Ed Boon Wants an Injustice Movie
posted03/20/2021 09:18 PM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

This is particularly odd and puzzling since Ed Boon has been quiet, in many ways, about the upcoming MK film, which is happening, yet is very vocal in supporting an Injustice film, which as far as we know, isn't happening as of yet: https://www.comicbookmovie.com/justice_league/mortal-kombat-co-creator-ed-boon-wants-an-injustice-movie-shares-justice-league-snyder-cut-support-a174369#gs.wpctv5

03/21/2021 01:07 PM (UTC)

This is particularly odd and puzzling since Ed Boon has been quiet, in many ways, about the upcoming MK film, which is happening, yet is very vocal in supporting an Injustice film, which as far as we know, isn't happening as of yet: https://www.comicbookmovie.com/justice_league/mortal-kombat-co-creator-ed-boon-wants-an-injustice-movie-shares-justice-league-snyder-cut-support-a174369#gs.wpctv5

it seem that ed boon not intreast in mk anymore plus when the mk does good they should ask john tobias to be kevie feige to this potinal move franchiese

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