This takes me back. Can't enter since I suck, but I will need to keep an eye out. Loved a lot of the fake picture stuff from the gamers.com days.
OOOOOOOOOOOMG it's evildevil! What's good man!?!?!? Long time no speak. In case you are interested in some nostalgia: https://www.deviantart.com/blacksaibot/gallery/54963140/Old-MK4-Fakes
Good stuff I don’t think I’ve ever seen these. Are these doctored MK4 screens or hacked game code?

This takes me back. Can't enter since I suck, but I will need to keep an eye out. Loved a lot of the fake picture stuff from the gamers.com days.
OOOOOOOOOOOMG it's evildevil! What's good man!?!?!? Long time no speak. In case you are interested in some nostalgia: https://www.deviantart.com/blacksaibot/gallery/54963140/Old-MK4-Fakes
Good stuff I don’t think I’ve ever seen these. Are these doctored MK4 screens or hacked game code?
There's 1 or 2 that are "actual" fakes. The rest are reskins of MK4 (via MK4Strip).
I would like to sign up, please. Here are a couple of samples of my sprite mods:
Top Row: Hanzo Hasashi, Kuai Liang, Liu Kang as a monk.
Mid Row: Frost, Old Man Sub-Zero, Kung Lao as a monk, Custom Lin Kuei guards.
End Row: Kenshi in Shirai Ryu, Kenshi, Lin Kuei guards, Sub-Zero in Shirai Ryu vs. Tarkatans.
Original character Widow doing Scorpion's "Get Over Here!" and uppercut.
They all need a lot of touchups, but it's fun to play around with.
I want to apologize to @ XaeeD for plagiarizing his work on my Lin Kuei guard hoods. It was unintentional, but it still occurred, and I should have been more conscious of my actions. Sorry again XaeeD, I meant no ill will and I am a huge fan of your work. Apologies again, everyone.
Sigh, why does this keep happening? You didn't make that hood for your Lin Kuei guard. I made that.
I recognize it, because I literally drew that hood one pixel at a time in Paint. I took 'your' hood and just to be 100% sure, I put it alongside an old edit of mine, and it's exactly identical, every pixel, every color.
What the fuck dude..
You are absolutely right and I am sorry. I had planned to use the hood as a base, modify it, and make it my own. I'm not sure if my edited version got messed up, or what, but seeing it side-by-side I can easily see that I still used your hood. I do apologize. I did not intend on stealing your hard work. I will not use any of those sprites in future projects. Though it was legitimately unintentional, it still happened, and I should have been more conscious of my actions. Again, I'm deeply sorry.
I have also removed the plagiarized content from my previous post.

Great to see you're still around evildevil. We've never spoke but I remember seeing your name when I used to lurk around the boards before joining. Veterans like FatSatan take me back.
Fedegita, my old protege. What it do bro? Hope all is well. Nice to see you're still around too and joining the party.
BlackSaibot, I still remember that MK4 project you were working on. Kick ass. With hella tools and software available now, it's child play if you ever go back to it lol.
spoonageddon and XaeeD let's just squash this so we can keep this contest rolling. Both of ya'll are talented. That's what we need.
I'm willing to do that. It's just that my edits often show up elsewhere (BlackSaibot can attest to that); and people take credit for it, and you develop this knee-jerk response to it. I don't wanna make someone feel miserable if it was an honest mistake, but I can't be silent either, y'know? It's all good though, let's just leave it at that.
Thank you for understanding. I'm a huge fan of your work and genuinely never thought I'd ever talk to you, let alone under these circumstances. I'm really looking forward to seeing your submission.

Welcome aboard spoonageddon ... tread carefully.
Whoa I'm a whole month late, but for sure sign me up if there's still room my dudes.

ALL! In order to take advantage of the MK11 hype, I am extending signups until May 1. I will give 3 months from that date to create and submit your Art (it will be due July 1). The Kontest will be held for a month and the winner announced August 1. Since you all are early in the sign-up, you have plllllllllllllllllenty of time to come up with some good stuff. Take advantage.

Giving a shout out to some artists out there to hopefully join!

Sure why not.
I haven't been to this site in ages.

This takes me back. Can't enter since I suck, but I will need to keep an eye out. Loved a lot of the fake picture stuff from the gamers.com days.
OOOOOOOOOOOMG it's evildevil! What's good man!?!?!? Long time no speak. In case you are interested in some nostalgia: https://www.deviantart.com/blacksaibot/gallery/54963140/Old-MK4-Fakes
Oh yeah. MK4 is so underrated as an entry to the series. Though nostalgia from the community back then might be a big part of it. (Though Shinnok still stands as the series' best villain, regardless.)
I lurk more than I post these days, and even then it's not much. (I'm unlikely to invest in MK11 until a Komplete package is released.) Glad to see a few familiar folks still here, even if it's far and few between. I was a child when I first joined back then, after all. (I still remember my first reaction to the internet: "Free Mortal Kombat strategy guides???")
Enough of that, though. Don't wanna hijack this kompetition. Go make things that would've made 12-year-old me squeal with joy.
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
How is DeviantArt for image hosting, do they resize things? What about linking to images? Ordering images in different gallery/folders ie sprites, fakes, BGs, and comics?

How is DeviantArt for image hosting, do they resize things? What about linking to images? Ordering images in different gallery/folders ie sprites, fakes, BGs, and comics?
DeviantArt is great for image hosting. They resize things, but retain the original. In other words, users have to click the resized image to see the original resolution. You can link to directly images (if you understand HTML) or to the gallery page itself.
Ordering? Eh... I think so, but I never got into that stuff.
Yeah you make your individual folders, and give them names/titles, if you want to. You can then move images from your main Gallery to a folder, or copy them. You can arrange folders from newest to oldest, or v.v., but I don't think you can pick an image and put it just anywhere in the folder. You can, however, add a specific image (or icon) to represent a folder with. Your main Gallery can be subdivided into Featured, All, or Scraps. There's also a separate place for your Favorites (other people's works that you can display on your page), and one for Journals (if you're into writing stuff). It's all pretty user-friendly, and as Blacksaibot already said; there's loads of options for image hosting (it's what the site was created for).
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Sweet, thanks. I was thinking about joining years ago, but wasn't sure about stuff...

Deviant art also has a hidden art host called stash. It's where you can upload something without anyone seeing it unless you give them the link. Handy for hosting images without the world to see it

Dear BlackSaibot.
I'm in

Dear BlackSaibot.
I'm in
Glad to hear it!

kayven - its TDDX - message me or better yet, what's your e-mail

kayven - its TDDX - message me or better yet, what's your e-mail
Ahhh hah! I guess you have a new mobile # since you didn't comment on my super duper uber leet PR on dead lifting? Umma shoot you a PM.

well tho I dont have an ideal its going to be fire ( a custom ninja from the other remake ) doing a fatality
thats all im going to do.