Ever pulled off a double uppercut combo?
posted03/18/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
So, in some games, it's possiable to do two uppercuts in one combo. Hard to pull off in some MKX games and next to impossiable in others but have you ever done it in any of the MKs? I finally did one in MKD/MK6 as Ermac. My combo was

high punch, back mid punch
tele kinetic slam
low punch


high punch, back mid punch
tele kinetic slam
uppercut (if your oppenent is against the wall.)
There is a RREEAALLLLYY short peroid of time where you can try one last move if done quickly. So have you ever pulled off a double combo and what did you do?
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