classic mk vs modern mk. which is better?
posted04/14/2007 06:39 AM (UTC)by
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01/25/2007 09:22 PM (UTC)
which is better? I think they tie up pretty close.But i would have to say modern. What do you think?
02/23/2007 02:11 AM (UTC)
its very hard to say imo which is better.

2d MK had a much easier battle system, with its block, run, and 4 attack buttons.The game wasn't neccesairly fluid, though, because its hard to chain combos together; its still a awesome system.

3d MK's had many more attacks, and that's why some of my friends like this system more.The system seems to do more damage than the 2d, but it has just as much infinites as the 2d ones.

I say they're both awesome, i like them
02/25/2007 02:13 AM (UTC)
I shall Say For Myself 2-D, it is not because I don't like the newer games.I in fact cherish them. I have played Every Mortal Kombat Game, Except Gold.

2 - D
I think the 2-D games are more, lets say, amusing. They always seemed to grasp my attention. I love how they have real people do the stunts and moves. I always was one for the classics.I loved the Fatalities In The Classics, The games were more entertaining, and The Story Just was better In My Opinion. I liked being able to Play UMK3 but sense my system broke, I can't. I can play MKI, MKII, and MK3. But For PSP only. I don't like it. I plan on buying The Sega Genesis and MKI - UMK3 (just in case my versions don't work) and I will buy MK Trilogy and buy a PlayStation One Memory card. I shall play MK again!

I know Mortal Kombat has to make new characters, but why are they so dull? I mean, I like Kenshi,Mavado and Bo Rai' Cho. But all the others are, annoying. I don't like having them be so unoriginal. It disappoints me. I mean, I love MKDeception. It had probably the best roster in all the newer MK's (besides MKA). I love having Kabal,Ermac,NightWolf,Smoke, etc... return. I loved that. I favor that one the most out of all the newer MK's (besides MKA). Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, that was awesome. It had a good roster IMO. But Still it makes me feel limited. I dont know why it just does. I don't like the Fatalities, They were to dull. Come on Ed! lol ... Hmmm, I think that Armageddon was everything I wanted. I loved every character back. Though They Should Have Explained that a little better. Why they are back, where they were, etcc.... But now that we have Bios Coming in, we shall know maybe a little/a lot more.

Classics always win (Unless The Classic is inferior).
02/25/2007 01:47 PM (UTC)
2D coz theres more finishers and the folloing kombatants are in:smilewinksadgrinwowfurioustonguewelltonguewasnt exactly like that then.notsad that was a mistake
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03/07/2007 01:18 PM (UTC)
Hey, this is my first message on this (or any!) forum!!

Before I say anything on the thread as a new member I have to say- Mortal Kombat online- WOW!

I vote for modern being better.

I do love classic though. When they came out, MK 1 and 2 had a deep impact on my life. Seeing real actors in a game was so cool.

I didn't buy MK3. I couldn't believe no Scorpion, Baraka, Cage etc- and robots?!? What?? I was really let down and MK3 is still my least favourite (in recent years i have discovered Trilogy though) the fatalities became stupid.

My faith was not restored by MK4. A bunch of new characters who were pale immitations of missing classic players, but worse, no actors! I didn't like the animation (MK4 has grown on me a little) and though I continued to love MK 1 and 2 i stopped following new games.

Then I discovered Deception and was blown away! Straight away I went back and got Deadly Alliance (which had passed me by on its actual release) and these two games are now my favourites above even MK 1 and 2!

Why I prefer modern to classic

-the martial arts. that's the main reason. the attention to detail and all the unlockable extras telling you the martial art histories are amazing.

- the graphics- the blood staying on the floor, fighting in the rain and hail, characters faces getting more and more battered, brilliant

-3D. OK, we've lost the real actors, but kombat has never felt more real to me, side stepping combos and interacting with background

-yeah, stage fatalities. Wow!

-generally better fatalities- i know thats controversial, but Bo rai cho's 2 deception fatalities, hsu hao's lazer split, mileena's head tear, sonya's kiss- the list goers on and on- all stunning on the newer games.

-better story. again controversial and yes, armageddon had no bios but that's being changed. So, although i agree MK lost the plot a little with armageddon, the dragon king/ death of liu kang/ dark raiden/ shujinko/ taven stories have been great

- finally, great new characters. Bo rai cho is amonst MKs greatest creations, as are the underated Nitara and Drahmin. The moves of Havik, Darrius and Hotaru may not be so original but there stories and the introduction of realms of chaos and order is inspired- Havik is one of my all time fave MK characters (story-wise at least)- his whole attitude is really imaginative.

So my vote to modern. I admit I do miss the real actors... roll on MK8!

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04/04/2007 05:16 AM (UTC)
CLASSIC BY FAR!!!!!!!!!!!
04/04/2007 06:01 AM (UTC)
Classic MK


1. Seems to me that the orginal MK's were more 'fun' to play. For the time, the gameplay seemed relatively smooth and you had to figure out on your own (or get a buddy to show you) all the special moves.

