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Here are some concept drawings of 3 of the many other characters im planning to draw. I hope you enjoy. Concepts for Kenshi, Sonya and Jax are next. :)
Full Scale | 1122x768 | Category | Drawing (Pencil - B/W) | User Views | |
User Likes | User Ratings | 44 | Score |

Wow JAX007! You've done it again! I never pictured Kabal to look like that, but you have brought my Imagination to reality ! The Raiden concept looks awesome, very nice Indeed. Everything looks so perfect on this artwork...I really dont know what to say
! Good Job, like always! By the way, why did you make Kitana so plain =(...No offence, but it's need more texture and stuff, if you get my drift. But please dont take it the wrong way, it's quite good! Damn...when are you going to color this
?! I want to view it in color!
Dragon points: 5/5 !!

i agree with noobsaibot, that is an interesting concept of Kabal, which makes it very awesome(sp?). Kitana looks as lovely as ever. and the Raiden gives him the Dymio(sp? again) look, really setting him apart from the rest of the gods. nice job.
As for Kitana, she looks pretty nice as well. Her costume is overall very well detailed, and I love the little design you put on the fan she is raising into the air. I also like her hair better this way than braided like it was in MKDA, it gives her more of a 'princess' feel. To include the second fan still closed and holstered was also something cool.
Raiden looks magnificent; I totally like this look. Makes him look alot more 'human' appearing than he normally does. He looks more 'wise' appearing as well, rather than just the powerful force he usually appears as. The hair fits him well too, I would most defiantly love to see it this way in MK6. Again, the chinese markings are a nice touch. This Raiden appears more... noble and truthful to me.
I quite like all these concepts, they all seem to be very well thought out, excellent job.
As for Kitana, I know that people are getting tired of the same old female ninja costume that she and all the other female 'ninjas' had. But I tought that if one of them should keed that look it sould be Kitana. I will change the look of the other female ninjas drasticly, though.
I can't wait to see your concept of Jade *hint hint*
Like everyone says, Kabal looks amazing. I love the simplicity of his outfit, and like everyone said... his eyes are menacing. I like that you don't have his eyes covered. The respirator idea is excellent.
I think I fell in love with Kitana. First of all, I love the POSE! It's great the way she has her feet turn and her hand over her head. She looks great! The hair is great, the outfit, the fans... I love the earrings as well. And her mask is great too. I like how you went back to the basics of Kitana - yet made them better. I really love this!
Rayden - OH MY GOD! He looks sooo incredible. This is what Raiden should look like! He looks old, wise... AMAZING. I love his hair and his beard. He just looks absolutely amazing. I dont know what else to say about this besides the fact that is in truly incredible!
I can't wait to see your Sonya...
My only suggestion is to not use so exagerated shin and forearm curvature. It is a very interestin style you use in regards to that- but I think it tends to make a bow-legged look or just a little unnatural. But all bone curvature gripes aside, this artwork is PRO.
My only suggestion is to not use so exagerated shin and forearm curvature. It is a very interestin style you use in regards to that- but I think it tends to make a bow-legged look or just a little unnatural. But all bone curvature gripes aside, this artwork is PRO."
You don't like my style? :P
I know what you mean but I actualy like to exagerate bone curvatures a bit.

its not just to succeed, others must fail
TemperaryUserName Wrote: ...the best solution is set an example.
Show some tolerance. Be a fucking leader.
1337...there is no 1337 none of us can be 1337 because we are all the same, we are all human. The sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be.
My Action Short Films:

I would have to say that Kabal is my favourite, he looks real angry, lol.
The only little thing I could see that looks "odd" (or at least to me), is Kitana's leg(s).
Her right leg looks a little curvy. Can you actually do that? Maybe just me. Her legs also look a little long to me.
But either way, I've always enjoyed your work before, and this is no exception.
Looking forward to the next three you announced

Kitana's hair looks so much better than it usually does! It's pretty. I like the way you made the fan, but what's that little butterfly design there? That's the only thing I don't like lol. looks so peaceful! The peaceful Thunder God! He looks very good, nice costume. It's all great.