Kintaro vs Motaro
Kintaro vs Motaro
posted02/25/2013 03:51 AM (UTC)by

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Anything war can do, peace can do better.
Member Since
12/12/2003 01:14 PM (UTC)
Who would win? Everything considered. I am biased toward Kintaro, but I don't know for sure! What do you ppl think?

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my vote goes to *drum role* kintaro!death
I would say Kintaro.
Kintaro is crazy, he would stomp on motaro's azz.
Kintaro is crazy, he would stomp on motaro's azz.

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he s fastest has a teleport and fireballs protection
he s fastest has a teleport and fireballs protection
salbeinit Wrote: motaro he s fastest has a teleport and fireballs protection |
i gotta agree with salbeinit. Motaro would win.
Motaro lasted longer for me than Kintaro. Also, During Kahn's reign, Centurians were the strongest race of creatures in Outworld.
Motaro got this one
Motaro got this one

Just buy MortalKombatTrilogy and fight that match for real lol =)

About Me
Anything war can do, peace can do better.
Every couple weeks my friend and I fight that match on low damage, it's pretty fun.
KillerMiller Wrote: Just buy MortalKombatTrilogy and fight that match for real lol =) |
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It's time to run away with the sideshow.
Full speed, right ahead.
Don't stop, you can sleep when you're dead."
they both suck, but motaro has the skills to destroy that 1/4 human 1/4 tiger 1/4 dragon 1/4 pile of shit kintaro.
i kicked both characters with each other, so neither one would win unless the person fighting as them knew what they where doing

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i think itd be pretty evenly matched but motaros ability to be shielded from projectiles makes me favor him more

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I don't like these kinds of questions; that match can be actually be done in MK Trilogy (for PSX, PC, or Saturn) but, as with all "character vs character" you'll get a different winner each time.

About Me
Anything war can do, peace can do better.
But I don't mean in game who would win...I mean who do you think would win based on these fantasy characters...
]0MBAT Wrote: I don't like these kinds of questions; that match can be actually be done in MK Trilogy (for PSX, PC, or Saturn) but, as with all "character vs character" you'll get a different winner each time. |
Definately Kintaro

Motaro's my pony to bet on (pun intended); he can teleport without being countered, he's immune to projectiles, and he could use his tail to fight from a distance, while Kintaro needs to be in close to fight.

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It's hard to say. In close kombat, kintaro would have the advantage with his four arms and grapples. but in a more distanced fight motaro could use his tail and projectile. Kintaro's fireball would be void because of Motaro's special abilty. Strength wise i'd say they're equal but speed would go to Kintaro. I could go on and on.
Kintaro wins.
Kintaro wins.
I don't like Kintaro or Motaro that much.
I don't like Kintaro or Motaro that much.

It would definitely be a close fight but I think Kintaro would win it probably would come down to who gets the final hit.
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