Note: I don't own anything of Mortal Kombat except for a few game copies and DVDs. I'm just a big fan of the series. (Exception is MK: Special Forces yuck!)
Chapter Three: Sworn Protector of Earthrealm
The Sworn Protector of Earthrealm was dragged before the Emperor of Outworld. The Elder Gods had refused his request to stop this same being from invading Earth. Rayden did the only thing he thought he could do. He selected a group of mortal allies and attempted to sneak into the Emperor's palace to get rid of this evil before it even reached his realm. They had failed. His allies were slain by the Shokan and two of these same creatures now dragged the thundergod to their lord and master.
Shao Kahn sat upon his throne of iron and bone. Upon his face he wore part of a human like skull as a mask. ``So this is the great Lord Rayden, ``he rumbled and then ordered, ``Leave us!''
Everyone in the room left as the Emperor commanded. Servants, priests and even guards left so that only Shao Kahn and the defeated thundergod remained. ``I have waited centuries to lay my eyes upon you. You seem less than I expected of the one who defeated Shinnok, ``Kahn said and then gripped the hilt of his great sword, ``I guess I should thank you for that. You saved me the trouble of killing the former Elder God myself.''
Rayden glanced briefly at the blade and then returned his attention to the emperor. He knew beyond a doubt that Kahn's sword was made of the trice damned metal Shinnok used to create his weapons. How had this mad man gotten it? All of the know sources of the metal were destroyed by the Elder Gods shortly after Rayden's own appointment as Sworn Protector.
Kahn removed his hand from the hilt of the sword and the grabbed Rayden's chin with an iron grip. ``Nothing to say, brother? ``Kahn asked as he removed his skull mask, ``Perhaps this will loosen your tongue,''
Rayden was shocked to see his own face staring down at him. Bald, with cruel eyes and scars, but it was his face.
''Our father was always saying how disappointed he was in you. Fortunately, I proved a more worthy heir, ``Kahn said releasing Rayden from his grip and then standing up to walk around the thundergod.
''Your Shinnok's son? ``Rayden asked with a sinking feeling.
Kahn laughed evilly as he said, ``Yes and it seems I must finish what he started. The fool wasn't even able to finish his part of the plan. Luckily I already had done my part so now I'm free to complete what was to be his job.'' Kahn stood still as he looked directly at Rayden and said, ``I give you a choice; join me and forget your pathetic humans. Join me and we will destroy the Elder Gods and rule all as brothers.''
Lord Rayden, God of Thunder, Sworn Protector of Earthrealm said one word as his answer, ``No.''
Shao Kahn kicked Rayden across the floor and lifted his great sword as he walked towards the painfully gasping thundergod. ``Since you will not join me, ``said Kahn, ``Then you shall die!''
Rayden closed his eyes and waited for the sword to fall, but instead he heard clapping. Opening his eyes, he saw the almost forgotten white haired woman sitting sideways on the throne.
''Bravo, thundergod, ``she said as she clapped sarcastically, ``At least now when you mess up, you do it with style. That was a performance even Johnny Cage would be proud of.''
''Who?'' Rayden automatically asked.
The woman ignored that question as she stood up and walked towards the now frozen Emperor of Outworld. ``Ugh! ``she said with a look of disgust on her face as she looked at Kahn's face, ``Think I'm gonna be sick.''
Rayden quickly got up off the ground. Shinnok had another son. The type of son Shinnok wanted him to become. Rayden also began to feel queasy.
''Ready to go?' the woman asked from behind her scarf.
Rayden shook his head no. Kahn was still a danger to Earthrealm and whatever plan he spoke of must never be completed. Rayden knew what he had to do. ``No, ``he said, ``I have some unfinished business...''
The woman's eyes flared with light blue flame as she slapped the thundergod hard across his face. Rayden was more shocked than hurt by the slap and wasn't really sure how to respond.
''Were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it, ``she said with cold anger, ``Killing Kahn will not solve anything. One of his more capable generals will no doubt take over and Earth will still be vulnerable. Think! There is another way to stop such evil from reaching Earthrealm.''
Then the room started to spin as it did that time centuries ago when he was a child. Dizzy, Rayden fell to his knees but instead of hard stone he fell on soft grass. Once his stomach settled he was able to look around. He saw himself standing before a group of human elders. ``Why are we here?'' he asked.
''Because this is where you goofed, ``she said with little humor, ``You of all gods should know the strength of the human spirit. Yet somehow you completely ignored its full potential.''
''What?'' Rayden asked.
The woman just shook her head as if in disappointment and vanished. The next thing Rayden knew he was listening to one of the elders repeat his request to petition the Elder Gods. ``Please Lord Rayden, ``the old man begged, ``We are not asking the Elder Gods to stop the menace for us, but only a chance of fighting for ourselves in a way that we have a chance.''
Rayden was about to refuse this idiotic request. The Elder Gods would never listen to a mortal; it was hard enough to get them to listen to gods. Then it dawned on him that perhaps this is where he `goofed up' as that mysterious woman said. The thundergod sighed and then said, ``Very well, I will pass your request on to the Council of the Elder Gods. I can't promise if They will be willing to listen to your petition and to be honest I don't see where a simple tournament will resolve anything.''
The End...
Next Time on Mortal Kombat: the Mythos of Rayden...
Rayden sat at the base of the old monument dedicated to the nameless human he had killed in his rage. He often came here when he was angry as a reminder what could happen if he let his rage get the better of him.
Author : Preferred Customer
Creation date: 2005-8-16-9-7
Modification date: 2005-8-16-9-7
Author's Remarks: | |
Okies here's chapter 3. You might have a few questions about it but most of em should be answered in the next chapter and the epilogue
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