05/19/2017 08:55 AM (UTC)
Aw man, missed the last match. I would have voted Deagon over Kira. She never interested me much. Mainly due to her gameplay and poor story.

In this one, I gotta go with Kai.

I really liked him in MK4, and was hoping he would take over from Liu Kang after the events of Deadly Alliance. I think he has fairly unique gameplay, unlike Kira, and has better story and potential. I was really disappointed he wasn't in MKX, but maybe they are saving him for MK11 to come in. I sure hope so.
05/19/2017 01:44 PM (UTC)
Kira is one of the few characters I think is straight up bad. She might have fared better if they had taken the Frost approach; a faster more feminine spin on a familiar concept. But making her into a copy pasted version of two iconic characters was just poor execution. If she were to return, she would need to be revamped to the point that she's almost unrecognizable, at which point I think it's better she just join Jarek as an NPC. And that's okay.

Kai is cool. Daegon also got my vote.
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05/20/2017 06:25 AM (UTC)

Kai versus Reiko
#48 Supreme Ranking #44
21 wins 5 losses Record 1 win 5 losses
Round 2 (2016) Best Result Round 2 (2015)

Kai takes the penultimate Tower win to advance to the Week 1 Wildcard fight! Reiko waits as the final challenger. Another fighter introduced in MK4, Reiko was one of the most talked about characters thanks to that arcade ending, where he donned Shao Kahn's helmet. A former General of Shinnok's armies; Reiko has been positioned to harbor aspirations of conquest through to Armageddon. He was only mentioned by name in the MK4 remake of Mortal Kombat X, but played a major role in the comics where he manipulated Mileena in her rise as Outworld Empress, and worked to claim the power of the Kamidogu Blood Code. This quest ultimately led to his demise at the hands of another manipulate - Havik. He earned new respect from readers, but will he earn the wildcard into the 2017 Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion tournament? It's the Tower Final! Choose their destiny!

05/20/2017 11:33 AM (UTC)
Reiko. It's a real shame he didn't make it into MKX.
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05/21/2017 06:34 AM (UTC)

Noob Saibot versus Goro
#2 Supreme Ranking #24
20 wins 4 losses Record 5 wins 5 losses
Champion (2016) Best Result Round 3 (2012)

Noob Saibot debuted in MKII as a blackened secret fighter, returning in Trilogy to be a mysterious agent of Shinnok and the Brothers of the Shadow. The cult favourite was again hidden in MK4, but became fully formed in Deception and Shaolin Monks, joining the legacy of the original game as the deceased Sub-Zero! Deployed by Quan Chi to aid Shao Kahn's invasion of Earth in the reboot, he was last seen being consumed by a soulnado - his fate still unknown.

Prince Goro looms large over the series as one of its most iconic original fighters! Introduced as Outworld's defending champion of Mortal Kombat, he was the penultimate obstacle in the first arcade game, poised to doom the Earth. He became a playable novelty in Trilogy, but returned to sub-boss status in MK4 and MK Gold! A Nintendo exclusive in Deception, he battled Noob Saibot and eventually return to aid the wounded Shao Kahn. In the reboot, Goro was once again a champion and servant of the warriors of Outworld. He survived defeat to return in Mortal Kombat X as a DLC feature character, warring with Outworld's new would-be rulers in the comic book tie-in.

Two legendary icons of twenty-five years of Mortal Kombat - but only one can win! The tournament has begun! Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

05/21/2017 01:11 PM (UTC)
The main dance! I have to go Goro in this one. He just means more to the series as a whole and is pretty bad ass in every game right up to MKX.
05/21/2017 02:57 PM (UTC)
I would have preferred better story integration for Goro in MKX, but like many returning fighters he still turned out better than ever. Maybe one day they'll give Kintaro and Sheeva similar love (lol)
05/21/2017 06:50 PM (UTC)
I love Goro but I'm voting for Noob Saibot.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

05/21/2017 07:39 PM (UTC)
I heart Goro.
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05/22/2017 06:37 AM (UTC)

Liu Kang versus Shujinko
#32 Supreme Ranking #61
3 wins 5 losses Record 0 wins 5 losses
Round 3 (2012) Best Result Round 1 (2014)

The monk Liu Kang was destined to become Earth's newest champion, ending the reign of Goro. He remained a legendary hero through MK4, but was unceremoniously murdered by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi at the beginning of Deadly Alliance. His return as a zombie terror was undone when Raiden reset the timeline, creating a reality where Liu Kang instead died during Shao Kahn's invasion of Earth and joined the ranks of the Netherrealm revenants.

