Logo for With Siro, the greatest Mortal Kombat character! Daniel Bernhardt from Conquest - Realm Kast
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With Siro, the greatest Mortal Kombat character! Daniel Bernhardt from Conquest - Realm Kast
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Discord: https://discord.gg/2EUFdm5Drv Welcome to the 29th episode of the Realm Kast! Our next guest is none other than Daniel Bernhardt; everyone's favourite Siro in MK Conquest! On this episode Daniel dives into his role and experiences throughout MK Conquest and gives us insight into his character directly from his casting! We also discuss his other opportunities since Conquest, including his appearances in the Bloodsport movies, The Matrix Reloaded, Altered Carbon, John Wick, and more in his seemingly endless list of high profile movie and television roles! What are your opinions on our discussion? What did you think of Daniel Bernhardt as Siro in MK Conquest? Would you like to see him return to the role? Let us know in the comments! Hosted by FANTiM (Twitter @fantim) and Yani (YouTube: @YaniH7 /Twitter: @Yani_H7) both admin The Mortal Kombat Group (one of the largest MK communities, (come join!) and Yani also runs the Mortal Kombat Memerealm as well as the Mortal Kombat Dangalangs. The Realm Kast can also be found on Twitter, iTunes, Spotify, and on Mortal Kombat Online. All of these can be accessed via the links below: Twitter: @RealmKast iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-realm-kast/id1505770425 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3iojHtr7xUZVLZ73ax6UY8 Website: Mortal Kombat Online: https://www.RealmKast.com Facebook & Instagram: Facebook - Mortal Kombat Memerealm: https://www.facebook.com/MortalKombatMemerealm/ Instagram - Mortal Kombat Memerealm: @mortalkombatmemerealm Facebook - The Mortal Kombat Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theMortalKombatGroup/ Facebook - Mortal Kombat Dangalangs https://www.facebook.com/groups/359840504597147/ You can find our guest, Daniel Bernhardt, on: Instagram: @therealdanielbernhardt Special thanks to Uppercut Editions (@UppercutLLC) for their continued support. The Realm Kast is the official podcast of Mortal Kombat Online. Credit for the episode thumbnail goes to Muhammad Musthofa who can be found on: Instagram: @burilatar Artstation: https://lastseen247.artstation.com/
11/11/2023 12:02 AM (UTC)by
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