Is there Auto-recovery in MK VS DC?
posted03/12/2010 05:36 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/12/2006 03:40 PM (UTC)
I want to find out if there is a auto-recover system in MK VS DC, similar to the auto-recovery system that was in MKD and MKA. For those who may not know auto-recover is where after you are knocked down holding the down,back or down,forward directional buttons would make you jump up instantly in front of your opponent it was very crucial in the last two Mk games and I have tried over and over in MK VS DC I think I have done it a few times, but something is different anyone know how to do this in MK VS DC? Check, Redsaleen, Konqrr, if any of you guys read this I know you will be able to answer my question. By the way I wanna setup a special Mortal Kombat Deception Online day, where all Deception fans will go online and rejuvanate that game before the server for online play is closed. Thanks for any info.
09/10/2009 07:38 PM (UTC)
Down + Back + Block as soon as you hit the ground ;)
03/12/2010 05:36 AM (UTC)
funkopath Wrote:
Down + Back + Block as soon as you hit the ground ;)

that's ice tips for me
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