All known Fatality,Brutality,Stage Brutality and Faction Kill inputs.
posted05/22/2015 04:11 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/21/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)
Chest Kold: Away,Towards,Down,Away,BK (Close)
Bed Of Ice: Down,Away,Down,Towards,BK(Close)

Stop Ahead: Down,Away,Towards,BP (Mid)
Who's Next!: Down,Away,Towards,Up (Mid)

Bad Breath:Down,Towards,Down,Towards,BK (Close)
Acid Bath:Down,Down,Away,Towards,FP (Close)

Bubble Head:Towards,Down,Away,Towards,FP (Mid)
Selfie:Down,Towards,Down,Away,BK (Close)

Target Marked:Down,Down,Away,Towards,BLK (Close)
Head Hunter: Towards,Away,Down,Away,BP (Close)

Blown Out:Away,Towards,Away,Towards, BP (Close)
Fist Pump:Towards,Down,Away,BK (Close)

Inner Workings: Down,Up,Away (Mid)
Head Out : Towards,Down,Down,Up (Mid)

Face Feast: Down,Away,Down,Away,FK (Close)
Tasty Treat: Towards,Away,Towards,Away BP (Close)

Better Than One: Towards,Away,Towards,Away FK (Close)
Play Time: Down,Away,Towards,Away,Away (Mid)

Dark Fan-Tasy: Down,Towards,Away,Towards, BP (Mid)
Splitting Hairs: Away,Towards,Down,Down (Mid)

Head Case: Down,Towards, Down,Away FK (Close)
Knife to Meet you: Down,Down,Towards,FP (Far)

Bug Eyes: Towards,Away,Towards, FP (Close)
Conducting Rod: Down,Towards,Away,Towards, BK (Far)

Liu Kang
Sore Throat: Down,Down,Away,Towards,Towards (Close)
Splitter:Away,Towards,Down,Up (Close)

Quan Chi
Mind Game: Towards,Away,Towards,Away,FP (Far)
Both Ends: Down,Towards,Away,Towards, BP (Close)

T-Wrecks: Towards,Away,Down,BP (Close)
Jax the Ribber: Down,Away,Towards,Towards (Close)

Peek-A-Boo:Away,Towards,Down,BK (Close)
Shokan Amputation:Away,Down,Down,Up (Close)

The Grinder: Down,Away,Towards,Down,Up (Mid)
Flick Trick: Down,Up,Down,Up,BLK (Mid)

Kotal Kahn
Be Mine!: Down,Away,Towards, FP (Close)
Tight Squeeze: Towards,Away,Towards,Away,BP (Close)

Whip It Good: Down,Towards,Down,Away, BP (Mid)
Head Cage:Towards,Away,Down,Down,FP (Mid)

Kung Lao
Face Grind:Down,Away,Down,Towards,BK (Close)
Flower Pot:Down,Towards,Down,Away,FP (Close)

Johnny Cage
Here's Johnny:Away,Towards,Away,Towards,FP (Close)
Little Improv: Towards,Away,Towards,Towards (Mid)

Erron Black
Sand Storm: Down,Away,Towards,Down,FP (Mid)
Six Shooter:Away,Towards,Away,Towards,BP (Far)

Bug Me: Away,Towards,Away,FK (Mid)
Heart Broken: Towards,Away,Towards,BP (Close)

Kung Jin
Target Practice: Down,Towards,Down,Away,BP(Close)
Pinned Down: Towards,Away,Down,Down,FP(Mid)

Tele-Copter: Away,Towards,Away,Away (Far)
My Puppet: Towards,Down,Away,Up (Far)

Corrupted Shinnok
Fatality 1:Away,Towards,BP (Mid)

Kill For Mother : Down,Towards,Down,Towards, BP (Mid)
Sleeping Bag Killer : Down,Away,Towards, BK+BLK (Mid)




Corrupted Shinnok
Brutality 1: Down,Away,BP. Must be final hit.
Brutality 2: Away,Towards, FP + BLK. Must be final hit.

Trample: Away,Towards,FK. Available in all Variations. Must run 3 times during the match. Player must hold Towards during final hit. First hit of charge must miss. Final hit must come from Tuck 'n' Charge (brutality input)
Play Thing: Towards,BP. Available in all Variations. Must perform a 2 hit kombo with Kaber Toss (brutality input) as the final hit.
Stabby Stab: Down,Away,Towards,FP + BLK. Only in Ruthless Variation. Ferra/Torr must be buffed from Pain And Gain (Down,Down,FP) Final hit must come from Grab 'n' Stab (brutality input)
Twisted:Down,Away,Towards,FP + BLK. Only in Vicious Variation. Must use 3 Level Interactions. Player must press any attack button 5 times during the final hit. Final hit must come from Deep Stab(brutality input)
Steam Roller:Away,Towards,BP + BLK. Only in Lackey Variation. Ferra/Torr must hit the opponent with 3 Boulder Rolls (Away,Towards,BP) during the match. Final hit must come from Double Boulder Roll(brutality input)
Step On Down:Away FK, BP + BLK. Only in Lackey Variation. Ferra/Torr must have under 35% health remaining. Final hit must come from Step Aside Kombo(brutality input)

Kotal Kahn
Kotally Awesome: Down,Towards,BK. Available in all variations. Must be Sweep distance from the opponent. Final hit must come from Sun Beam(Down,Away,BK) or the EX version of it,God Ray.
Stick Around:Down,Towards,FK. Available in all Variations. Kotal must hit the opponent with 5 Sunstones during the match. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Final hit must come from a Sunstone.
Offering:Towards,Down,Away,BK. Available in all Variations. Kotal's opponent must have over 50% health remaining. Sacrifice YOURSELF with a Blood Offering to end the round. Final hit must come from Blood Offering.
Totem This:Down,BP. Only in Blood God Variation· Kotal must summon each of his Totems once. Kotal must have Crystal Totem active (Down,Away,FP). There must be 30 seconds or less remaining. Final hit must come from 2 Fist Uppercut.
Sawed Off: Down,Towards,BP. Only in War God variation. Final hit must come from a 3 hit kombo that ends in a Saw Blade move.
Dry Rub: Down,Away,BP + BLK. Only in Sun God variation. Kotal must have level 3 Sun God Choke or Moon God Choke. Final hit must be Sun God Choke or the EX version,Moon God Choke(brutality input).

Kung Lao
Open Wide: Throw. Available in all Variations. Player must press FP or BP 15 times during throw. Final hit must come from a throw.
Klassic Toss: Away,Towards,BP. Available in all Variations. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Guide hat to the opponent's waist (hold Down) or neck (hold Up) after Hat Toss. Final hit must come from a Hat Toss. For Buzz Saw Variation hold BP during final hit.
Spin Cycle: Down,Towards,FP + BLK. Only in Tempest Variation.Must be under 40 seconds remaining in the final round. Final hit must come from a Cyclone.
Grind Away: Down,Towards, BP + BLK. Only in Buzz Saw Variation. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Final hit must come from a Upward Buzz Saw(brutality input).
Z Hat: Down,Down, BP. Only in Hat Trick Variation. Kung Lao must set a Hat Trap (Down,Towards,BP) or Away Hat Trap (Down,Away,BP). Final hit must come from a Hat Call Back(brutality input) or Heavy Call Back(Down,Down,BP + BLK)

Mind Blown: Away,Towards,BP + BLK. Available in all Variations. Player must press Towards,Towards,Towards during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Bionic Blast(brutality input)
Gun Show: Away,Towards,BK + BLK. Available in all Variations. Player must Hold BK during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Gauntlet Flurry(brutality input)
Shrapnel: Down,Away,BP. Only in Shotgun Variation. Must use 3 level Interactions during the match. Must be Sweep Distance away from the opponent. Final hit must come from a Low Blow (brutality input) or Low Blast (EX version of brutality input)
Heavy Artillery: Down,Towards,FP, BLK. Only in Full Auto Variation. Must hit the opponent with 3 Up Rockets (Down,Away,BP) during the match. Final hit must come from a Hand Cannon(brutality input)
Aftershock: (Air) Down,Down,BK + BLK. Only in High Tech Variation. Jacqui must have Gauntlet Spark (Down,Away,BP) or Gauntlet Ignite (Down,Away,BP+BLK) active during the final hit. Final hit must come from an Air Ground Smash (Down,Towards,FP) or Air Ground Tremor (brutality input)

Between the Eyes: Away,Towards,FP: You must have at least 50% health remaining,you also have to be at jump distance from the opponent,and obviously,final hit has to be the pistol move (brutality input).Available in all variations
Hats Off: Towards + Down(at the same time),FP. Available in all variations,Cassie mustn't lost a round,final kick must be Kick Abuse,hold Up before the third hit in Kick Abuse.
Pop Goes:Away,Down,FK. Only in Hollywood Variation. Cassie must hit the opponent with 4 Nut Krackers during the match· Final hit must come from Nut Kracker(brutality input).
Beatdown: Away,Towards,FK. Only in Brawler variation,final hit must come from a 3 hit kombo that ends with the Takedown move(brutality input).
Half Day?: Down,Down,FP + BLK: Only in Spec Ops variation,Cassie must do 5 American Ways(Down,Away,FP) during the match,must be at Jump distance from the opponent,final hit must come from Target Paint.

Gory Hole: Away,Towards, FP. Available in all Variations. Player must Hold FP during final hit. Final hit must come from Amulet Strike (brutality input).
Skull Bash: Throw. Available in all Variations. Must win first round with a throw. Final hit must come from a throw.
Face Off: Down,Away,FP. Only in Impostor Variation. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Shinnok must lose 1 round. Final hit must come from Mimicry(brutality input)
Have a Nice Day: Towards BP,BP,FP + FK. Only in Bone Shaper Variation. Must have 1 bar of Super meter at the end of the match. Final hit must come from Deity kombo(brutality input)
Hands Down: Down,Away,FP. Only in Necromancer Variation. Must be Sweep distance away from opponent. Player must Hold Down during final hit. Final hit must come from Judgment Fist (brutality input) or Judgment Smash (EX version of brutality input)

Nether Force: (Air) Down,Away, BK + BLK. Available in all Variations. Must perform 10 Special Attacks during the match. Final hit must come from an Air Force Port(brutality input)
We Win: Down,Away, FP. Available in all Variations. Must perform a 5 hit kombo that ends with Force Lift (brutality input). Final hit must come from a Force Lift.
Gluttony: Down,Away, FP + BLK. Only in Mystic Variation. Ermac must have less than 40% health remaining. Final hit must come from Tele-Hold(brutality input)
Soul Eater: Away,Towards,FP. Only in Master of Souls Variation. Must land a 10 hit kombo during the match. Must have 3 souls active and perform Soul Ball (Away,Towards,BP) Final hit must come from a Soul Release(brutality input)
Controlled Chaos: Away,Towards, BP. Only in Spectral Variation.Ermac must be in flight with Soul Accession (Down,Down,Up) Final hit must come from a Soul Charge (brutality input) during Soul Accession.

High Roller: Away, Down,BK Available in all variations,Mileena has to connect 5 Ball roll attacks during the match,Must hold Down during final hit,final hit must be Ball roll or the EX version of it.
Tele-Splat: Down,Down, FK. Available in all Variations. Player must Hold Up during final hit. Final hit must come from a Tele-Kick or Tele-Drop(EX version of brutality input).
Impaler: Away BP,FP,BP + BK. Only in Piercing variation,final hit must come from the Sadistic Ways kombo(brutality input),Must press FP or BP 5 times during the final hit.
Fun Ride: Away BP,BP,FP + FK. Only in Ethereal Variation.Perform 10 Fade Aways (Towards,Away,BP) during the match. Final hit must come from Rider kombo(brutality input)
Early Lunch: Away FP,BP, FP + FK, Up Up BP. Only in Ravenous variation,final hit must be the Quick Taste kombo(brutality input,excluding Up Up BP section) then,press Up Up,BP,and Hold BP during this final kombo.

