Overall Feeling About the Game Now that You Have It?
posted05/06/2013 03:42 AM (UTC)by
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06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
So, you've bought Injustice, played it, maybe beaten the storyline, played online a few times, and now what do you think? How do you feel about it? Upset? Overjoyed? More or less what you expected? How do you feel now that it is come and passed?

I honestly really enjoy the game, but I'm admittedly not fantastic at it....yet. I have a friend who is quite a contrarian (we've also clashed on MK vs SF on multiple occasions) who said the game was "horrendously clumsy" to which I felt genuinely hurt; like someone saying that song you love is terrible. I think that sort of shows how much I actually enjoy this game to be tied to it emotionally. That being said, I can say that this is not what I expected- the controls do feel a bit foreign and the interface was a interesting change of pace. However, I've come to really enjoy both of those things.

So, what say you?
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04/28/2013 03:19 AM (UTC)
I don't find it clumsy at all. I will admit that the timing for combos and such did take a bit to get used to. However once you got that down the game flows rather nicely.

I think my favorite thing about Injustice is that they made all of the characters feel very different from one another. I tend to stay away from the big bulky characters and use the quick combo types... however the characters here are so well done and have such great moves that I have just as much fun playing Grundy or Bane as I do playing Nightwing or Flash. No one feels like a cardboard cut-out of another character. I appreciate that.

I honestly do not have anything bad to say about this game. Well except for maybe that Shazam's chin is abnormally huge. kinda makes him look cartoonish lol.
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04/28/2013 03:29 AM (UTC)
What I really love about the game is the fact that you can change the controls into a full motion style & the fact that they actually did vs cpu mode. Also I love practice mode for what they did with it.
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04/28/2013 03:39 AM (UTC)
I was thankful for ONLINE PRACTICE,

Look here as what was Implanted into Injustice was of my idea for MK9

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04/28/2013 04:43 AM (UTC)
It's my personal game of the year. 8.9/10

Absolutely love the options in practice mode. The frame data. The move-tagger.
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04/28/2013 05:35 AM (UTC)
NRS' best game yet. They managed to step out of their comfort zone and deliver something really special. Gameplay is crisp, story mode is great, all the extras are pretty sweet, and dlc(despite certain rumors) has me intrigued.
04/28/2013 06:40 AM (UTC)
Star Labs can go eat a Richard. Fucking waste of development time and infuriatingly annoying to get 3 stars on some of the missions. Someone needs to tell Boon and co. that the days of programming BS AI that magically spikes up and M. Bison's you into eating your quarters are long gone. Phew, now that I got that quibble out of the way. Love the game, fun to fight and play with most characters which is a rarity for me as I usually just stick to about 3 characters and that's that. Here I actually want to try everyone out and see who I'm gonna enjoy the best. Fighting is fun and balanced, the presentation is great, story mode though flawed was still fun to play and the online is better than MK's just on the basis that it took them about 3 months after launch to get the online running smoothly. Great buy. Just really, really hate some of these god damn STAR lab missions....
04/28/2013 07:57 AM (UTC)
It's NRS best game so far! There are so many great things I can say about this game!
Story mode genuinely felt like I was playing in a movie. The cut-scenes/ fight scenes were choreographed surprisingly well. In between mini-games were entertainingly refreshing. People complain story mode was too short, but I think it was concise. I wouldn't want to play MK9's story mode twice, it was dragged out too long, and cut-scenes were dull.
Online play is excellent. Glad they took out the lobby chat, it was stupid and pointless. A lot of people spew so much garbage in MK9's chat rooms. Navigating through online mode is so convenient. NRS did a great job on the overall layout of the game. The hero cards are a nice touch for customizing your style. In MK9, all you had was your PSN username; not so fun.
Characters are all unique in gameplay which is something really hard to accomplish, but NRS pulled it off. There are a lot of little things that made me impressed. For instance, a lot of characters have different jump animations which is really cool. A lot of the characters have different dash animations which is really cool. Some characters say their famous lines during fights which is really cool. If games take the time to add these little kinds of details, it makes a huge difference in enjoying/loving the game that much more. MK9 had a lot of detail, but Injustice totally blew me away with the amount of detail they put in it. It is...amazing.

