Does Game Session Has Been Disinchronized breaks your streak?
posted06/15/2011 10:39 PM (UTC)by
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Characters mastered: Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Jade, Cyrax, Liu Kang, Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Kano, Jax, Sektor, Sheeva, Baraka, Scorpion, Stryker, Sindel, Sonya Blade, Cyber Sub Zero.

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08/30/2010 06:00 AM (UTC)
I have been asking me this for quite some time. I was playing online trying to get the 10 win streak achievement and during a battle, just before I landed an uppercut to finish it the guy disconnected and the message appeared. So, does it break your streak? Wish there was a way to punish those stupid D/Cers that can't even take a loss.
About Me

Characters mastered: Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Jade, Cyrax, Liu Kang, Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Kano, Jax, Sektor, Sheeva, Baraka, Scorpion, Stryker, Sindel, Sonya Blade, Cyber Sub Zero.

06/14/2011 04:42 PM (UTC)
Never mind the achievement just popped up. I don't even know why he disconnected, he was a really good Ermac player..
We'll know I just need the Turtle and I'm Not Dead Yet! achievements and I don't know how I'll get them because they're ridiculous... Damn you NRS!
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06/15/2011 05:58 AM (UTC)
actually almost got the im not dead yet trophy yesterday. I think i was a percentage or so off. Started off getting my butt whooped, and came back and walloped him pretty good.
06/15/2011 10:39 PM (UTC)
I have gotten the desyncronized message a lot and I was just playing reg online matches, my friends have gotten them as well it's a server problem
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