Used Up: Throw. Available in all Variations. Kenshi must win the first round with a throw. Final hit of the match must come from a throw
Brutal Kick: BP,BP,BK. Available in all Variations. Must go 5 seconds without being hit during the final round. Final hit must come from the Concentration kombo (brutality input)
Leg Up: Away,Towards,FK. Only in Balanced Variation. Must get first hit of the match. Final hit must come from a Tele-Flurry(brutality input)
Demon Slice: Down,Away,FP. Only in Possessed Variation. Player must Hold [Up] during final hit. Final hit must come from a Sickle Lift (brutality input) or Sickle Strike(EX version of brutality input)
Instant Karma: Away,Towards,BP + BLK. Only in Kenjutsu Variation. Kenshi must connect 5 Tele-Pushes (Away,Towards,BP) during the match. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Final hit must come from a Tele-Push or Tele-Blast(brutality input)
Return to Sender: Down,Away,BP. Only in Balanced Variation. Final hit must come from a Blade Reflect (brutality input)

Migraine: Down,Away,BK. Available in all Variations. D'Vorah must have over 50% health remaining. Player must hold Towards during the final hit. Final hit must come from Ovipositor Charge.
Fly Swatter :(Air) Down + Throw,Away Available in all Variations.Perform a 4 hit kombo that ends with the Backward Air Throw (Air) .Final hit must come from the Backward Air Throw (Air)
Incubate: Throw. Only in Brood Mother Variation. D'Vorah must connect 3 Krawler attacks Down,Towards,FK. Final hit must come from her throw.
Bug Zapper: Down,Away,FP + BLK. Only in Swarm Queen Variation. D'Vorah must stun her opponent with the Bug Bomb (Down,Towards,FP + BLK). Must be Full Screen distance away from opponent. Final hit must come from Infestation.
Acid Burn: Down,Towards, FP + BLK. Only in Venomous Variation. D'Vorah must hit with all 6 hits of Bug Spray.Final hit must come from Bug Spray.

Armless: Throw. Available in all Variations. Player must press FP or BP 4 times during final hit. Final hit must be a throw.
Kool Whip: BP,FP,BP. Available in all Variations. Final hit must come the Quick Learner kombo or Low Swipe Kombo(brutality input)
Whip It Out: Down,Away,FK + BLK. Only in Shirai Ryu Variation\. Takeda must have over 50% health remaining. Final hit must come from a Shirai Ryu Phase(brutality input)
Two Sided: Away,Towards,BP + BLK. Only in Lasher Variation. Player must press (Down,Down,Down) during final hit. Final hit must come from a Whip Flurry(brutality input)
Force Slice: Down,Away,FP. Only in Ronin Variation. Must perform a Blade Drop (brutality input) and keep the Blade on the ground until the final hit. Final hit must come from a Blade Kall (brutality input) or Blade Summon(EX version of brutality input)

Sledge Hammer: Away,Towards,BP + Down. Available in all Variations. Opponent must be ducking during final hit. Final hit must come from a Downward Dash Punch (brutality input) or a Downward Dash Fist(EX version of brutality input)
Gotcha Down: Down,Away,FP. Available in all Variations. Player must hold Towards during Gotcha Grab. Final hit must come from Gotcha Grab(brutality input)
Rocket Roll: Down,Away,BP + BLK + Up. Only in Heavy Weapons Variation. Opponent must be in the air. Final hit must come from L.A.W. Blast(brutality input)
Ground Breaking: Down,Down,BK + BLK. Only in Pumped Up Variation. Jax must connect 3 Ground Pounds(Down,Down,BK) during the match. Player must hold BK during Ground Shake. Final hit must come from a Ground Shake(brutality input)
Ragdoll: Down,Away,Towards,FP + BLK. Only in Wrestler Variation. Must perform entire Quad Grapple Chain (Down,Away,Towards FP+BLK,BP,FK,BK,FP+BP+FK+BK). Final hit must come from Quad Grapple Chain.

Johnny Cage
Eye Popping: Away,Down,FK. Available in all Variations. Johnny must connect 4 Nut Punches(brutality input) during the match. Final hit must come from a Nut Punch or Nutcracker(EX version of brutality input)
Blood Spurt: BP,FP,BK. Available in all Variations. Johnny and opponent must be facing the camera. Final hit must come from the Take Two kombo(brutality input)
Wow Out: Away FP,BP,FP. Only in Fisticuffs Variation. The opponent must be blocking during the final hit. Final hit must come from the Speed Bag kombo(brutality input)
Fall Guy:Away,Towards,BK. Only in Stunt Double Variation. Johnny must have Mimic active during final hit. Must hold Towards during final hit. Final hit must come from a Shadow Kick(brutality input)
Bring It On: Down,Away,BK. Only in A-List Variation. Johnny must have less than 5% health remaining and have Red Shadow active. Johnny must have Rising Kick charged. Final hit must come from a Rising Kick(brutality input)
Heads Will Roll: Away,Down,FK + BLK. Available in all Variations. Johnny must connect 5 Nut Punches during the match. Final hit must come from a Nutcracker(brutality input)

Erron Black
Tunnel Vision: Throw. Available in all variations,Hold Towards during final hit,final hit,obviously has to be the throw.
Serenity: Down,Away,Towards,BP. Available in all variations,you must press FP or BP 15 times during final hit,final hit can be either the Sand Trap,or it's EX version,the Quick Sand.
Quick Draw: Down,Away,FP,BK. Only in Gunslinger Variation. Must perform 10 back dashes.Must be Sweep Distance away from the opponent. Must be in Stand Off Stance (Down,Away,FP) during final hit. Final hit must come from Spin Shot (BK) while in Stand Off Stance.
Sword in the Stone: Down,Towards,BP. Only in Outlaw Variation. Player must press Up,Down,Up during final hit. Final hit must come from Tarkatan Infection(brutality input).
Swing Low: Down,Away,BP. Only in Marksman Variation.Must have 2 bars of super meter during final hit. Final hit must come from Swing Shot (brutality input).

Kung Jin
A Little Heart: Down,Towards,BP. Available in all Variations. Must go 7 seconds without being hit during the final round. Must be Sweep Distance away from the opponent. Final hit must come from a Straight Arrow(brutality input)
Round About: Down,Away,BK + BLK. Available in all Variations. Perform 3 Cartwheel Drops (Down,Away,BK) during the match. Final hit must come from a Cartwheel Smash(brutality input)
Where'd You Go: Throw. Available in all Variations. Must use 3 Level Interactions. Final hit must come from a throw.
Bullseye: (Air) Down,Away,BP. Only in Ancestral Variation\n· Kung Jin must use every Quiver type at least once during the match. Must be Sweep Distance away from the opponent. The final hit must hit the opponent in the head. Final hit must come from an Air Down Arrow(brutality input)
Burnt Out: Down,Away,FP. Only in Bojutsu Variation. The opponent must be in the air during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Bo Flame(brutality input)
Decapitator:Away,Towards,FP. Only in Shaolin Variation. Guide Chakram to the opponent's head hold Up after Chakram throw. Guide Chakram to the opponent's shins hold Down after Chakram throw. Final hit must come from a Chakram(brutality input)

Off the Top: Away,Towards,FK. Available in all Variations. Player must hold Towards during final hit. Final hit must come from a Throat Slice (brutality input) or Throat Slash(EX version of brutality input).
Biggest Fan: Down,Away,BP + BLK. Available in all Variations. Kitana must connect 3 Rising Fans (Down,Away,BP) during the match. Final hit must come from Rising Blades (brutality input)
Back that Up: (Air) Down,Away,FK. Only in Royal Storm Variation. Kitana must perform 1 reflect move during the match with Bounce Back (Down,Away,BK) Final hit must come from an Air Square Boost (brutality input) or Air Square Wave(EX version of brutality input)
Lost Girl: Down,Away,FK. Only in Assassin Variation. Must have Sharpen active (Down,Towards,BK) or Razor Blade active (Down,Towards,BK+BLK) Final hit must come from an Assassin Strike (brutality input) or Assassin Impale (EX version of brutality input)
All is On: Down,Towards, FP. Only in Mournful Variation. Guide Glaive to the opponent's head hold Up after Glaive Throw. Final hit must come from a Glaive Throw (brutality input)

