Whats the easiest combo that does high damage?
posted04/10/2011 10:53 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/10/2011 10:34 PM (UTC)
Which juggle gives the easiest damage? For the characters in general, and for Scorpion in particular.
04/10/2011 10:43 PM (UTC)
Scorpion has some decent juggles that are fairly easy, but involve Jump Kicks followed by teleports. If you are able to pull those off, then just start any combo with a pop-up, for Scorpion you can use Blade Overhead (Back+Triangle), or if you land a spear, you can Jump straight up and punch on the way down, which pops them up, then dash forward and perform the Blade Overhead, and then start the Jump Kicks to teleports.

Here is a link to a video of someone doing them:


What would you say your skill level is on a 1-10 scale? That can help with which combos to recommend. Also, just a note--every character's juggles will be different, so unfortunately, there are no juggles that are universal.
04/10/2011 10:53 PM (UTC)
I'll give the one in that vid a try then.
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