Though first introduced in Deception; Shujinko's story runs deep into Mortal Kombat history. A pawn in The Dragon King's quest to return to life, Shujinko narrowly missed attending the Shaolin Tournament of the first game while on his quest to gather the six Kamidogu. In the reboot timeline, he is guardian only to the Chaosrealm Kamidogu, eventually corrupted to become an agent of Havik. Whether he is doomed to again ensure Onaga's return and the subsequent Armageddon remains unknown.

Over twenty-five years of Mortal Kombat they've both played significant roles in steering the course of events. Will one of them rise to be Supreme Champion in 2017? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

05/22/2017 07:11 AM (UTC)
I will give Shujinko my support, he has an interesting look and the potential to become the Champion that he was originally envisioned as, within the new timeline. Hopefully he will get to play second fiddle to the Cage family or even an antihero Shang Tsung: I just want to see him get the Kenshi treatment.
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05/22/2017 04:01 PM (UTC)
I wanted to like Shujinko but I ended up being kind of annoyed with him. Also he was dropped as a protagonist so quickly.

I was never a huge fan of Liu Kang either but I'm excited to see where the take him as emperor of the Netherrealm so I'm voting for him.
05/22/2017 06:44 PM (UTC)
I like them both, but I had to give it to Liu Kang.
05/22/2017 11:28 PM (UTC)
If MKX hadn't happened I would vote for Shujinko but Liu Kang's much needed new direction has refreshed him for me so I voted for him.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

05/23/2017 06:27 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
If MKX hadn't happened I would vote for Shujinko but Liu Kang's much needed new direction has refreshed him for me so I voted for him.

Kinda this. I actually like both characters, but Liu's direction since MK9 is doing a lot for me. Really love his evil side this time around, especially in MKX. Looking forward to more of him in the future.
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05/23/2017 06:28 AM (UTC)

Sonya Blade versus Nightwolf
#18 Supreme Ranking #33
7 wins 5 losses Record 3 wins 5 losses
Quarters (2013) Best Result Round 2 (2014)

Sonya Blade is the first lady of kombat! She was the only playable female in the first game, and also established a military interest in Mortal Kombat that would grow with each new chapter. The OIA Special Forces were established in MK3, fighting the Netherrealm in MK4, and in the reboot timeline of Mortal Kombat X. Rising through the ranks in this reality as one of the few survivors of the Outworld Invasion in this reality; Sonya now polices the threshold to other realms as a General, and as mother to a new generation of warriors.

Nightwolf was one of the chosen warriors who debuted in MK3, but in the reboot timeline, his connection to the gods brought him to the Shaolin Tournament. When the Outworld Invasion began again, Nightwolf fought on the frontlines, defeating Noob Saibot, before eventually sacrificing his life to defeat the undead Queen Sindel. He has remained a revenant pawn of Quan Chi in the reboot reality, but in another life time, dedicated himself to binding The Dragon King as a mystic sin-eater.

Each has deep ties to the series' earliest days as two of Earthrealm's great defenders. What does their legacy mean after twenty-five years? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

05/23/2017 03:58 PM (UTC)
Sonya is an all-time great, consistently enjoyable to play in every game she's been in. One of my favorite characters. Nightwolf is pretty cool but has never quite reached his full potential. I liked him more before the reboot.
05/24/2017 05:29 AM (UTC)
JasonVPred Wrote:
I will give Shujinko my support, he has an interesting look and the potential to become the Champion that he was originally envisioned as, within the new timeline. Hopefully he will get to play second fiddle to the Cage family or even an antihero Shang Tsung: I just want to see him get the Kenshi treatment.

Yep Shujinko is underrated! So is Nightwolf! He was really good in MK9. Hope they both come back big in MK11!