2. The story was better and easier to keep track of most likely due to fewer characters.

3. The look of MK for its time was great. I still prefer some of the original backgrounds over the newer 3-D versions.


1. Clone characters. If you have to use clones keep it to a minimum. Two or three ninjas is ok but the swarm of them in UMK3 was way too much.

Modern MK


1. Some of the new backgrounds were great and the idea for traps I like even if a little over done.

2. Some of the continuation of storylines (ie Black/Red Dragon) kept it interesting.

3. Can get the original MK with collector's version of MK:D.


1. Although the continuation of some of the existing stories was great, some of the new storylines and characters I could have done without. (i.e the whole slave girl becoming the dragon king's bride).

2. Gameplay on MK:DA is ok even if a little slow. MK:D I hated the canned combo system and for a average player seemed clumsy. MK: A WTF with the kreate a fatality! (or whatever it is called, only played it for a week and then quit went back and played the MK1 game I got with MK:D)

4. Some of the 'story twists' came very close to ruining the original characters. Yes I know change is needed but please...(Can you tell I do NOT like the whole Dark Raiden story furious)

Now MK4 doesn't really fit in either group in my mind, since I sorta of consider it the crossing over game...could be consider the last of the 'classics' due to its timing or one of the 'modern' games due to it being in 3D. I am most likely one of the few people that actually like MK4 even if the game seemed a little rushed and didn't quite reach it's full potential. But how many MK games since the first two has actually done that?

So my vote goes to the 'classics' with MK4 getting a honorable mention.
04/04/2007 07:13 PM (UTC)
I side with the modern games. The 2-D games were always a bit of a turn-off to me when I was younger because they're all impossibly hard. Granted, I have beaten MK1 and UMK3 but it took more time than I would have preferred and I still haven't beaten MK2. MK4 and up though, I can beat with any character which matters more to me than elaborate Cyrax net combos that I can't do. I also find that the 3D storyline is better. Maybe not 4's but Deadly Alliance started clearing up mysteries from the original games and started something magnificent. Deception has to have the best story so far but I am disappointed that Armageddon seems rushed and doesn't address the end of Deception at any time. That aside, the modern games have more characters and some of them (Such as Hotaru, Havik, Kenshi, and Bo' Rai' Cho...) are interesting, more so than some of the older characters like Baraka and Jade.

In short: modern games are beatable, you can move around in multiple dimensions, have better stories, have more (And arguably better...) characters, and cinematic Fatalities (Though some are bad...).
04/06/2007 04:24 AM (UTC)
Classic MK is better by an inch. I love doing the Animalities, Babalities, and Friendships. You just dont get that amusement in the Modern MK games anymore.
04/06/2007 03:51 PM (UTC)
i have to go with modern because im much better at it than the 2d.grin
04/12/2007 09:10 AM (UTC)

I prefer 3D than 2D but the old gameplay system is from far better than the martial arts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And 2D games offered a larger finisher inventory such as animailities or firendships.

In the last 3 3D games, many characters have lost their signature move.
The 2D MK Games offered a better storyline: Too many characters that are supposly dead made an unessecary come back.

Classic MK Games rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04/12/2007 12:27 PM (UTC)
wierd how most people like 2-dconfused
04/12/2007 02:00 PM (UTC)
At the time, like when the games were still new, I prefered the 2D games to the 3D. But if I go and play them now, the 3D games are more entertaining.
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
04/12/2007 09:06 PM (UTC)
The 2d games are what brought me into the series. But the 3d games have shown massive improvement.

Is there anyone else who misses the digitized graphics?
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04/12/2007 09:56 PM (UTC)
The classic 2-D MK's were better.
04/13/2007 03:32 AM (UTC)

It's just a personal thing, but in the classics, I had a love for Sindel, Mileena, Jade, Kitana, Sheeva, and Sonya. The newer games, made me less attracted to them. Of course, Sindel is fine, but I used to be in love with the rest, which now has only been reduced to Sindel.

What I'm saying is that I used to enjoy a variety of characters in the classics, but now I only like Sindel, Nitara, and Shoa Kahn.
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04/14/2007 06:39 AM (UTC)
Classic 2D MK is far superior to the 3D games.

Faster gameplay, tighter gameplay, more skilled combo-centric gameplay with advanced juggles to toy around with, better storylines, secrets and hidden fighters to challenge that require some actual play skill to achieve, better AI, better everything.

I wish they would make another new 2D game they could sell on XBL arcade since they still have the motion capture/digitizing studio I would assume, or do some cross licensing with Capcom so Midway makes one 2D digitized version, and Capcom could make a 2D sprite based version.

I'd buy any of the three types if they would only make them.

Doubt we will ever see that happen though, if anything we'd see a 3D incarnation of a VS game and that would suck in my opinion.
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