Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath will bring the playable roster up to a robust 34 characters, but as die hard fans know - there are dozens more in MK's three decade long canon! They can't all appear in every game, but you can find most in the ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find! Take a closer look:
History has never been far behind in Mortal Kombat. Is it future, or is it past? Mortal Kombat 11 introduces a time-bending possibility that the present could be the battleground for both!
April 23rd saw the official introduction of Kronika and a fresh batch of kombatants whose goals threaten the realms, time, and reality itself! With in-game customization, revised gameplay, and a dramatic time-twisting story -- the only constant through it all is the fighters! Therefore there's never been a more compelling time to take stock and ask: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?
The annual voting tournament returns to dissect and assess the current state of the series. MK Online invites the entire kommunity to enter the Fan Koliseum for another year of daily polls that will challenge sixty-four fighters from past and present in elimination battles! Read on for the updating battleplan, poll results, and links to the latest match-ups you can comment on on the forums:
We haven't seen Hsu Hao in a Mortal Kombat video game since Armageddon, but a new teaser image posted by Ed Boon is throwing a bone to one of the series' least loved characters. Take a closer look:
Mortal Kombat X notably introduced a new generation of fighters to the long running series -- but it also executed more than a dozen klassic kombatants! Many prominent franchise icons were added to a death toll begun with the 2011 reboot -- but will they remain dead?
For every revenant that returned to life, NetherRealm put two more in the morgue! As we begin to think about what's next, we're revisiting the major fatalities that occurred in the Mortal Kombat X Story Mode - and its tie-in comic books! Read on and join the speculation about each kombatant's fate on the forums!
Since the dawn of Mortal Kombat there has been a single unifying truth: the will to fight! It is imprinted in all living things - an ancient battle cry echoing in the genetic survival of man and god alike! Victory is a temporary state. There can be no champions without constant challengers! No victory without amassing defeats! For this reason Mortal Kombat has always been - and must always be!
Once a year we extend a traditional invitation to all realms so that one warrior may rise above the rest! In 2015, we greeted a new generation of warriors who joined the fight against Netherrealm invasion in Mortal Kombat X! After months of debate and many tens of thousands of votes, fans chose the fantasy of an unsung hero they hoped to summon: Fujin.
In March, MKX got super-sized and welcomed even more fighters through the komplete edition package of Mortal Kombat XL. Alas; last year's Supreme Champion winner was still beyond mortal reach! With renewed objectivity we must therefore ask the eternal question: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?
The ultimate fan voting tournament has become an annual celebrated tradition on Mortal Kombat Online - summoning the entire fanbase to agree on a single champion from sixty-four fighters! Mortal Kombat XL will inform the bracket for this year, introducing first-time competitors while omitting some old favorites! Read on to learn more about what it all means and how you can join in! Visit the Fan Koliseum to share your votes and discuss battles more in depth!
Happy new year! Fans who logged into Mortal Kombat X over the holiday break were treated to seasons beatings from their favourite fighting game via two new seasonal Premier Towers!
From the Palace Gates of Shang Tsung's Island, to the battle ravaged streets of Earthrealm 25 years later: The only constant shared by two generations is the need to fight! The tournament called Mortal Kombat has made legends of champions, and warriors of mortals. With a new generation of challengers emerging - it all begins again!
April 14th saw the long awaited release of Mortal Kombat X! Ending a four year cycle, the new game has changed the way we view the series and its fighters, challenging us to ask: Who's Next?
It is a question we've asked annually for years - each time finding a different answer! In 2014, the unknown of a looming sequel fuelled a whole new perspective. After months of debate and many thousands of votes, we crowned fan-favourite Ermac the ultimate victor! With Mortal Kombat X here, everything has changed! True champions must defend their title, and we must ask the eternal question with evolving truth: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?
The ultimate fan voting tournament has become an annual celebrated tradition on Mortal Kombat Online - summoning the entire fanbase to agree on a single champion from sixty-four fighters! In 2015: the battle will be tougher than ever! Mortal Kombat X will inform the entire bracket, introducing first-time competitors and omitting old favorites! Read on to learn more about what it all means and how you can join in! Visit the Fan Koliseum to share your votes and discuss battles more in depth!
MTV have an exclusive preview of this Wednesday's print edition of Mortal Kombat X #1 from DC Comics!
With a US retail price of $3.99, the print version is solicited at a hefty 40 pages. The MTV preview is a fine illustration of the substantial format differences between digital and print - the latter encompassing three of the digital chapters [99c each].
Questions of medium and format weighed heavily when Mortal Kombat Online took a critical look at Chapter One.
The story follows Kenshi and his son Takeda as they go on the run from Hsu Hao and the forces of the Red Dragon Clan. Alluding to untold tales, Kenshi seeks the refuge of Scorpion and his new Shirai Ryu Temple. Also featured in the issue: Sub-Zero, Kano and the curse of the kamidogu!
After months of anticipation, Mortal Kombat X comics have finally arrived!
Only the first digital chapter is available thus far [purchase], which Mortal Kombat Online will be reviewing here. For the full print issue, you'll have to hit up your local comic shop January 14th! If you haven't pre-ordered, make sure you show your interest for future issues!
DC Comics' first foray into the Mortal Kombat comics business has had a lot of time to build interest since it was announced at October's NYCC. If you download Chapter One looking for all the answers to your every question - you're not playing with fair expectations. That said, if you pay the 99c expecting some substantial answers, it may be the comic that comes up short of the title on the cover.
As seen in yesterday's preview; Kenshi takes centre stage in a cold opening set in the Himalayan wilderness "many years ago". It's an action sequence that would've played better in a pre-credits crash for television, but where it isn't informative in detail, it is very indicative of the type of read that follows.
The beats are kept remarkably simple, as if designed to fit into 16-bit text on a home cartridge, rather than a 40 page comic: Kenshi has been working undercover with the Red Dragon Clan [for the Outerworld Investigation Agency, we're forced to presume]; his cover was blown; Sonya Blade called to tell him he has a child in Thailand; the blind sword saint was too late to rescue mother from the Red Dragon; he has the boy and is on the run.
The LA Times has unleashed the first look at tomorrow's digital release of Mortal Kombat X Part 1! [Note: On sale digitally via DC Entertainment]
The preview comes with a fresh Q&A with writer Shawn Kittelsen, who's promising all the right things for his prequel tie-in to the upcoming video game. What does that all amount to? The surprise feature of hotly speculated blind swordsman Kenshi, and the Deadly Alliance era Red Dragon villain: Hsu Hao! Check out the preview images via Hero Complex: