03/03/2012 05:42 PM (UTC)
Does anyone with the Komplete Edition know if there's still a spot to the left of Baraka in the Necropolis, are the 4 DLC characters mixed in alphabetical order (like Rain being beside Raiden), and do you need the 4 DLC characters' stats fully accomplished to get the achievement "My Kung Fu Is Strongest Achievement"?
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Thanks to MINION for the sig! My name is Ian, if you really care to know.

03/03/2012 05:49 PM (UTC)
Dragonkeeper1982 Wrote:
Does anyone with the Komplete Edition know if there's still a spot to the left of Baraka in the Necropolis, are the 4 DLC characters mixed in alphabetical order (like Rain being beside Raiden), and do you need the 4 DLC characters' stats fully accomplished to get the achievement "My Kung Fu Is Strongest Achievement"?

You wont need to master the 4 DLCharacters to get that trophy.
03/03/2012 05:57 PM (UTC)
Dragonkeeper1982 Wrote:
Does anyone with the Komplete Edition know if there's still a spot to the left of Baraka in the Necropolis, are the 4 DLC characters mixed in alphabetical order (like Rain being beside Raiden)?

To the left (L to R), it goes Kratos, Kenshi, Rain, Baraka...
On the right (I can't remember the order) are Quan Chi, Skarlet, Freddy, and CSZ (I think.)
Did anyone watch the credits.. they updated it and its the longiest damm credits ever. It rivals the credits from The Matrix 2
About Me

03/08/2012 12:24 PM (UTC)
wow cant believe people are going crazy about new costumes
this is why i hate it when companies try to screw you over
why not release both versions at the same time komplete edition priced at 60 and the other one pried at 40 or something like that
About Me

03/09/2012 11:59 AM (UTC)
So, did NRS finally add the custom music option to the Komplete Edition, for the PS3? I'd re-buy the game just for that.
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