Sonya is one of the MK legends though. I gotta go with GENERAL BLADE!
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05/24/2017 06:27 AM (UTC)

Quan Chi versus Shang Tsung
#19 Supreme Ranking #9
7 wins 5 losses Record 12 wins 5 losses
Round 3 (2014) Best Result Semis (2014)

Quan Chi didn't enter the games until MK4, but his sinister machinations stretched to before the Shaolin Tournament! MK Mythologies told of the necromancer's efforts to gain a powerful amulet once wielded by immortal dragon kings and fallen elder gods! Though he and his Brothers of Shadow appeared to serve Shinnok, the Netherrealm sorcerer always has alterior motives. With Shang Tsung he overthrew Outworld's emperor, paving the way for Onaga's return and ultimate Armageddon! When the timeline was rewritten, Quan Chi was present at the Shaolin Tournament, once again preparing for Shinnok's return. This time they succeeded in dominating the Earthrealm, but his manipulations of Scorpion eventually lead to his apparent demise.

When Mortal Kombat began, Shang Tsung was the premier source of magic and evil! A powerful sorcerer, his aging facade hid the vigor of an ancient mystic who corrupted the Shaolin Tournament! His youth restored, he continued to serve Shao Kahn in the invasion of Earthrealm, until he found an unlikely ally in Quan Chi to overthrow The Emperor and kill Earth's immortal champion. When reality was rewritten, Shang Tsung again presided as Kahn's failed representative in the tournament, only this time his youth was stolen to augment Queen Sindel! Many believe him dead as a result of the exchange, but the soul consuming sorcerer has always found a way to live on.

Each wields impressive magic, but the deadly alliance could never hold! One commands the actions of the dead -- the other consumes the souls of the living! Whose impact on twenty-five years of Kombat will shape its future? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

05/24/2017 06:55 AM (UTC)
My vote goes to Shang as ! expect he will resist Liu Kang and the Netherrealm in MK11, if not then I will be very disappointed.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

05/24/2017 03:27 PM (UTC)
I serve only Shang Tsung.
05/24/2017 03:41 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi is a top 5 character for me and my favorite villain in the series.

I'm alright with Shang Tsung taking it though. Wish the last few games were more kind to him - here's hoping he's back in a big way in MK11.
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05/25/2017 06:33 AM (UTC)

Johnny Cage versus Bo' Rai Cho
#10 Supreme Ranking #54
10 wins 5 losses Record 1 win 5 losses
Quarters (2016) Best Result Round 2 (2016)

Johnny Cage is a Mortal Kombat original who developed into one of the great Earthrealm heroes! As a competitor in the Shaolin tournament, he proved he was more than just a cheesy kung fu moviestar! When he perished fighting Outworld's Invasion, the gods saw fit to return him to life for an MK4 sequel that brought down the gods! In the reboot timeline, Cage was one of the few survivors, once again rising up to defeat fallen elder god Shinnok! He may be a goofball, but within his soul is a destined hero who studied martial arts under some of the world's greatest teachers.

Bo' Rai Cho could've fought in the Shaolin Tournament, but if he had, victory would have been claimed by Outworld! Though his heritage is to the dark realm, he has made a home of Earthrealm in order to fight the evil that consumes his birthplace. Introduced in Deadly Alliance, he bumbled and belched his way through battles -- giving the impression of a drunk fool, though he is truly a great master! As a teacher to Liu Kang and Kung Lao he has guided some of Earthrealm's greatest champions, instrumental in defending the realm from conquest. When the timeline was reboot, he remained a great ally to the Earth. In Mortal Kombat X, he could be seen defending the Jinsei Chamber - added as downloadable content.

Though they both exude a comic ridiculousness, without them the Earthrealm would have been lost! They've been difference makers many times in the last twenty-five years - will they do it again? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

05/25/2017 02:01 PM (UTC)
Bo' Rai Cho. Both are classic characters but I particularly love what they did with Bo' in MKX. Hope he joins the main roster for the next game. I wasn't as big a fan of Cage in X as I was in past games, which was a bit of a letdown coming off MK9 where he played fantastically.
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