ok done
(the idea with fire was scraped)
heres my entry: https://www.mortalkombatonline.com/t/kreations/if-mk1-error-macro-was-in-mortal-kombat-trilogy-for-fake-picture-kontest-2019/45X6EILNp1Ej

Sing me up bro!

ok done
(the idea with fire was scraped)
heres my entry: https://www.mortalkombatonline.com/t/kreations/if-mk1-error-macro-was-in-mortal-kombat-trilogy-for-fake-picture-kontest-2019/45X6EILNp1Ej
Sing me up bro!
Thanks, but.... you should have read the guidelines. It was to be anonymous so nobody knows whose art belongs to who... and the submissions aren't due yet, so if you want you can submit another one later.

Oh well.

I take it sign ups are now closed and we're now in the home stretch. Man been so busy lately. BS where do we send you our entries when completed? Hopefully everyone is still on board.with this.

I will PM you, and the other kontestants my e-mail address where the entries can be submitted. I don't want to see anyone's art yet because I havent finished mine and I don't want a fair advantage of seeing my competition yet.

KK let me know when its up. I just finished up mine :P

I definitely put some time into my entry for this FPK. Y'all best be bringing your 'A' game, can't wait to see what everyone came up with.



send me link/email to send it to!

send me link/email to send it to!

Submit artwork to bsblacksaibot@gmail.com

Is @fedegita still in the kompetition? It looks like he was never added to the kontestant list in the op. What about SaiZero and MKR?
How are we gonna promote this thing? I can make a video on my YT channel but the audience is limited. BS how about your deviant art and a post on Mortal Kombat reddit? Hopefully MKO will tweet when voting starts or even create a main page article about it.
Where is @venomark? I haven't seen him much since the initial discussions.

Is @fedegita still in the kompetition? It looks like he was never added to the kontestant list in the op. What about SaiZero and MKR?
How are we gonna promote this thing? I can make a video on my YT channel but the audience is limited. BS how about your deviant art and a post on Mortal Kombat reddit? Hopefully MKO will tweet when voting starts or even create a main page article about it.
Where is @venomark? I haven't seen him much since the initial discussions.
Never heard from MKR. saiZero submitted hers, and I forgot about fedegita.
Veno is likely going to submit an excuse instead of art. OOOOH!
The turn out at this point is scaring me... I shouldn't have listened to Veno and kept the sign-up open so long. Everyone who wanted to participate probably forgot about it by now. Waiting for MK11's release was a bad idea. There's no damn hype train.
I couldn't enter the contest, but if you like, i can share some Mileena MK11 pictures based on Kitana i did, i know they are not sprites so they don't follow the rules, but it's just for show. Tecnically they are "fake pictures".

Hey everyone, I'm sorry to be coming back to this so late but I won't be participating in this contest. I've contacted Blacksaibot about this. I'm happy to be involved in the voting of course. All the best to everyone submitting!
Ah man I was really hoping to share the same dance floor with you since it's been a minute. I'll have to settle for the other fan art juggernauts up in here.

ok done
(the idea with fire was scraped)
heres my entry: https://www.mortalkombatonline.com/t/kreations/if-mk1-error-macro-was-in-mortal-kombat-trilogy-for-fake-picture-kontest-2019/45X6EILNp1Ej
The arena your using isn't even yours. It was created by saiZero. Unless you plan on resubmitting with a new background, I am not allowing your entry.

1 day left people! Get those submissions in!
FB: Trans4Materia Card Game I invented "Circling Vulture, Laughing Hyena"
True story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mine... EVERYBODY!
Sorry to say, I wont be able to participate at this time either. I will eventually post the pic. I just gotta sort some shit out. Good luck to the group!
My submission was going to be a MKX/Diablo III theme of Barbarian Shao Kahn throwing 3 spears at Corrupted Shinnok Diablo, who'd be made from the MK3 Balcony's Motaro statue with lava behind edited cracks.

Konest Entries are now up! Voting is open!
Thank you to those who were able to participate!!!
There sure is a lot of Sonya/Cassie love in this year's kontest!

Holy krap nice job everyone. I'm loving the ideas and intricate detail on some these timeless masterpieces. However I gotta vote for fake #0 - the old school pixelation and layout of that error macro text is just phenomenal.

Damn what a turn out!! Fantastic job to everyone who put in work. It reflects based on everyone's distinct style. Anyway @CCShadow or @Mick-Lucifer can make the voting as a front page announcement to generate more interest please?
The turn out at this point is scaring me... I shouldn't have listened to Veno and kept the sign-up open so long. Everyone who wanted to participate probably forgot about it by now. Waiting for MK11's release was a bad idea. There's no damn hype train.
If entrants couldn't be bothered to remember that they entered, then they weren't invested in the first place. Would you really want to see what they could throw together if they couldn't even remember that they entered the FPK? Don't place blame on me, bro. I'm not the one who was running this thing. Just sayin'.
To anyone wondering where I've been, I've been living my life. Fake pictures are taking a backseat to real life. Gonna be a hectic next several months, but I couldn't be happier or more thankful for it. I'll be back before long, but probably not anytime in the near future.
I'll be back to vote before the inexplicably lengthy 30-day voting period ends to cast my votes. Most entries are impressive. Too bad no one bothered to personally ensure that entrants weren't shirking their duty.