Mortal Kombat (2021) Official Spoilers Thread
posted04/08/2021 02:17 PM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

Just kidding! I'm not listing spoilers directly from the movie here because these forums are easily found in Google... unless a mod suggests it... but if you want them...

1) Add me as a friend on here 2) Send me a private message on here

Everything right now is in the "collection" phase so you may get a lot of copy/paste stuff. Once more stuff is revealed and the revealers present it neatly I'll provide that too.

Goro Still Lives
04/08/2021 09:25 PM (UTC)

Watching spoilers leak like crazy on the Internet and I gotta give my one-line review...


That's an EXCLUSIVE one-line review from you know who.

Goro Still Lives
04/09/2021 05:05 AM (UTC)
If anyone wants spoilers I posted an entire plot breakdown online. Message me and I'll send you the link. I am not posting it here.
From seeing the leaked videos and the plot I am very excited for this film. It's already sold out in some Singapore theaters, according to Max Huang's IG, and Lewis Tan reports professional critics are giving positive reviews in some of his responses to fan comments.
Alot of people I read who posted reviews and watched it are also giving positive reviews.
You can't compare the 1995 and 2021 films. One, when the 1995 film was released only 3 games had been released with MK3 being in arcades. So the lore and characters were limited. Two, the 1995 film was PG-13 and the 2021 film is Rated R. Three, 2021 definitely had a bigger budget and its CGI is 100% realer than the 1995 film.
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