NEW Stage Concept - The Temple of the Elements
posted06/13/2006 06:32 PM (UTC)by
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
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02/10/2003 04:01 PM (UTC)
This is rather long, but please take the time to read this. I'm sure you'll like it.

Anyone who knows me well knows I love messing around with the elements when it comes to character or stage design. I was thinking of the Temple of the Elements mentioned in MK Mythologies and wondered what a stage for it in MK would be like. Here is my concept for it.

The Temple of the Elements

The Temple itself is tiered. The bottom floor is the Water chamber. The second floor is the Wind Chamber. The third floor is the Mid Chamber. The fourth floor is the Earth chamber and finally, the fifth floor is the Fire chamber.

The Mid Chamber and the Temple Transport system

You begin the battle in the Mid Chamber. This room is barren and unimpressive! It’s only features are two openings where swirling wind vortexes can be seen. The openings are huge and appear to be harmless. After several seconds, no matter where you are the wind vortexes build up. They suck you inside them and transport you either up or down to the next floor. They are wind lifts.

The Wind Chamber:

If you go down to the second floor, you end up in the Wind Chamber. The lift will spit you out at the bottom. Whilst this is done, the ceiling in the Mid Chamber collapses causing the next floor up to become the Earth chamber. The wind chamber features another wind lift opposite the one you came through. It will take you to the floor below.

Main Feature:

In this room, the direction of window changes. It will sometimes push opponents to wards each other or pull they away from each other. If projectiles are used whilst you are being pushed away from each other, they will rebound and hit the sender. Projectiles are sped up if the wind is blowing the opponents towards each other.

Death traps:

At the back is another Wind Chamber, only this one is enclosed. Anyone knocked into it will have their body destroyed. A powerful wind skins the opponent and then the skeleton and flesh is ripped apart. After that happens, the winds will change and spit out the bones and flesh back into the arena. If you watch carefully, Fujins laughing face appears in the vortex.

The wall opposite hides a hidden chamber. If knocked through, the opponent ends up being brutally battered to death. Several blasts of wind propel the opponent into the air and smash their body against the walls shattering their bones. You also see their arms and legs twisted into new positions and hear the bones crack as this happens. They eventually hit the ceiling triggering a spike to rise from the ground below. The opponent falls, and lands impaled.

The Water Chamber:

Chamber Layout and Deathtraps:

This room is deep! When you arrive, you’re on a cross-shaped bridge! You’re several feet up and below you, the chamber is filled with water – infested with electric eels and piranha. A dividing wall seperates both sets of fishes. The bridge is easily breakable and a good blow to the opponent will send them hurtling into the water where they are shocked to death by the eels or eaten to death by the piranha. However, going along one of the branches of the bridge will take you to an enclosed chamber. If the opponent is knocked into here, the chamber seals itself and hot water is poured from above onto the victim. They are scalded to death.

Chamber Layout and Deathtraps Part 2:

The other branch will take you to a hidden trigger. When knocked against the water god statue here, the water below rises so that it is level with the wind lifts and then the surface freezes. The bridge collapses. The arena is now slippery. There are 4 gaps in the ice, leading to the piranhas and eels. Stalagmites or stalactites (I forget which) occasionally fall from the ceiling. They slowly shatter the ice. If they break too much, you could end up trapped in this chamber. A small bed of the opposite icy spikes lines the outside edge of ice except for the parts leading to the wind lifts. Anyone knocked against the walls on these spikes is hurt and them impaled as the spikes fall from the ceiling. One of these beds, however, lies in under a hole higher up in the chamber. If you hit the wall directly underneath, a huge dragon head comes down to devour the opponent. You can see them struggling as the dragon pulls them inside the hole. After several seconds, their head comes flying back out landing at your feet with a look of agony on it.

