07/20/2013 01:12 AM (UTC)
*Lego carefully looks at the battle as he steps a bit away after being swung back by the demon. He sees an obvious opening, and creates a large pole out of LEGO bricks. The bricks continue to grow, and eventually, he is holding a massive warhammer. The demon distracted by the battle, Lego waits for an opening, and as soon as he sees one, he lunges into the air and with his connection to Rindo, turns it into a ninjato sword with an expanded, flat handle. He swings the hammer down, and drives the sword all the way into the ddemon, it's 4 foot blade driving in at the shoulder, doing insane damage. At this moment, Lego falls, and the hammer dissipates into the air, and Lego grabs a bean from his pocket, crawling away while swallowing the bean. With that, he looks for what he had actually done to hurt the demon.*
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07/20/2013 01:39 AM (UTC)
*the commander reeling back from being kicked then channels his chi, making his light powers erupt on the blade of his naginata. After twirling it a few times, the commander does a fierce swing with his naginata, creating a huge shockwave, which successfully knocks froid's tomahawks out of his hands onto the wall of the arena, far away from froid's spot. With enough momentum from the previous swing, the commander does a downward swing using a huge beam protruding from his naginata in an attempt to sever froid in two. But froid was able to dodge in the nick of time*
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07/20/2013 01:58 AM (UTC)
*after dodging many slashes, froid was able to come close to the commander & in the same succession (OOC with froid's disciplined krav maga techniques) grabs the commander's weapon. Froid using his strength, lifted the commander, while they're both still holding the naginata, slams the commander into the ground. Froid successfully snatches the commander's naginata away, throwing it into the same place where his tomahawks were. However before froid can land the finishing blow, the commander transfered his light powers to his foot, while hand springing himself aiming both of his feet to froid's face, kicking him square in the chin. Froid was completely caught off guard as he struggled to gain his balance. By then, the commander rush forward froid, using this opportune moment to use his signature technique, the "grasshopper kick". the commander jumps up using his right foot to kick froid in the face while his left foot is kicking froid's chest, basically using his legs in a running motion. The commander's final kick knocks froid flat on his back.*
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God of War is Back!

07/20/2013 05:06 AM (UTC)
Enki stumbled to one knee. Kirac watched vigilantly as the Anunnaki rose up and pulled the weapon from his nearly severed shoulder."So you humans do have some fight," it turned and looked straight at Lego,"no matter, you are still our slaves and you bow to me!Enki charged with one good arm towards the warriors.
"Screw it then, NO Holding BACK!" yelled Kirac as he drove the chains of Nibiru trough his own hand tearing it off.Kirac took the bloody stomp and draped it over his shoulder,as the blood flowed it seemed to tear away at the back of his armor. The blood outlined the tattoo of the scorpion on his back and in a instant Kirac let out a scream that seemed to startle even the enforcer.The scorpion tore it self from kirac's back and grew to twice the size of its owner.
Kirac turned and looked at the scorpion and smirked"Turmoil Kill the big bastard and fill free to eat his heart!"With this Kirac passed out.
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07/20/2013 06:23 AM (UTC)
"You're too weak....time to end this!" *the commander says as both hands begin to surge with power. At this moment, froid opens one eyelid seeing what the commander was about to do. Froid then looks up at the sky thinking to himself that he hopes this works. The commander then unleashes a huge stream of volcanic matter aiming towards froid. Froid then turns into his liquid form, safely avoiding the magma pool, heading to the commander's direction. he reshapes into his his human form, not before delivering a solid uppercut directly into the commander's jaw. the impact of the blow was so severe that it not only knocked some of his teeth out, but it also cracked the upper part of his skull*(OOC: you know what they say, the punch you don't see coming will most likely be the knockout punch)
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07/20/2013 06:30 AM (UTC)
*not the one to hesitate when given the opportunity to capitalize, Froid then grabs the airborne commander, in the same fashion he used to destroy that guard at that particular building, driving him spine first into the ground via "Cryonic Suplex". but this time, he modifies the technique by spinning himself around before they hit the ground. After the devastating impact, froid then shows off by doing a backflip off of the impact area, completely unscathed.*
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I hate this place.

07/21/2013 12:09 AM (UTC)
(OOC: I was reading and imagining FROID's fight while listening to Inside the Fire by Disturbed. Was pretty BA haha.)

As Boom saw Kirac yell and faint, he realized how hard this battle would be.

Although Lego did some damage, Boom had no real ability to continue the hit.

Still, Boom tried to help. He saw Enki and the scorpion appear to be circling each other. Boom stayed behind Enki and at the right moment, he sent out another beam, shouting kamehadoken once more.

This time, the beam hit the back of Enki's knee, causing him to fall on that knee. The scorpion lunged at Enki at this sign of a fault in his fighting.

Then Boom noticed the sky once more. It had gotten extremely dark, and he knew something was up, because it wasn't like a storm's darkness, it appeared that something unnatural was happening.

