AoA Recruting for MKX PS4
posted04/17/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/17/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Hey everyone,

im the *****General OF The Army/Leader of AoA:Powerpound14. Im starting a new section of my clan in MKX. The Army OF Assassins (AoA) has been around for 10 years this september. We are a Gaming community not dedicated to one game but to gaming itself. We are currently on AC unity,CODAW,DS2,
BLoodbourne,GTA5, MKX and are going to many games in the future. We are also not about just online competition and competitiveness but also co-op and trophy hunting and any aspect relating to gaming. We are a semi-pro clan with a ranking system set in place to distribute power through the clan. advancement opportunities available . Great group of gamers ,no squeakers or casuals . So in mortal kombat x .my section will be competing in tournaments. we will be helping each other rank up our profiles,we will be competing in faction wars.and lots of other fun activities including interclan championship titles.

so basic rules

must be over 14 yrs old to join(current clan age avg is 28)

must be willing to sign up with and check our fb page daily

must be active thats it

if interested msg PSN : Powerpound14

thnx guys, i cant wait to play MKX with all of you
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