01/24/2019 08:36 PM (UTC)

Stryker is so boring... I hope they nix him on this roster.

Reptile & ermac probably deserve some sit out time... I foresee noob and smoke replacing ermac and reptile in this game.

01/24/2019 08:44 PM (UTC)

Have they confirmed the number of "new from MKX" characters returning? I find it hard to believe that with how popular Cassie, Takeda, Kotal, Devorah, and Erron Black were that we only get ONE of them. Also Tri-Borg is a much better idea than having Cyrax, Sektor, etc. taking up multiple spots (although having different endings and dialogues would be desirable). They are gonna need a LOT of DLC to bring back the other 4 popular MKX chars (maybe six to include Jaqui and Kung Jin), have some decent inclusion of salvagable 3d eras like some combination of Fujin, Havik, Li Mei, Frost, Reiko, Bo Rai Cho, Tanya, Sareena, or Kenshi. Plus... ugh... guests.

01/24/2019 08:51 PM (UTC)Edited 01/24/2019 09:00 PM (UTC)

Stryker is so boring... I hope they nix him on this roster.

Yes. He reminds me of a male Cassie Cage, (age aside) although their occupations may be a bit different within the forces. Slight potential is there though.

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