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06/06/2003 11:46 PM (UTC)
sorry, but what about mokap sucks?
he has no real story, so it cant be that, he isn't supposed to be taken seriously, he is just a bonus, a fun character that can kick everyone's ass
06/07/2003 12:25 AM (UTC)
Hsu Hao. A gay character, with no personality, stupid moves and a stupid look. Terrible.
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06/07/2003 12:41 AM (UTC)
he was never gay

he has a cool look

and his moves rule
he is undefeatable
06/07/2003 12:41 AM (UTC)
Li Mei sucks because of her poor storyline. I don't care about being a great fighter, Mokap is pretty decent in fighting. She is pointless to the game, and reminded me to much of Tekken. Not to mention that its clear that she SHOULD be Mileena, the least they could have done was give her a new weapon.

mister_satan666 Wrote:
how does li mei suck? please explain? is she too great of a fighter that u win the matches too early?

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06/07/2003 01:03 AM (UTC)
how is she melieena? thats like saying johnny cage is michael angelo because they use naunchucks

they 2 characters look and act nothing alike

her story is pretty cool actually, full of betrayal and a family in danger, nothing sequel worthy, mostlu filler material, but good filler material, better than the crap in mk4
06/07/2003 01:09 AM (UTC)
I didn't say that she WAS milenna. I said she ripped her weapons off. When I think about a sai, I think about Mileena, not Li Mei. But you have a point, better than most MK4 new characters, that why I said in a previous post I was overall impressed with MKDA's new additions.
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06/07/2003 01:26 AM (UTC)
its still dumb to relate one character to another because of weapons, if li mei hads fans, then u can say she is ripped from kitana, sais aren't really a trademark weapon
06/07/2003 02:59 AM (UTC)
There are enough weapons in the world for each character to have their own though. So are you saying that if a character in MK6 had a spear like Scorpion's you wouldn't say it was a cheap rip off? Of course you would, the spear is his trademark, and every character (well most) have trademarks. And to me, Milenna's is her sai.
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06/07/2003 12:23 PM (UTC)
but sais are not a trade mark weapon, its like saying kung lao is a rip off of scorpion because they both have swords

besides how often did milieena even use her sais?
Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

06/07/2003 06:04 PM (UTC)
On a general note, some of you self-proclaimed critics should really learn to spell.

Anyway, that's it for today's spleen.

I have no particular liking for Li Mei, but I wouldn't consider her as a bad character. As Mister Satan says, the MK4 fillers were a bit worse. Fujin was a Kung Lao redo, Shinnok was Shang Tsung meets frustrated, unimpressive little man and Jarek (even though he was, in my opinion, one of the best MK4 characters) was a Kano rehash.

At least Midway was a little more adventurous in thinking of chars like Hsu Hao or Bo' Rai Cho. And the general "eastern" feel returned a little bit. That's good.

I also don't understand why Hsu Hao would be gay. Liu Kang was *way* more gay in this respect! His *friendship* with Kung Lao, hmm? Basically rejecting a good looking, rich and sweet girl like Kitana? His high voice? Hmm. Don't know guys. Before you ditch Hsu Hao think of good ol' Liu ;).

06/08/2003 12:24 AM (UTC)
I am talking about in 2D days. No one had 'weapons'. The sais were her projectile, therefore her trademark move. I'm not saying the projectile is always the character's trademark, Johnny Cage's is the Shadow Kick. But Milenna's WAS the sais; so I guess you are telling me Kitana's trademark isn't the fans?

mister_satan666 Wrote:
but sais are not a trade mark weapon, its like saying kung lao is a rip off of scorpion because they both have swords

besides how often did milieena even use her sais?