The Earth Chamber

Chamber Layout and Hazards:

The usual wind lifts are opposite each other on either side of the room. To the side of each, is a single statue. On the far walls opposite these statues is the MK dragon symbol. The rest of the room is covered in dirt and rocks and boulders line the outside edge with two noticeable gaps marked with the MK dragon symbol on the walls. The dirt on the ground can be picked up and thrown in the enemies face. Some of the rocks and boulders can be thrown. Occasional tremors cause rocks to roll around and the earthen ceiling to release some rocks. Upon entering the room, a sandstorm is built up and it travels randomly around the room. Anyone sucked into is spun around and then blasted across the room into the far wall causing heavy damage. The storm dies down and grows again every so often.

Deathtraps and Hidden Chambers:

Anyone knocked against the walls opposite the statues will suffer projectile deaths. One statue spits out spikes, which impale the opponent. One of the spikes will catch the opponent in the mouth or forehead pinning them to the wall. The other statue fires boulders, which crush the opponents body. One large boulder hits the opponent in the head, crushing their skull and brain against the wall. You can see the impact and the brain as they fall to the ground.

The two gaps lead to more deaths. One sees the opponent fall through the wall into a hidden chamber. They fall and land on a sensitive ground, which triggers an earthquake. The earthquake becomes more violent and causes a huge boulder in one of the walls to be released. The boulder crashes down and rolls over the opponent, crushing them. As the earthquake continues, the ground opens up and they fall in. As this happens, the quake stops and the ground begins to close again. The opponents body is caught between the land and is crushed brutally. And you get to see this happening. I’m sure you can imagine how that would be! The ground opens again and the now disfigured body falls into the hot magma below.

The other gaps leads to another hidden chamber. The chamber is thin and the walls are spiked. You bounce back and forth against the spiked walls as you fall, getting cut and bruised and partially impaled. You finally land as the chamber opens up. A huge tail suddenly knocks you into the air. And then the head of a huge earth creature appears and grabs the opponents out of the air. It swings their body around violently and one swing snaps the body in half at the waist. A final swing sends the opponents lower body across the arena as the creature swallows the top half before returning into the ground.

Fire Chamber:

Chamber Layout:

The top floor is the Fire Chamber. There is an enclosed fire chamber in the middle of one wall. The roof is open revealing the sky above. It is a violent fiery sky. The usual wind lifts are opposite each other and opposite the second chamber is another statue. The other walls are lined at the bottom with burning coals, which are ready to hurt anyone who steps on them. Two gaps in the ring of coal in contain are small pits filled with lava. Lava flows down the walls from a gap in the walls filling these pits. Anyone falling in suffers a painfully hot death.

Chamber Hazards:

From the sky, fireballs rain down onto the battle arena. Anyone they hurt is ignited temporarily and takes damage. If they miss, the fireballs creating small patches of fire on the ground that burn anyone who walks into them. A small light rain eventually falls putting them out. The ground is dried quickly as the floor is heated. Hot air is rising from it.


Being knocked into the chamber against the wall causes it to seal itself. A sudden surge of flames rises from the ground and continues to rage burning the opponent alive. A devil like face is revealed amongst the flames and the opponent is burnt until they are ash. Their screams fill the arena.

Hitting the statue triggers a huge fireball to drop from the sky. The opponent runs around screaming. As they do, a flame covered meteorite falls hitting their head seperating it from the body. The head lands still in flames across the arena. As the rest of the body falls to it’s knees another meteorite falls and this time seperates the torso from the legs. The opponents remains lie in three different places, still burning.

There it is. What do you think?
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"Retirement my ass!"

07/17/2004 11:36 PM (UTC)
*stands up and applauds*

That is a fantastic stage Ty! One of the best stage concepts I've seen from members here! That arena would be kickass to fight in! Hazerdous too! There's so much to avoid! Very well done my friend, very well done indeed! smile
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07/17/2004 11:40 PM (UTC)
ooooooooo that was fun to read, my fav is the water chamber, could there be a shark or 2 as well though tongue
07/17/2004 11:42 PM (UTC)
Nice, kid, lot of writing. Now, please come up with 11 more stages, along with illustrated descriptions of some sort. I'm serious. Please.
07/17/2004 11:47 PM (UTC)
Okay, I'm gonna be honest. There's a big problem here, and its name is realism.