(OOC: That last paragraph is implying that Goku and the others have tried to summon the dragon and the shadow smoke dragon or w/e has come up and will soon send out the other shadow dragons)
07/21/2013 12:35 AM (UTC)
*Lego grabs Rindo, and turns it into his trump card; the blade began to shift and formed into a frakishly long sword he had trained against by a swordsman in legends- the Masamune. He swings the massive ninjato and cuts into the demon's side. AAat this moment, Lego withdraws the blade to basic form and watches as the demon becomes overwhelmed by Rind, the scorpion of Kirac, and Boom's kamehadokens.*
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07/21/2013 02:44 AM (UTC)
*after making a deep sigh, froid then turns around to see the commander still on his back, laying in the small crater made from that impact. Froid, being a good Samaritan in nature, walks over to give the commander the bean that Legoslayer had given him. At that instant, the commander feels completely rejuvenated & at this instant, was able to get up on his own feet.* "you did not have to do that" "& then what? just leave you to rot? I do not kill without reason." "very well...then," *the commander then turns to froid & bows in admiration for his skills. Froid responds by bowing in respect* "you have done well for besting me in battle. You are now an honorary new member upon our ranks" "I gladly accept the honors" *responds froid as he kneels down* "how may I address you by your name sir?" "you can address me as
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Commander Hotaru
" *froid then ponders about that name then knows that it all makes sense, considering his deadly techniques & elemental powers* "its been a pleasure doing battle with you commander" *froid says as he gives the commander his naginata*
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07/21/2013 02:46 AM (UTC)
(OOC: where are my manners? Thanks for the compliment boomboom)
07/21/2013 03:06 AM (UTC)
*Lego looks on as the demon is destroyed in battle. He sees the demon fall down after being bested by the other two, minimal help from him. He decides to try to finish off the beast by creating a replica (and only a replica) of a legendary sword, a 42 inch Gladius-based blade with a blue hilt, the handgurad aimed up, and he drives the blade into the forehead of the beast so far in, he probably punctured a lung. He pulls the blade out, and covers the entity in little LEGO plates, and with an odd twist of his hands and a push forward, the entity turns into LEGOs himself. Lego looks on, and falls back, hitting his head and back against the cliff to the side.*
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God of War is Back!

07/21/2013 08:37 AM (UTC)
"Hey, mega-blocks, you ok, wake up sleepy."says Kirac as he sits down next to Lego who has been propped up against the cliff."You look like crap, here have my bean pill thing." Looking around a bit Kirac turned and asked," Hungry, we have some t-Rex cooking on a fire over there." Lego looked surprised to see an actual dinosaur being cut up and cooked on a open flame."That thing came out of nowhere not too long after Boom and you kill Enki. Boom and Turmoil took care of it."Kirac then looked up at the dark sky just thinking how he would brag to Sketch-man how he killed an enforcer.Then he remembers how the satyr had helped even though it didn't mean too." The eye I took from the Satyr contained what is left of the pure flame,it's how I started the fire." Seeing slight confusion on Lego's face Kirac explained," it's the same fire the titian Prometheus gave too your kind."Standing up Kirac turned to Lego," lets eat before Boom has a field day."
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I hate this place.

07/21/2013 03:30 PM (UTC)
Although the sky worried Boom, the promise of food was too intense.

"NOMNOMGARFGARBLENOMGRUHAHA" were the grotesque noises that Boom made while eating.

After having his fill, Boom then saw the sky remained dark.

"Guys, we gotta get out of here, fast. The sky is still dark, the T-Rex is almost done with, and we haven't seen any sign of this spiky haired guy."
07/21/2013 04:40 PM (UTC)
Agreed. We need to-
*At this moment, a massive explosive noise is heard and a beam of light goes overhead.*

I think we have a lead.
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07/21/2013 05:40 PM (UTC)
*Hotaru receives his naginata* "commander, may I ask you for a favor?" "proceed" "Is there like a way I can leave this realm?" "Yes. If you head towards the center area, there's a large white sphere that acts like a portal which outsiders use to enter this realm. I would avoid the realm of chaos however, because many of my men tried to enforce order over there &....." "I'll be careful. I am most indebted to you commander" *froid says this as he poses with a saluting gesture before running to the central area* (OOC: at this particular point, Froid is now wearing Seidan guardsman armor)
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God of War is Back!

07/23/2013 03:05 AM (UTC)
"Yeah lets go towards the big scary light, nothing could be worse than the enforcer right?" says Kirac while standing getting ready to head out.
07/23/2013 06:36 PM (UTC)
Suddenly, the ground begins the shake violently, and larges cracks through the earth begin to form.

Light pours out of the cracks, intense heat emitting from it. A large rumble sounds from beneath the earth, and ground itself explodes. Immediately at the start of the explosion, however, a giant force field forms around Lego, Kirac, and Boom, and the three were quickly ushered away from the crumbling earth as it collapsed into itself.

The force field pushed the three over to unhindered land. There, the force field subsided, and Jehzeil ran up to them.

"You three are going to get us all killed."

Jehzeil pointed over to the still crumbling earth. "Do you see that? That is what you all did to my bounty. Every time you all engage in combat, you cause a special rift that tears that world apart."

Jehzeil looks over at the three guys. "I'm willing to be this has been happening everywhere you go. How many worlds have you destroyed so far, huh?"

