Feudal Japan Documentary Now on Netflix
posted03/03/2021 05:13 PM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

With the movie coming out and Legacy already past, fans have noticed Samurai's appearing in the new MK film. For fans who want to know more about feudal Japan, where it appears the Scorpion/Sub-Zero story will originate, Netflix now has a series devoted to this real time in history: https://www.netflix.com/title/80237990

For the record, if feudal Japan mixing with popular culture is of interest to you, the third Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie from the 90s pitted our heroes during this time.

I didn't exactly recognize the whole feudal Japan from the games as I thought they were using other names and never even thought Scorpion or Sub as Samurai but I missed out on the 3D era and it could have been there (I am aware they used the architecture in the games but weren't aware that was the official label given to their story until it appeared in Legacy).

Cool. I know some out of work Samurai became mercenaries, and ninjas.

We've all been programmed by popular media to think of Ninjas as Noob Saibot lookin' all black wearing, living shadows.

People wanna complain Scorp/Sub's armor looks fake? Have you seen how ridiculous actual Samurai armor looks? Some of it is pretty cartoony n weird looking. Not to mention some of their armor is literally paper.


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