Ballin': (Air) Away,Towards, FK, BLK. Available in all Variations. Opponent must be blocking and die from chip damage. Final hit must come from an Air Ball(brutality input)
Terminate: Throw. Available in all Variations. Connect 3 throws during the match. Hold Up during final throw. Throw must be final hit.
Just the Tip: Down,Away,FP + BLK. Only in Cutthroat Variation. Must go 5 seconds without being hit during the final round. Final hit must come from a Bloody Slice(brutality input)
Glaring Light: Down,Away,FK,BLK. Only in Cybernetic Variation. Kano must perform a 5 hit kombo that ends with an Enhanced Upward Laser(brutality input). Final hit must come from an Enhanced Upward Laser.
Wham Barn:Down,Towards,Away,BK. Only in Commando Variation. Player must press (Down,Down,Down) during final hit. Final hit must come from Power Slam (brutality input) or Power Bomb (EX version of brutality input)
Pop Off: Down,Towards,FP. Only in Commando Variation. Player must press FP or BP 15 times during final hit. Final hit must come from a Choke (brutality input)

Super Shocker: Down,Towards, BP: Available in all variations,Raiden must press BP 3 times during the Electrocute,final hit must be Electrocute (Down,Away,BP)
Dark Force: Away FP, FP, FP + FK. Available in all Variations. During the Power Discharge Kombo player must press Towards,Away,Towards during electric zaps. Final hit must come from the Power Discharge Kombo(brutality input)
Overload: Away FP,FP,BP,BP. Only in Thunder God Variation. Perform a combo that does over 30% damage. Final hit must come from the Lightning Strike kombo(brutality input)
Inside You: Away,Towards, FK + BLK,BLK. Only in Displacer Variation.Raiden must perform 10 Teleports (Down,Up). Final hit must come from a ground or air enhanced Electric Fly (Away,Towards,FK + BLK) or enhanced Thunder Fly(brutality input)
Power Outage : Down,Towards, BK :Only in Master of Storms variation, must land a 10 hit kombo during the match,final hit must come from a Static Trap (Down,Away,BK) or a Full Trap (Down,Away,BK + BLK)

Acid Wash: Down,Towards,FP. Available in all Variations. Reptile must do more than 30% damage with Acid Spit (brutality input) during the match. Final hit must come from Acid Spit.
Heart Attack:Away,FP. Available in all Variations. Reptile must connect 5 Tongue Slaps (brutality input) during the match. Final hit must come from a Tongue Slap.
Bubble Head:Down,Towards,FP. Available in all Variations. Reptile must do more than 30% damage with Acid Spit (brutality input) during the match.Hold Up during Bubble Head sequence. Final hit must come from Acid Spit.
Puke: Towards BP,FP + FK. Only in Deceptive Variation. Perform 3 Acid Puddles (Down,Towards,FP+BLK) during the match. Final hit must come from the Slithering Slam Kombo (brutality input) or Swamp Slam Kombo (Towards BP,FP,FP+FK)
Knee Kapper: Away,Towards,BK + BLK. Only in Nimble Variation. Reptile must have Basilisk (Down,Down,FK) or Basilisk Runner (Down,Down,FK+BLK) active during final hit. Final hit must come from a Slippery Slide (brutality input)
Bo Dash:Away Towards,BP + BLK. Only in Noxious Variation. Reptile must have Poison Gas (Down,Down,FK) active during final hit. Final hit must come from a Reptilian Smash(brutality input)

Liu Kang
Hot Head (Air) : Away,Towards,FP. Available in all Variations. Must use 3 level interactions during the match. Final hit must hit the opponent in the head. Final hit must come from an Air projectile(brutality input)
Dragon's Den: Down,Away,BP + BLK. Available in all Variations. Liu Kang must connect 3 Dragon's Roar during the match (Down,Away,BP) Final hit must come from a Dragon's Wrath(brutality input)
Kounter Top: Down,Away,FK,BLK. Only in Flame Fist Variation. Player must hold Down during the final hit. Final hit must come from an Enhanced Dragon Parry(brutality input).
Tread Lightly: Towards,Away,Towards, BK,BLK. Only in Dragon's Fire Variation. Must get first hit of the match. Final hit must come from an Enhanced Bicycle Kick (Towards,Away,Towards,BK,BLK) or Enhanced Bicycle Flurry(brutality input).
Hot Mess: Away,Towards, FP + BLK. Only in Dualist Variation. Liu Kang must perform at least 10 Solar Flares (Away,Towards,FP) during the match. Final hit must come from a Solar Blast(brutality input).

