Chris Cassamassa Redorns 1995 Scorpion Outfit - Johnny Cage & 1995 Scorpion Morphs?
posted04/05/2021 03:55 AM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

The MK Kommunity was a buzz yesterday with this cryptic set of tweets from the 1995 Scorpion actor.

Fans have speculated if they had any meaning and relation to the 2021 film, speculating that him and a guy behind him who looks like Johnny Cage could be Shang Tsung morphs in the 2021 film.

That's a huge stretch and I doubt it's anything more than more fanspec.

However, the social media tweets and posts do tag the current MKMovie account and say "Coming Soon."

Do these videos and tweets/posts have anything to do with the upcoming movie or perhaps he is dressing up as his 1995 character for another reason?

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