable bosses

mk gold
it was mk4 with more characters sektor cyrax baraka kitana kung lao mileena
endings looked better more stages some of the fatality's were duplicated because of memory reasons i want to see an arcade perfect version of this on mk8
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