482 Krypt Chests... Still Missing Krypt Skins
posted02/16/2021 05:48 AM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

482 krypt chests, unspawned, have been open. Yet I am still missing Krypt Chess skins like Sonya's yellow Minimal Effort skin.

Is there an area Im missing? I've unocked r searched these areas:

Shang Palace, all 3 rooms

Pit bottom, lower left corner on map


Wooden Bridge

The right side of main map you need an elevator from Goro's lair to reach

All Shao Kahn and Flaming Chests and invisible chests accounted for.

Art Lean
02/16/2021 07:18 AM (UTC)

I'm still missing the grey Cetrion skin that's apparently only available from restocked spirit chests and one of the Kollector trade items that I don't even recall which it was anymore.

I've refilled the Krypt about 10 times at this point, so I've just given up looking.

Goro Still Lives
02/16/2021 08:39 AM (UTC)

Restocked chests can give you skins?

Art Lean
02/16/2021 09:15 AM (UTC)

Restocked chests can give you skins?

Apparently, it literally says so in its unlock requirement on the left side of the screen when I put my cursor over the locked skin. I’ll take a screenshot when I’m home.

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