04/28/2013 10:02 AM (UTC)
I think overall its a great game. Love the practice mode options to help improve myself as well as how each character is completely different, therefore making me want to use the entire roster.

Also the simplified nature of the game is really great for newcomers. I have quite a few friends who don't play fighting games but they have all bought Injustice and they are thoroughly enjoying it. Kudos to NRS
04/28/2013 01:29 PM (UTC)
I thoroughly enjoy the game.

For the story, I thought it was entertaining and a good story. Though the whole multiple universes seemed a little convenient. I was expecting some morally bad choices being made for some heroes but whatever. Was still a very good story. The little mini games are fun too. But they go on for too long.

For the fighting, I like it better than MK. The combo potential is greater than before with interactables, bounce cancels, and some character's powers. Every character feels unique and different from one another. My favorite being Grundy, with some amazing combos that you can do with his chain throws.

For the online, they really stepped it up. Injustice's online is SO much better than MK's. Now it keeps tracks of various stats, gives you the option to customize a playercard, and they added online practice. It also has a much better netcode than MK. Not saying it's perfect, but it's reams ahead of MK's.

After playing Injustice, all I can say is MK needs a big grappler. I'm curious to see if Moloch could fill that role.
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04/28/2013 01:45 PM (UTC)
I'm really enjoying the game (just wish i had more time to play it with school work). I like a lot of the stuff NRS decided to try out with Injustice: stage transitions, interactive objects in the environment, the clash system, the network code has been improved so much over MK9. I thought story mode was done very well, although just a little short. I also thought it was a nice touch to give damage info and frame data for all moves in practice mode.

I wish there was a character specific training like Street Fighter 3: Third Strike for XBL to learn the characters better. I'm also not crazy about using back for block. Its just so natural after playing MK for so long with a block button.

I'm really not that great at the game yet, and the dozen or so plus online matches I've played, just to unlock Yellow Lantern, shows me that this game is actually much more competitive that I thought it would be.
04/30/2013 11:32 PM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
I don't find it clumsy at all. I will admit that the timing for combos and such did take a bit to get used to. However once you got that down the game flows rather nicely.

I think my favorite thing about Injustice is that they made all of the characters feel very different from one another. I tend to stay away from the big bulky characters and use the quick combo types... however the characters here are so well done and have such great moves that I have just as much fun playing Grundy or Bane as I do playing Nightwing or Flash. No one feels like a cardboard cut-out of another character. I appreciate that.

I honestly do not have anything bad to say about this game. Well except for maybe that Shazam's chin is abnormally huge. kinda makes him look cartoonish lol.

I could not agree more (even the chin thing) I really do enjoy this game, however I do tend to see people complaining about the control scheme. I don't really get why, it's just different. Perhaps they just dislike anything new and different.
05/01/2013 06:10 AM (UTC)
It's getting more and more fun everyday. I just started messing around with Batman more and more today and learned a lot of cool stuff. I love his style, I think I found a main. And I just got the Beyond skin, so sick, makes me want to play as Batman more.
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05/05/2013 02:39 PM (UTC)
This is my favorite fighting game of all time. Without a doubt. Oddly enough, if I were to rate it out of 10, it would get a slightly lower score than MK9 (maybe 9 compared to 9.3) because NRS regressed in areas that they didn't need to. For example, I don't like this game's version of challenge tower or crypt nearly as much as MK (the interface is pretty subpar IMHO). I dont remember MK's tower feeling nearly as tedious as this one does at times. Also, it was a disappointment that they cut down on the options for local multiplayer. MK is still the best fighting game I've played for local mp.

That being said, the fighting mechanics are second-to-none and a really big upgrade over MK9. This game feels much deeper than MK9, and because of that it took me a while to get used to some of the changes. Once I started getting the hang of bounce cancels, armored interactives, etc., I realized how deep the fighting is.