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http://www.mefi.org/ Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

06/08/2003 12:34 AM (UTC)
no no, u dont understand, sais are such a general weapon, unlike fans and a dreaking spear rope
06/08/2003 12:48 AM (UTC)
It may be general, in the real world, but this is only one video game series. My whole point was to say that out of all the weapons they could have picked, there were many more choices than something alreay used by a previous character.
06/08/2003 02:01 AM (UTC)
Am I the only 1 who likes Frost? If anything I want to know more about her background... I think she's a hottie... and I don't like girls with short hair...
06/08/2003 02:09 AM (UTC)
Molch sucks... he is the most unispired one hit wonder boss ever... I mean he looks like goro 'cept he has only two arms... Motaro would kick the S|-|!T outta him.... just cheap.... I would rather fight Noob Saibot... make that get my ass kicked by Noob
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06/08/2003 01:38 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao pisses me off the most. I hate him. He looks so moronic with his hat. Drahmin could have been great, but he wreaks of incompleteness. He definitely wasn't worth 6500 freakin Sapphires!
06/08/2003 03:00 PM (UTC)
Nitara, Hsu Hao, Mavado, Bo Rai Cho, and Bo Rai Cho.
Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

06/08/2003 05:02 PM (UTC)
I do like girls with shorter hair ;).

As said before, I really think you should give the new ones a little more credit. If MK6 arrives and they scrap all the new ones (like they did when they made MK4... no new MK3 character made it there) it'll be raining complaints!

06/08/2003 08:31 PM (UTC)
Some1 asked why Hsu Hao looked gay a few comments up .. I'll tell you why ... cus he's wearing that stoopid motorcycle hat... and no shirt just something that looks like a male bra... come to think of it he'd probably look even gayer with a uniform on... just gay... (I'm not a homophobe...)

Moreover, I'd like to see MOTARO in MK6 all 3-d and poligonized!!! oh and SMOKE too....
About Me

http://www.mefi.org/ Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

06/08/2003 08:38 PM (UTC)
so u think all military hats are gay? male bra? u mean his cybernetic heart?
06/08/2003 08:45 PM (UTC)
Call it what you want... it's still gay.... ::snickers::

Seriously tho... I have a lot of respect for the army, the navy, the air force and all aspects of military life.

JAX is also wearing a military outfit, a beret and cyber implants but he pulls it off without lookinf too flamboyant
Omega Supreme
About Me

There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

06/09/2003 02:18 PM (UTC)

Darth_Luis Wrote:
JAX is also wearing a military outfit, a beret and cyber implants but he pulls it off without lookinf too flamboyant

Perhaps his constant stressing of his malehood in his quick taunts and MALE vanity serve to mask his own sexual insecurity. In fact Jax may be gayer than the whole Red Dragon clan put together.

Bottom line is, I don't care if a character looks gay or not :)! As I said before, Liu Kang was the ultimate effiminate MK character (Shang Tsung in his yellow stretch pants in MK3 didn't even come close :)).

06/09/2003 08:17 PM (UTC)
I didn't like Mavado,Hsu Hao,Kano,Cage,Nitara,
Sonya and Jax. I like their moves,just not the characters. I personally would like to see
an all ninja clan wars Mortal Kombat.
All ninjas all the time.
with all previous ninjas male and female,
and new ninjas(maybe fan inspired)..........imo
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Snoochie boochie noochies

06/09/2003 08:41 PM (UTC)
I disagree. Meat was cool. Mokap is lame and really has nothing to do with the MK universe
(and niether does Meat), but Meat could have been
a very interesting character if more time would've been spent on his background and stuff. I want Kabal back BAD!! I thought he was an interesting character. But anywho...
About Me

http://www.mefi.org/ Check this website (very important). My gf's family is hosting a fundraising event next month so check out the website for details. We accept Paypal donations.

06/09/2003 08:51 PM (UTC)

people, listen to me, ok?

meat is not a character
he is a extra skin for the characters in mk4

mokap is a joke character, u aren't supposed to care about his storyline, he is a great fighter, thats what is important for him, plus its nice of midway to put him in because its a tribute to the motion capture guy

and once again, meat is not a character, if u hate him, then u hate every single character in mk4
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