Mortal Kombat (2021) red band trailer beaten by Suicide Squad red band trailer
posted04/06/2021 07:53 PM (UTC)by
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06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)

Pretty sure this would happen eventually and it was nice to see another WB film do it at least. I love King Shark's bits in the trailer it cracks me up all the time.

Goro Still Lives
04/06/2021 08:54 PM (UTC)

Admit it, you're excited this happened lol.

But it's no surprise it went to a DCU film which has a much larger fanbase than MK since, ya know, it's been around way longer. Put that in perspective and 150m views for a property double the age of Mortal Kombat's near 30 years and Mortal Kombat beats it hands down. A DCU film should have drawn in double the amount of views than MK, hands down, and it barely broke the record.

Pretty sure this would happen eventually and it was nice to see another WB film do it at least. I love King Shark's bits in the trailer it cracks me up all the time.

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