Jehzeil gets distracted by a bright beam of light shinning in the sky. "What the... what is that? Did you three do that too?"

The rumbling sound of the earth suddenly grows louder, and Jehzeil looks over to see the crumbling earth headed in their direction, at an accelerated speed.

"Screw the light. This entire world is collapsing. We have to get out of here, and fast."
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God of War is Back!

07/24/2013 08:33 AM (UTC)
"Everyone get on to Turmoil, he can run faster than any of us!" with this kirac jumps on to the scorpion's back,"waiting for an invite?"As the warriors climb on to the scorpion it takes off at great speed for its size.Then Kirac thought of something,"By the way,where were you when the enforcer attacked lady?"
07/24/2013 06:12 PM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
"Everyone get on to Turmoil, he can run faster than any of us!" with this kirac jumps on to the scorpion's back,"waiting for an invite?"As the warriors climb on to the scorpion it takes off at great speed for its size.Then Kirac thought of something,"By the way,where were you when the enforcer attacked lady?"

"I don't even know what that is."

Jehzeil looks down towards the ground, which is now mostly gone. The view of it soon goes out of sight as the scorpion leaps up and speeds forward.

"This whole world will be gone in a matter of minutes. Innocent people dead, because of you three! You couldn't just go home and finish..."

Jehzeil looks over to Boom, gulfing down a Baby Ruth.

"...eating your candy bar? But no! You had to fight! This is why I became a bounty hunter. I got tired of fighting. I just want get rid of threats like you three who can't sit still for two seconds."

Jehzeil sighs heavily. "And now I'm stuck with you for an undetermined period of time..."
About Me

I hate this place.

07/24/2013 08:41 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
"I don't even know what that is."

Jehzeil looks down towards the ground, which is now mostly gone. The view of it soon goes out of sight as the scorpion leaps up and speeds forward.

"This whole world will be gone in a matter of minutes. Innocent people dead, because of you three! You couldn't just go home and finish..."

Jehzeil looks over to Boom, gulfing down a Baby Ruth.

"...eating your candy bar? But no! You had to fight! This is why I became a bounty hunter. I got tired of fighting. I just want get rid of threats like you three who can't sit still for two seconds."

Jehzeil sighs heavily. "And now I'm stuck with you for an undetermined period of time..."

(OOC: From my understanding, the world is about to go to hell. Sooooooo that means no Omega Shenron or Goku or any of that, the world is blowing up?)

"Eh? How is it our fault?" Boom said with a mouthful of candy. "For all we know, you could be shifting the blame!"

After finishing his meal, Boom realized what she said. "But my visions... I saw him! With the spiky hair!"

Seeing as how his visions were wrong, Boom let out a sigh and a tear. Then he realized how they had no way out, as the teleporter was a one way ticket and they knew of no other way (OOC: Dende is probably gonna die, and so the Dragonballs will die with him) out of there.

So, Boom did the last thing he could do, brought out the orb that Riyakou had given him, and said:

"Will you glow for me, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssse? Pretty pretty please? Like, pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Hoping this pleading will get it to work again, Boom then waited for it to work, while riding the scorpion.
07/24/2013 08:46 PM (UTC)
The orb began to glow intensely.

Suddenly, a giant pillar of light shot out of it, and everything surrounding Boom went still, including Jehzeil, his friends, and the crumbling earth itself. From the pillar of light, sound waves formed, and from the sound waves a woman-like voice spoke.

"You have requested the light. What is the goodness you seek?"
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I hate this place.

07/24/2013 08:53 PM (UTC)
Boom could feel the light pulsating into him, permeating his body and refueling him. The addicting feeling of energy was prominent.

"Er.... augh... Uh, right, please get us out of here. Bring us to Seido, where the other ones are. We need to get out of here before this place explodes. Whatever is happening in this world.... It's too late to save it. Get us out of here, please!"
07/24/2013 09:20 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Boom could feel the light pulsating into him, permeating his body and refueling him. The addicting feeling of energy was prominent.

"Er.... augh... Uh, right, please get us out of here. Bring us to Seido, where the other ones are. We need to get out of here before this place explodes. Whatever is happening in this world.... It's too late to save it. Get us out of here, please!"

"The light is requested. Salvation is the plea."

The light emitting from the orb expands, consuming the group and the scorpion. The light transports the group to Seido outside the main courthouse. The bright light recedes back into the orb.
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07/25/2013 12:22 AM (UTC)
*before Froid took one step into the portal, he saw a bright light behind him. thinking it was Hotaru trying to close in on him, Froid took out his tomahawks* "I knew you were not to be tru...." *Froid cut himself off after realizing it wasn't hotaru closing in on him but rather a silhouette of a huge scorpion with people riding on it. He then draws slowly, while keeping his guard up.*
07/25/2013 12:59 AM (UTC)
*As Lego finds himself in this mysterious new realm, he looks about, seeing if anybody from the bunch had entered. He looks around, and thinks about that world he was just in, wondering what was happening.*
We're going back there eventually. We're gonna figure out what Boom's vision was about and how we're gonna save that place.
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