08/28/2008 08:38 AM (UTC)
Does anyone remember the female boss from D.O.A. 4.

Her name was Cheap Unfair Cheater.
09/04/2008 03:36 PM (UTC)
I just made a post in another thread about a potential female boss character. I think there are several ways you can run with this:

I like the idea of a female character (about Sindel's age), who appears human, but then gets spider-like qualities about her (some kind of bizarre "battle mode," if you will). The Black Widow spider is pretty infamous for its nature to mate with males and then devour them. That theme could be implemented to a combatant, whether it be nigh-literally, or just metaphorically (would you cuddle with Mileena or Tanya after?).

On the other hand, I think a young girl would make an interesting female villain. Not young as in a child, but someone who has not yet reached thirty, but has all this power. A sorceress who would make both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi her bitches at the same time. Effortless power, but a lack of maturity to fully comprehend and understand it all. A completely evil female would be too easy, but a complicated one -- who feels, thinks and has moments of doubt about her position in the universe -- but then goes and does something insane like burn a realm down with the click of her fingers, could be really fascinating.

She could walk the line between sexy and classy in her dress. It would reflect the dueling nature of her somewhat reasonable personality, and her embodiment of all wrath personality. It'd sort of be like a "I know I'm hot, and you can see that, but you know you can't get any" thing. It'd be curious to see how she dealt with villainous males that she needed for a purpose, but they completely lust after her. She'd wish she could just turn them into vapour, but they serve their purpose.

09/04/2008 10:14 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind a female boss character.

I'd prefer to see her introduced a game before she took over as the top dog, though. We'd see her as being fairly normal, and she becomes corrupted.

Basically, a tragic character with some build up.
09/05/2008 03:43 AM (UTC)
To be honest, all of these ideas in this thread sound like a cliche.

We need an original boss.
06/24/2015 02:03 AM (UTC)
Great Ideas! Wow ...I'm Impressed by the accuracy wink
06/24/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)

sisvader Wrote:
Great Ideas! Wow ...I'm Impressed by the accuracy wink

Wow, what page was this thread on?

07/04/2015 01:19 PM (UTC)
I'm all for a female boss. Rashojin Mizuki from the Samurai Shodown games and Killer Instinct's Aria are both examples of badass female bosses.

Personally, I think Mileena or Tanya could work, if the female boss was a familiar character. Or Sindel and *MKX SPOILERS below*

Dark Empress Kitana along with Liu Kang, which one you fight last being random like the sorcerers in MK:DA.
07/08/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
Female boss like a sub boss or final boss? i guess both could work, but it should make sense. Not just for the sake of a female boss.

07/31/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
i prefer people talking about what can make an interesting boss, than talk about his gender.
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