You want this to be a multi-tiered stage? Well, that's going to be basically worthless. From what you said, you won't even be able to explore half of the stage even in 5 Round matches. You try way too hard when it comes to one single concept. You always start in that one middle chamber, so you'll HAVE to delay the match in order to just see certain effects.

Now, separately. Its great. But, that's the thing, they should just be single levels, not one obnoxiously large multi-tiered stage. That's stupid, and it won't matter because you'll never see half of it to begin with.

The ideas and all are great individually (each chamber is done fabulously), but the base concept needs work.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
07/17/2004 11:49 PM (UTC)

TomTaz Wrote:
*stands up and applauds*

That is a fantastic stage Ty! One of the best stage concepts I've seen from members here! That arena would be kickass to fight in! Hazerdous too! There's so much to avoid! Very well done my friend, very well done indeed!

Thankyou! I personally love the arena. I had the idea and just ran along with it. The end result is what you read and I'm pleased that you liked it!

The elements are fun to play with so it was cool and pretty easy thinking up the hazards and deathtraps.
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07/17/2004 11:55 PM (UTC)
Great ideas, bro. The wind chamber is excellent, as I said before, but I'd give second place to the water chamber. It sounds as if it were modeled exactly after the MKMythologies.
07/18/2004 12:11 AM (UTC)
Thats really a great idea enter that in the next Arena tourny lol. tongue. Just a suggetion that would make it cooler would be rooms instead of floors. Mainly because temples never really have too many floors and going into different rooms would be cooler say ur in the mid room and after a few seconds the Wall gets ripped off because the winds so stron and you get sucked into that room. Just a Idea but yours is still good.
07/18/2004 12:53 AM (UTC)
That stage/arena could work if they made it so it was like endless practice level with no health loss,lol. It'd be a great way to explore arenas.

I really like the idea. I really liked the Wind Chamber, the Fujins laughing thing would make me want to keep hitting people into the wall just to have a good laugh with him,lol. wink
07/18/2004 01:08 AM (UTC)
How long have been working on this thing? Great job Tgrant!
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art by fear-sAs
07/18/2004 01:31 AM (UTC)
I think I have a solution to the size of the areana. Wanderer said it was too big, well what the fights took place at different parts of the tower in a random fashion. That way you wouldn't know what stage you would appear so you would have to adjust to your surroundings. And if you where in the mid section of the temple then you would have a choice of where you wanted to fight.
Great concept tgrant. While others liked the wind and water chambers, I really liked the final floor. I think the fire chamber is the coolest. Just one thing, there are five elements, not four. You forgot metal.
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To anyone who cares, I'm not banned. I left of my own accord. This place is dead to me now.

07/18/2004 02:10 AM (UTC)
^Actually, Milla Jovovitch is the fifth element. tongue

Well done, tgrant! I can only imagine the time you spent typing that all out, let alone conceiving it! I'll say one thing, I agree with Wanderer - I don't think it would be practical for a MK fighting game, but I think it would be perfect for a MK Mythologies-type of game!
07/18/2004 02:39 AM (UTC)
I want to make a fan art fake of tgrant's element temple. I would need alot of resources though. hmmm

SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Just one thing, there are five elements, not four. You forgot metal.

Actually ,I do believe that Wicka has Metal as a 5th element ,but different ancient cultures use just 4(Eart ,Air ,Fire ,and Water).

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Noob... Smoke, i'll take you both on. I'll tear out your brains blast you to the Netherealm. And Dragon King, dont think you're any special.

07/18/2004 03:54 AM (UTC)
This is a great and very useful thread tgrant. Thanks for taking the time to write all this. many members can benefit from this great thread. Good work tgrant!!
07/18/2004 06:10 AM (UTC)
If only Midway could come up with things as good as this..... very nice idea
07/18/2004 06:56 AM (UTC)
Awesome man. Great ideas as always. Midway could learn from alot of ppl on this site. I would also like to see some sort of fire creature though, since I love the element of fire^_^
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
07/18/2004 10:48 AM (UTC)

Wanderer Wrote:
Okay, I'm gonna be honest. There's a big problem here, and its name is realism.

