More dramatic character in MK3: MILEENA!
posted08/02/2005 06:22 PM (UTC)by
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06/18/2004 10:57 PM (UTC)
OK, i think the characters in the next mk movie should be more introduced and more dramatic so that the audience can actually KNOW y people are fighting and i tried to do this with mileena....

OK, i think her end fight should go like this....assuming that throughout the film, the audience gets the idea that Mileena suffers, shes depressed, she wants revenge and shes angry......I think that they need to make the mk characters more DEEP in the movies to make it more dramatic and to make it seem important...i tried to do that with mileena so watcha think?!?! go ahead and read!! I hope u enjoy, i was gonna try to make it more dramatic but i wrote this really fast.....i think this storyline for Sindel, Mileena and even Kitana would fit great in some part of the film....even if its the 4th? Or even if it changes a but from the game....well, just read.....

Mileena decieved her old friend Baraka by attacking his Tarkatas. Although Mileena didn't want to, she had no choice but to lock up Baraka in a cell. Now, no one new about Mileena's deception.....she had become tyrant, ruler, queen of Edenia. The Dragon King had been killed and Kitana, Jade and Sindel were on their way back to Edenia, not knowing Mileena had taken over. As the 3 women walk in, they see the throne room filled with soldiers, and accross from them was Mileena sitting on Sindel's chair. Mileena orders her soldiers to tie up Sindel and Jade on top of a pit of spikes and leaves the throne room clear so that only her and Kitana are left. Mileena challenges Kitana in a fight, so that Mileena can get her revenge and make Kitana pay. Mileena and Kitana fight in a fair battle. As they fought they talked about their past, and why they hated each other. But unfortunately, Kitana was left in critical condition. Mileena held her up towards Sindel and Jade and told them that they would witnessed Kitana's death. Mileena killed Kitana and Sindel was devasted. Sindel went out of control, screaming, crying, but Mileena laughed. Mileena then dressed up Kitana's dead body in a purple outfit and put a veil on her so that they would think Mileena is the dead one. She told the realm that Mileena was dead and ordered to burn the body. Kitana's body was gone forever and would never be retreived, however her soul wandered. When Mileena went to Sindel and Jade, they were both crying and in bad condition. Mileena then got Sindel's whip and started shipping both of them. Blood splattered everywhere, but Mileena just wanted to make sure they knew who was in charge.

Now that the Dragon King was dead, there was a new threat. Shao Kahn had returned and since Mileena was his ally, he assumed that she would give the realm of Edenia to him, however Mileena fought back. She made an army to fight against Shao Kahn, but it was not strong enough. To make it worst, Baraka had escaped from the cell and had joined Shao Kahn, and Sindel and Jade were rescued. Mileena had no choice but to run away. She ran away one night on the rainiest day of the year, and to her surprise, Sindel encountered her. Sindel was quiet and angry. She had scars from the whips, and she had stains of tears on her face. Mileena had indeed made Sindel suffer. Sindel attacked Mileena and fought her. She wanted revenge for killing her daughter, destroying her realm, and because Mileena had no reason to live. Thunder raged through the fight, and it was interrupted by Shao Kahn. He grabbed Mileena, and ordered Baraka to take Sindel. They went to the Edenian palace. Baraka was holding on to Sindel, and Mileena was bowing to Shao Kahn with her head down (showing respect and sorrow). Shao Kahn was furious because Mileena was a traitor to him. He told her how she was never loved by anyone because she was nothing but a clone, she was told that Kitana was better than her, she was being hit in the face. However Shao Kahn's words hurt her the most, and she left a puddle of tears on the ground. She begged for mercy and she begged for forgiveness from Both Kahn and Baraka, but she got none. Mileena got furious! Why wouldn't they forgive her? Why was she always the one who suffered? Baraka was the only one who used to love her, now that he didnt care for her, who would she have? No one..... Her blood raged and she couldn't control her anger. She was going to attack, but realized there was no use......Shao Kahn told her to get up and challenged her on a one on one fight for Edenia. Shao Kahn quickly beat her. He grabbed her from the neck and Mileena took a last glimpse around the room, she looked at baraka who had a face of disappointment, she looked at Sindel who had a face full of anger and sadness, then she looked at Shao Kahn who was angry. She realized she hurt everyone and there was no point for her to live. She reached her destiny, she destory Kitana and her realm, and she had no one who cared for her. As Shao Kahn picked her up, she said "All will hail Mileena!" he then dropped her to the ground and she fell slowly. Mileena was now dead and she was thrown into the wasteland. She had her veil off and a stain of a tear on her cheek. (this represents that no one cared for her) Rain and dirt fell accross her body and animals wouldn't even get near her. However Kitana's wandering soul noticed Mileena's dead body. Kitana felt as though it was her fault Mileena was the way she was. She felt pity for Mileena's dead and uncared for body, and pity because Kitana did have people who loved her....when Kitana died, people actually cared and cryed for her, but not for Mileena...... Kitana remembered that they were clones and technically she had the ability to join her soul with Mileena's dead corpse. Kitana transfered her soul to Mileena's dead body. Kitana was alive, but in Mileena's body! Now Kitana will suffer what Mileena did all those years, with the tarkatan features. Mileena's last words were correct when she said they would hail Mileena.....except it would be Kitana............
11/26/2004 03:41 PM (UTC)
Mileena needs to like, leave the entire MK series. Worst character ever.
11/26/2004 07:11 PM (UTC)
wat?! Mileena is NOT the worst character in the MK Series.....i cant beleive u said that.......she has a lot of fans so i doubt shes the worst and she has the deepest story out of all the characters, so no......dont say that about mileena or just dont post in a topic about AWESOME Mileena......
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

