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03/04/2005 06:48 PM (UTC)
This teen are just @!#$%?? they make me angry furiousfuriousfuriousfurious
03/04/2005 10:13 PM (UTC)
03/04/2005 10:24 PM (UTC)
krackerjack Wrote:
Why is it the parents fault that the kids screwed up or did something wrong? When you're a teen, you know the difference between right and wrong, regardless of how little emphasis your parents placed on teaching you what 'right' and 'wrong' are.

Oh yup, let's blame the parents. It's clearly the parents fault that their kids have a mind of their own, those lousy, lousy parents.
Let's not even consider that their parents might be saints, and their kids just decided to deliberately be rebellious, as teens do.

There's no need to blame anybody but the perpetrator. These stupid kids did it, they can take responsibility for it. Everybody knows killing fits society's concept of what 'wrong' is, even if they disagree that it's wrong. Everybody also knows that killing results in severe punishment, even if they personally think killing is fine.
They knew it was wrong, they did it, they can take full responibility for it.

But whatever, lets just run to our scapegoats; the parents (just like the media runs to theirs; Mortal Kombat).

As for this: "they used techniques borrowed from the video game 'Mortal Combat' in dealing with their victim", well, what's so unbelievable about that? Why are some of you so adamant that's "bullshit"? It isn't possible that they saw a character perform a two finger strike at the face of an opponent, and decided to mimic that? Few of those would certainly cause some serious damage. Of course, any of this could be seen in any cheesy kung-fu flick, and they could have got the ideas there, but they didn't, they saw it in MK. I don't see how that's "bullshit" - it's the truth.

Sorry it's a little late in the thread but I have to say it:

The reason why people blame parents, video games, and etc is simple. No one seems to want to take resposibility for their own actions anymore and we live in a world that always believes there has to be an alterior motive or some outside influence. I totall agree with you though, the blame should be placed on the induvidual. It's the court's job to see if there is a valid outside influence. I see this one as a bunch of stupid kids who should have known better, but they are old enough to realive the distintion between reality and fiction. If they are totally competent and capable individuals, fuck 'em. They deserve to take the full blame.
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03/04/2005 10:41 PM (UTC)
Stupid people these days.
03/05/2005 01:58 AM (UTC)
This is such a lame excuse that people use. When teens do stupid things like this the parents always blame the video games! Where in mortal kombat do u throw someone over a bridge into a river?! When are the parents going to realize that video games have ratings for a reason? Obviously these kids werent mature enough to play mortal kombat. If you read the full article it says that the kid was killed because "They employed the use of the legs in a scissor fashion to try to break the opponent's neck," When does any mortal kombat character do that in the game! That only happend in Mortal Kombat the movie when Sonya killed Kano. Scorpion may have tripped his opponent in that "Scissor Fashion" but he doesnt try and break his opponents neck. The only people that are to blame are the people responsible for buying these kids a mature rated game/alcohol... period!furious
03/05/2005 03:35 AM (UTC)
Sigh...I am not saying that a criminal could point fingers at the parent and say "that is why I am in jail".
ULTIMATELY, it is up to THAT person to make their decisions.
What I have been TRYING to say is that parenting DOES have a more positive effect on the kids, not that it will make them super goodie goodie two shoes 100% of the time and they will do no wrong.
HOWEVER, however, bad parenting, or more common yet, lack of parenting, IS a factor to miscreant behavior. A FACTOR. Ultimately, yes, it is still up to the person taking the action. But parenting DOES have a big influence.
Eh, I'm done.
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03/05/2005 03:51 AM (UTC)
I read about this a couple days ago. It's the same shit that popped up after Columbine. People are all too quick to place blame on anything other than themselves for how their children are raised. I've written a multitude of papers for both high school and college, that deal with this topic....and just how utterly rediculous it is.

I believe this article here can effectlively counter-suit the alligations brought up here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/03/tech/gamecore/main677960.shtml

Basic point being - if the kids are killing their friends or hurting others or themselves, they were screwed up way before video games came into play.
03/05/2005 04:29 AM (UTC)
What 16 year old int heir right mind would actually play Mortal Kombat acting is if they are the characters...dumbasses. You'd think these people would have better ways to spend their days..guess not.
They had another reason to do it, it wasn't MK.
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"Goddamn the torpedoes.
It's time to run away with the sideshow.
Full speed, right ahead.
Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
03/05/2005 02:37 PM (UTC)
ugh, it's idiotic that people will blame what they do on something else rather then take the blame whole-heartedly, heh, i've played mk since the first one along time ago, and i guess i just had common sense to know that it's just a video game.

oh, and because video games influences people to do whats in it, i thought i should let yall know i'm going to go out wearing a flak jacket, have blade-tsung dressed in a tank top and we're going to hunt down a blonde russian bitch for being associated with a virus programmed to kill and we're going to make friends with a smartass but gotta love woman and south african patholigist, make an organization in europe to track said virus, all because we saw it in a fucking video game!