You want this to be a multi-tiered stage? Well, that's going to be basically worthless. From what you said, you won't even be able to explore half of the stage even in 5 Round matches. You try way too hard when it comes to one single concept. You always start in that one middle chamber, so you'll HAVE to delay the match in order to just see certain effects.

Now, separately. Its great. But, that's the thing, they should just be single levels, not one obnoxiously large multi-tiered stage. That's stupid, and it won't matter because you'll never see half of it to begin with.

The ideas and all are great individually (each chamber is done fabulously), but the base concept needs work.

It's all a test of patiece and I'm sure some people could get to see a good majority of the stuff in here. Besides, an option to choose where you begin can be added or as you said it could be separated, but I prefer it as it is.

To everyone else:

Thanks for the comments. It only took 2 or 3 days to do. It was just writing it that took the most time. I'm glad you all like the stage.

Ultimateryu: I'd love to see a concept, thanks.

SmokeNc-017: There are 4 elements, namely the ones I used. They are the main ones.

ooooooooo that was fun to read, my fav is the water chamber, could there be a shark or 2 as well though

Yeah my fav is the water chamber too ^^^ awesome concept. Would have alot of fun on this level grin, nice one!
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07/18/2004 02:09 PM (UTC)
This is excellent! Here's my solution for a way around the "Never can explore the whole stage" problem.

In the beginning (in the Mid Chamber) have 4 statues centered around the 2 fighters. These are statues of Fujin the wind god, O'Shin the water god, and the other gods from MK Mythologies. When you hit these statues, they'd come to life and take you to their chamber in the temple. Sure, you wouldn't see all the different chambers in the same battle, but it would make this stage different every time you came back to it!

Again, love the concept you posted, and it would be cool, the only thing is the MK team would probably have to work a whole year on nothing else but this background!

See ya,
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07/18/2004 04:13 PM (UTC)
Wow, you finally posted it, i was one of the Beta-Testers grin, i think it's a beautifully done stage, but i think there are just too many details in it, as you know and as i have told you, it's a great thread!!!
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
07/18/2004 04:54 PM (UTC)

]0MBAT Wrote:
This is excellent! Here's my solution for a way around the "Never can explore the whole stage" problem.

In the beginning (in the Mid Chamber) have 4 statues centered around the 2 fighters. These are statues of Fujin the wind god, O'Shin the water god, and the other gods from MK Mythologies. When you hit these statues, they'd come to life and take you to their chamber in the temple. Sure, you wouldn't see all the different chambers in the same battle, but it would make this stage different every time you came back to it!

Again, love the concept you posted, and it would be cool, the only thing is the MK team would probably have to work a whole year on nothing else but this background!

See ya,

Thanks ]! I like that solution. Statues play a big part in this stage, so having them transport you to one of the chambers and then having the wind lifts take you to the other chambers would be a great idea.

Mk_FrEaK Wrote:
Wow, you finally posted it, i was one of the Beta-Testers , i think it's a beautifully done stage, but i think there are just too many details in it, as you know and as i have told you, it's a great thread!!!

Thanks, bro! There's so much to see and do in it simply because I wanted to design a stage with reply value. One that people would want to come back to.
07/18/2004 05:45 PM (UTC)
awsome stage idea!!! would love to see that happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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art by fear-sAs
07/18/2004 06:13 PM (UTC)

tgrant Wrote:

SmokeNc-017: There are 4 elements, namely the ones I used. They are the main ones.

Yeah those are the four big ones, but that still doesn't mean that metal isn't an element. That's all I'm trying to say.
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07/18/2004 06:30 PM (UTC)
Wow simply amazing Tgrant best stage concept i've ever seen on this board.
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