11/26/2004 07:52 PM (UTC)
Mileena and Baraka should turn good after their fight in Deception, in their fight they came across Ashrah's sword and sliced the crap out eachother with it. or if you want it to be rally romantic, they mortally wound eachother and see what is important for once in their lives and die holding hands PS the chick on ermacandchees's sig is really hot
Mileena is a kewl character but i dont understand how she can get a main part in the MK3 movie when she is not that really well developed story wise in the MK games.
11/27/2004 07:56 AM (UTC)
well she wont have like the main role of course, its just that the audience shud know y she is fighting....i mean....was the fight against Sonya in MKA explained? NO, Sub Zero vs Scorp. no.....basically non of the fights are ever explained so this might sound long but it won't take long......the story needs to make sense, if the characters aren't understood, the story wont be either and it'll just be fight after fight....get wat im saying? I dont mean to make mileena look as the main character, im just adding a lot of background info to make it understandable.....
11/27/2004 05:31 PM (UTC)
This is something that always difficult for hollywood to get right. There are so many terrible renditions of material put on screen its pathetic.

For Mileena, I would like to see her actually talk and be part of the MK movie stories rather than 15 seconds she was in MKA.

With the special effects that can be used now I would like to see so many other characters, not just Mileena, if nothing more just to see how they turn out.

Oh well guess it will be a matter of time before we really know.
11/27/2004 07:46 PM (UTC)
yea thanx for yur opinion....i didnt like how mileena was used as a "get rid of her character" in MKA where she cud have had a much better role even if it was a small part.....
07/06/2005 07:05 PM (UTC)
ermacandcheese, don't diss Mileena. She'll be pissed and wants your head as t'day's breakfest. Trust me, I am learning on how to be a Portal Gurad moderator. If I have enough DPs, then you shall feel my wrath soon, EAC. Remember, Anger a popular MK Character, and he/she will dispose of you, asshat.grin *flips off ermacandcheese*
07/10/2005 06:17 PM (UTC)
wat?! Mileena is NOT the worst character in the MK Series.....i cant beleive u said that.......she has a lot of fans so i doubt shes the worst and she has the deepest story out of all the characters, so no......dont say that about mileena or just dont post in a topic about AWESOME Mileena......

yeah i agreegrin
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07/10/2005 09:12 PM (UTC)
Stale story ever since UMK3, her supposed depth is completely faulty since she is given no other train than being a grotesque Kitana clone. I mean we don't know nothing about her besides her "looks"..pfft.

Those few who were at least psychologicaly portrayed in the games were: Shang Tsung, Shinnok, Quan Chi, Raiden, Kung Lao, and a few others..
07/11/2005 12:35 PM (UTC)
Yo! Mileena dead in MKA.... so let's not bring her back...
07/20/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
wow i left for a long time and i this thread is still here, thats nifty! But yea, what i was trying to say with this is that each character (not just mileena, even tho shes awesome) should be explained clearly in the movie because if the characters aren't understood, the story won't be understood either....we need to have the audience aware with every characters name, role and most importantly: purpose.
07/30/2005 01:21 AM (UTC)
mileena is one of the best female char and one of the best char she's cool as hell furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious
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07/31/2005 04:27 AM (UTC)
Mileena is a great character if you ask me. she's just about the only female fighter in the fighting game genre who is well liked and ugly at the same time. That alone has to say something *because us fighting gamers are shallow*. I think the worst character ever created in Mortal Kombat would have to be Stryker *gag!*

But I agree that they should expand the character's storyline, give them something to fight for...
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/02/2005 06:21 PM (UTC)
I have an idea for Mileena. Check the 3rd page of the thread "Any Sick Ideas" & look for a post who's first word in it is "Lightbulb!"
About Me

I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.

08/02/2005 06:21 PM (UTC)
I have an idea for Mileena. Check the 3rd page of the thread "Any Sick Ideas" & look for a post who's first word in it is "Lightbulb!"
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