About Me
BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.
Banned for not inviting me to this "period play".

Banned cause, "Santa hates pooor kids, if you ain't go money then he ain't coming, nothing under your tree tonight!"
Banned for not having read the first issue of the Mortal Kombat 4 comic yet.

Banned cause i was elected to lead not to read.

About Me
BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.
Banned for being in cahoots with Bondgenoot.

About Me
Save a life; Kill a necromorph
banned for not having enough booze for your temple

About Me
BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.
Banned because I got the king's wand back as a frog, now the king thinks I'm a frog, and is offering to change me back.

About Me
Save a life; Kill a necromorph
banned for TPB is a real frog that thinks he is a human that thinks he is a frog.

Banned for Feb. being the shortest month.

lordkirac Wrote:
Banned for Feb. being the shortest month.
Banned for Feb. being the shortest month.
I won i guess. let the record show this victory goes to the soul of:

Banned cause I won and that's that Dad and or Mom

About Me
Here ya go m8! One fine top o the line crispy dollah for ya! [ $1] Enjoi! ;D
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