(blade forgive me for making you lian xing and not gabriel logan >X-D next time i can be teresa lipan and you can be lawrence mujari, k?)

another thing i noticed... the kids were below age 17... which every mortal kombat has always been rated M for mature, which instates you have to be 17+ to play, heh.
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03/05/2005 08:42 PM (UTC)
OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all know what these teens are doing. They are saying the game influenced them so their sentence wouldn't be as long. Think about it though, If you are influenced by a game to kill someone, would you try to dump the body. That sounds like a murder that was thought up there.

P.S. Some one may of said the same thing I just said, but I didn't read all the post before doing mine.
03/05/2005 08:49 PM (UTC)
There 14, and were under the infuence, and playing MK! Ignorent teens! Now the peole have another of a long list of video game related deaths. I hate idiots like that. They desirve all of what they are getting. If it were me I'd lockem up and throw away the key! Stupid fools!
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/05/2005 11:57 PM (UTC)
i totally agree with yu man its the media and people liek bush n shit makin us look dumb
with spelling like yours, it isn't hard.... and if you're afraid of BUSH making you look dumb, you might as well put on the little yellow helmet and start ending sentences with "Yay!"
03/06/2005 03:21 PM (UTC)
I blame the kids...
03/06/2005 05:01 PM (UTC)
those kids r retarded,and personaly,u need help{if that hamster thing is true}
03/07/2005 07:27 PM (UTC)
Know what, i hate to say this.

I disagree that part, that kid learn them from the movie and game and why did those boy blaming it on MK games and movie. And Also i hope this will never happen again and if it does happen. OMG, i will get fedup with people killing stuff.

OT: I'm back again.
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03/10/2005 05:39 AM (UTC)
Those kids should be tossed into Goro's Lair!
03/13/2005 10:08 PM (UTC)
there's no MK moves like that in MK:D is thereconfusedconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
03/17/2005 04:06 PM (UTC)
Absolutley Pathetic teens .... I hpoe they get put away for life furious
03/18/2005 12:19 AM (UTC)
Hmm this reminds me of the case of Man Hunt a guy just played that game and killed a helpless guy with the things of Man Hunt .

Any way the kids should be careful if they play MK and should not use the moves in the game.If some big kid do JC ́s uppercut fatal i would defeitly get crazy!That guy should get 1000 years in prison!!!

My kids also play Mortal Kombat.I remind them to not do these moves in school. Most stupid thing is the 5 guys mother is that they don ́t do the moves!

03/28/2005 10:27 PM (UTC)
I've heard so many stories about this dumb shit of people using "Mortal Combat" moves to hurt their friends. IMO the fault first falls on the perpetraitors. No matter how fuckin annoying a kid may be u don't fuckin kill them! Jesus. Second the fault falls on the parents. If your kids aren't responsible enough to play violent video games don't fucking buy them for them! Again Jesus.

There could also be the idea that the kids murdered the dude with no influence from mortal kombat, and just made it up as they were being questioned to get out of it. Stupid fuckers either way.

This is what gives MK gamers a bad name. Now all the people are like "Oh, he plays 'Mortal Combat' he's a cold blooded killer!" I believe that people should mind their own fuckin business and not judge people cuz they play MK. Because unlike these idiotic teens, we know what is real and whats fake.

Over and out
03/29/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)
Man, this world is so stupid. I can't bear to imagine it. I hope those teens get what they deserve. Also sad as well. No wonder this world is full of imbeciles and morons like them. Killing your own friend because of a video game move? This world needs to grow up.
03/29/2005 09:45 AM (UTC)
What stupid motherfuckers doing that to their friend i hope they
go to hell for what they have donefurious
03/29/2005 07:42 PM (UTC)
italianstallion Wrote:
I've heard so many stories about this dumb shit of people using "Mortal Combat" moves to hurt their friends. IMO the fault first falls on the perpetraitors. No matter how fuckin annoying a kid may be u don't fuckin kill them! Jesus. Second the fault falls on the parents. If your kids aren't responsible enough to play violent video games don't fucking buy them for them! Again Jesus.

There could also be the idea that the kids murdered the dude with no influence from mortal kombat, and just made it up as they were being questioned to get out of it. Stupid fuckers either way.

This is what gives MK gamers a bad name. Now all the people are like "Oh, he plays 'Mortal Combat' he's a cold blooded killer!" I believe that people should mind their own fuckin business and not judge people cuz they play MK. Because unlike these idiotic teens, we know what is real and whats fake.

Over and out

Don't bump threads that are past Page 2. Read the rules. Even if this is a news article, I don't think it's an exception. Correct me if I'm wrong, ]{ or Crow, or whoever checks this thread.

03/29/2005 08:57 PM (UTC)
did they do the pit fatality on someone is that what they was copying?
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