Quan Chi
Kurb Stomp: Down,Away,BK + BLK. Available in all Variations. Player must press (Down,Down,Down) before the last head slam. Final hit must come from Sky Crush(brutality input)
Skull Transplant: Down,Away,BP. Available in all Variations. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Player must hold BP during final hit. Final hit must come from Skull(brutality input)
Touch of Death: Down,Away,FP. Only in Sorcerer Variation. The opponent must be standing in the Final Hex spell circle (Down,Down,BP) The opponent must be blocking during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Ground Burst(brutality input)
Blood Shower: Throw. Only in Warlock Variation. Quan Chi must win the first round with a throw. Final hit must come from a throw.
Puggles' Wrath: Down,Towards, FK. Only in Summoner Variation. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. The opponent must have at least 10% health remaining during final hit. Press FK more than 4 times during final hit. Final hit must come from Demon Grab(brutality input)

Get Over Here: Away,Towards, FP + BLK,BLK. Available in all Variations. Scorpion must have over 50% health remaining. Final hit must be enhanced Double Spear(brutality input)
Shirai Ryu Fire (Air) Down,Away,FK + BLK. Available in all Variations. Final hit must be from Air Flameport (brutality input)
Just A Scratch: Towards BP. Only in Ninjutsu Variation. Connect 3 Downfalls during the match (Away BK). Final hit must be Doom Blade(brutality input)
Nether Hole: Down,Away,FP. Only in Hellfire Variation. Scorpion must have Flame Aura active (Down,Away,BK). Must be Full Screen distance away from opponent. Final hit must be from Fire Ball (brutality input) or Hell Ball (EX version of brutality input)
Little Devil: Down,Away,BK. Only in Inferno Variation. Scorpion must connect Minion Charge (Down,Away,FP) Minion Drop (Down,Away,BP) and Minion Grab(brutality input) at least once. Final hit must be from Minion Grab or Minion Hold (EX version of brutality input)

Thigh Master: Away,Towards,BK. Available in all Variations. Sonya must have less than 50% health remaining. Must perform a 5 hit kombo that ends with a Leg Grab or Leg Slam. Final hit must come from a Leg Grab (brutality input) or Leg Slam (EX version of brutality input)
Boot To Head: Towards,FK. Available in all Variations. Sonya must have over 50% health remaining. Final hit must come from Wrap Around (brutality input)
Pain And Agony: X-Ray. Available in all Variations. Must win the first round with a X-Ray Final hit must come from Special Forces(her X-Ray)
Garro-That: Down,Away,FP + BLK. Only in Covert Ops Variation. Connect a 10 hit kombo during the match. Final hit must come from a Garrote Punish (brutality input + FP or FK)
Time Bomb: FP,FP,BP. Only in Demolition Variation. Sonya must get the first hit. Lose 1 round. Final hit must come from Boomer Kombo (brutality input)
Kamikaze: Down,Down,FP,FK + BLK. Only in Special Forces Variation. The opponent must be blocking during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Drone Kamikaze(brutality input)

Snow Ball: Down,Towards,BP + BLK. Available in all Variations. There must be more than 40 seconds remaining. Must be Full Screen distance away from opponent. Opponent must be frozen and final hit must come from an Ice Blast (brutality input)
Frozen Dinner: Down,BP. Available in all Variations. Sub-Zero must freeze opponent and perform Rising Fist (brutality input) or Upward Sword (same input) to the frozen opponent for the final hit.
Pick Your Brain: Towards BK,BP,FP + FK. Only in Cryomancer Variation. Sub-Zero must perform a 6 hit kombo that ends with the Cold Blooded Kombo (brutality input). Final hit must come from the Cold Blooded Kombo.
Ice Cubed: Away,Towards,BK + BLK. Only in Unbreakable Variation. Must have Frozen Aura active during final hit (Down,Away,FP). Final hit must come from the Icy Slide(brutality input)
Splitting Image: Down,Away,FP. Only in Grandmaster Variation. Create Klone (Down,Away,BP) or Ice Statue (Down,Away,BP+BLK) Explode Klone with Ice Burst (brutality input) or Frost Bomb (EX version of brutality input) Player must hold Away during final hit. Final hit must come from exploding the Ice Klone.