Additionally, I played online for the first time last night, and the net code is awesome! And for me, that might be the biggest, most important difference. I didn't get too deep into MK because it was just too frustrating playing online. Well, this is the first fighting game that I would like to play in a tournament. I'm a long way away, but I actually have the interest in going that deep into this game. It's just an awesome effort by NRS.

*Bitches about Scorpion being DLC.*
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05/05/2013 03:15 PM (UTC)
Im not a fighting fan (nor am I good, right B-don? lol) but I can honestly this is the most fun I've had in a fighting game ever. More than MK Deception (yes of all MK's, I favored Deception)

Character selection overall is pretty awesome (Nightwing is mega bonus for me, especially with alternate color N52 costume)

Combos are pretty ok (though I sucks trying to do those 'Natural' 15hit combos and 10 hit juggling combos)

though I hardly touch the online (only private games if my cousins or some friends want to play/ use me as a ragdoll) but I have to see it's pretty decent. Rarely I have been in a laggy fight. (I only played Ranked games to try and get Yellow Lantern Hal which took me like...20 fights to get since I always got owned by Expert players (90% of time) or Aqua/Batman- Black Adam, deathstroke spammers(9%). If wanted it probably take me like 5 more wins to get the 10 ranked wins trophy but seems like all the pros and spammers have owned the online by now lol

Story was pretty short (shorter than new MK) but was still pretty fun. Felt like watching one of DC animated movies grin

STAR labs are pretty ok, though I doubt I'll ever 3 star the mode since: 1. the end reward is lame 2. I'll most likely, not even if my life depend on it, ever 3 star every mission but in genreal some of the missions are pretty fun.

So for me personally, I'd give Injustice a 9/10 (Would be 9.5 if J'on was an actual playable character)
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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05/05/2013 03:41 PM (UTC)
The game is Awesome so I'll mention the weaker points

Star Lab Missions really have no replay value
NO Unlockable Characters
NO Secret Fights
DLC selection by NRS is the exact opposite of the polls fans voted in
05/05/2013 09:31 PM (UTC)
Good, very good. But where's MM, Red Hood?
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05/05/2013 09:36 PM (UTC)
S.T.A.R. Labs is frustrating as hell. Especially if you want 3 stars on each mission. And for what? A Flash outfit? I'll pass.
05/05/2013 10:31 PM (UTC)
I was loving it to be honest.

Story mode was good but disappointing went with the safe "Alternate world" thing.

Star Labs is annoying as is the unlock system tbh.

But now got a game breaking bug where it seems I need to delete my save to restore it.
05/05/2013 11:14 PM (UTC)
Here is my overall feeling on the game.

Like Mortal Kombat , this game is fantastic if you love single player experiences in fighting games.

One thing NRS always does is give you plenty of content.

The other major thing this game has going for it is straight up fun factor.

Now with that being said, I feel this game also has the same downside that Mortal Kombat has in that in my opinion its not great for competitive play. Not to say the game can't be played competitively or that , I just don't feel the game is as fun when you HAVE to play it as a hardcore fighter.

The easier way to explain it may be that its really fun polling of juggle combo's and the like, but if your play to win it doesn't seem as appealing.

Personally that doesn't bother me because I play for fun, for story, and to mess around with combos, but if your bothered by shitty online play, or you have a hard time taking a loss to people who use deathstroke's keep away game, then your probably going to call this game shit.

Personally I think this game is excellent and if your an NRS fighter fan, its perfect.
05/05/2013 11:18 PM (UTC)
The game is pretty fun to play, but it tends to get boring very easily.

It may be because I haven't played it that much since I got it. I still haven't played the S.T.A.R. Labs, though. I haven't done the ladder either. To be honest, all I've done was the multiplayer.

Wow, I haven't done that much. lol
05/06/2013 03:42 AM (UTC)
Your friend is probably a biased fanboy who's opinion has no weight. The game is great. I guarantee you I play more fighters than he ever will, and there's nothing wrong with the execution in this game.

It needs some balancing and tweaks, but overall, the engine is unique, deep and fun.
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