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Scorpion & Takeda versus Kitana & Liu Kang
1 win 0 losses Record 1 win 0 losses
Round 2 (2017) Best Result Round 2 (2017)
Scorpion & Takeda are a new era of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan. As master and student they faced life and death battles against Havik and his conspiracy of minions, and the malicious forces of the Netherrealm. Kitana & Liu Kang are former champions of Edenia and Earthrealm, reduced to revenant soldiers under Quan Chi's control. With the necromancer defeated, they look towards a new future in the Netherrealm. Which team reigns supreme? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

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Kitana and Liu Kang, after Mortal Kombat 9, they are no longer seem to be so attached, I mean, Kitana seems to hate Liu Kang because her love for him made her fall, and the only thing Liu Kang have in his head is rule Netherrealm, the only thing both have in common is they want to take revenge of Raiden.
I kinda like Takeda, but I am indifferent to Scorpion.
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Sonya & Johnny versus Reiko & Skarlet
1 win 0 losses Record 1 win 0 losses
Round 2 (2017) Best Result Round 2 (2017)
Sonya Blade & Johnny Cage were surviving champions of the invasion of Earthrealm by Outworld. Together they thwarted the conquest of Earthrealm by Shinnok as well, only to do it all again when the forces of Netherrealm returned twenty-five years later! Reiko & Skarlet are disciples of Havik and the promise of his powerful blood magik. Together they fought the Special Forces of Earthrealm on the beach of Shang Tsung's island, using their own children as corrupted soldiers against them! Which team reigns supreme? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

There is no character, there is nothing actually to the other 2 at all.
Reiko and Skarlet aren't a real couple.

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Sub-Zero & Frost versus Sheeva & Kintaro
1 win 0 losses Record 1 win 0 losses
Round 2 (2017) Best Result Round 2 (2017)
Sub-Zero & Frost are Grandmaster and student of the reformed Lin Kuei clan. Despite a tempestuous relationship, they share an ancient heritage of innate cryomancers. Sheeva & Kintaro are Queen and general of the army of the Shokan Empire. Having claimed the throne after King Gorbac's death, Queen Sheeva and Kintaro fought the possessed minions of Havik on Shang Tsung's island. Which team reigns supreme? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!
Sheeva & Kintaro! They are a honorable, loyal race of warriors, and with the Shao Kahn's death, they might be the powerest duo in the entire Outwolrd, and no longer in the evil side. Sheeva could be the best queen of her race and together, they can change all the shokan destiny!
True but Kintaro also died so that might not help them so much with the ruling. lol
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Raiden & Fujin versus Shinnok & Quan Chi
3 wins 2 losses Record 1 win 0 losses
Semis (2014) Best Result Round 2 (2017)
Raiden & Fujin are gods of the storm and sworn protectors of the realm of Earth. Together they stand vigilant against the perils of other domains, including the invading forces of Outworld and Netherrealm! Shinnok & Quan Chi lead the forces of darkness in a vengeful conquest of the Earth. Shinnok was once an Elder God - banished to the Netherrealm where Quan Chi became his loyal servant. The fate of the world hangs in the balance thanks to their feud. Which team reigns supreme? FIGHT!
Sheeva & Kintaro! They are a honorable, loyal race of warriors, and with the Shao Kahn's death, they might be the powerest duo in the entire Outwolrd, and no longer in the evil side. Sheeva could be the best queen of her race and together, they can change all the shokan destiny!
True but Kintaro also died so that might not help them so much with the ruling. lol
Well, this tournament takes place as if all the characters were alive, incluiding the ones who died in the saga, like Liu Kang and Kitana, who are revenants.
At least I think so, why the staff will put a dead character in the tournament?
Sheeva & Kintaro! They are a honorable, loyal race of warriors, and with the Shao Kahn's death, they might be the powerest duo in the entire Outwolrd, and no longer in the evil side. Sheeva could be the best queen of her race and together, they can change all the shokan destiny!
True but Kintaro also died so that might not help them so much with the ruling. lol
Well, this tournament takes place as if all the characters were alive, incluiding the ones who died in the saga, like Liu Kang and Kitana, who are revenants.
At least I think so, why the staff will put a dead character in the tournament?
You are basically right but I think were supposed to take everything about them into account and the fact that they died is part of it. Liu Kang and Kitana are still active in the games as revenants though so thats a bit different.
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Scorpion & Takeda versus Sonya & Johnny
2 wins 0 losses Record 2 wins 1 loss
Semis (2017) Best Result Semis (2017)
Scorpion & Takeda are surviving members of the new Shirai Ryu clan. Takeda was left by his father as a boy to train with Scorpion. Together they fought the insidious schemes of Havik, Quan Chi and Shinnok. Sonya Blade & Johnny Cage are survivors of the Outworld invasion. Together they defeated the fallen Elder God Shinnok in his first conquest of Earth, facing him as members of the Special Forces twenty-five years later. Which team reigns supreme? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!