Turtling too good?
posted05/06/2011 07:28 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/21/2010 05:52 PM (UTC)
It seems a bit off that you can back up at the same speed you can dash forward. A lack of dash attacks to set up combos makes it very difficult for me to take the offensive. Anyone else have this problem? Any advice? I literally have no idea how you''re supposed to play this game offensively, and it seems like the combo system falls apart if the opponent just jumps backwards or double taps back with a few low blocks thrown in there.
05/06/2011 05:38 PM (UTC)
Chip damage helps a little, but with the X-ray meter being filled based on how bad you get beat, rather than how aggressive you are like SC's soul gauge, I can see this game becoming a turtlefest pretty quickly.

Never noticed the backdashing mechanic helping with messing up combos, but I haven't played much online with PSN down.
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05/06/2011 05:41 PM (UTC)
You can start all of your combos from a jumping punch, Or jumping cross up punch. Of course there is allot more ( Depending on character ) but........ this will allow you another option.
05/06/2011 05:48 PM (UTC)
unseenwombat Wrote:
Chip damage helps a little, but with the X-ray meter being filled based on how bad you get beat, rather than how aggressive you are like SC's soul gauge, I can see this game becoming a turtlefest pretty quickly.

Never noticed the backdashing mechanic helping with messing up combos, but I haven't played much online with PSN down.

You build lots of meter from causing chip damage as well.

I think the offensive/defensive balance is fine.
05/06/2011 07:28 PM (UTC)
teleports or charge moves are my personal preference.

If they keep backing up, they are going to eventually hit a corner

A corner=DEATH
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