Speed Bag: Down,Away,Towards,FK. Available in all Variations. Goro must win the match in 2 rounds. Player must hold Towards during final hit. Final hit must come from a Shokan Grab (brutality input) or Shokan Slam(EX version of brutality input)
Krush: Down,Up + BLK. Available in all Variations. The opponent must be blocking during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Krush(brutality input)
Chest Bump: Away,Towards, BP. Only in Kuatan Warrior Variation. Must do 5 forwards dashes during the match. Goro must have over 50% health remaining at the end of the match. Final hit must come from a Chest Lunge (brutality input) or Chest Charge(EX version of brutality input)
Tail Spin: Down,Away, BP + BLK. Only in Dragon Fangs Variation. Only the third hit of the final attack must connect. Final hit must come from a Dragon Spin(brutality input)
Shokan Flame: Away,Towards,BP + BLK. Only in Tigrar Fury Variation. Goro must be close to the opponent during the final hit. Player must hold BP during the final hit. Final hit must come from a Dragon Torch(brutality input)

Blunt Trauma: Away,Towards,FK. Available in all Variations. Must win both rounds. Player must hold Towards during final hit. Final hit must come from Shoulder Charge (brutality input)
Go to Hell: Xray. Available in all Variations. Jason must walk towards his opponent for a few steps before connecting the final hit. Final hit must come from an Xray.
Blood Bath: Down,Towards,FK. Only in Slasher Variation. Player must hold Up during final hit. Final hit must come from Bloodlust(brutality input)
Head Spin: Down,Away,Towards,BP. Only in Relentless Variation. Must have Pursuit (Down,Down,FK) active during final hit. Final hit must come from Crippler(brutality input)
Spinal Tap: Down,Away,Towards,FP. Only in Unstoppable Variation. Jason needs to be resurrected. Final hit must come from Back Breaker (brutality input) or Spine Shatter(EX version of brutality input).




Stage Brutalities
Dead Woods
Final hit must be the log you can throw at your opponent.
Must be at Mid distance from the opponent.
Must use the other log interactable on the left end of the arena, as well as the one where you use the tree branch to swing across the arena. It's not necessary to have them hit the opponent,just use them. Also works in the training room and infected versions of the stage.

Outworld Marketplace
You must first hit your opponent using the brazer and barrel background object during the final round of a match.
Must be at Mid distance from the opponent.
Final hit must be from Blanche. There's 2 versions of the brutality: the regular one,which involves all the steps described earlier,while the alternate version requires you to hold Down. Once the final hit registers,it will trigger the alternate version of the stage brutality instead.

Faction Kills
All must be done at far distance. The first Kill is automatically unlocked when you join a faction,the second,third and fourth unlock when you reach levels 10,25 and 50,respectively,and the last one is unlocked if your faction wins a faction war.

Lin Kuei
Smoke's Revenge: Hold BLK + Towards,Towards
Shuriken Storm: Hold BLK + Away,Away.
Assassin Slash:Hold BLK + Towards,Away,Towards
Cyber Double Strike: Hold BLK + Away, Towards, Away
Brain Freeze: Hold BLK + Up,Up

Brotherhood of Shadow
Dark Pendulum: Hold BLK + Towards,Towards
Hell Pit: Hold BLK + Away,Away
Twisted Magic: Hold BLK + Towards,Away,Towards
Supernatural: Hold BLK + Away,Towards,Away
Silence: Hold BLK + Up,Up.

Black Dragon
Sat Beam: Hold BLK + Towards,Towards
Tactical Blade: Hold BLK + Away,Away
Dirty Bomb: Hold BLK + Towards, Away, Towards
Chemical Bomb: Hold BLK + Away,Towards,Away
Wicked Laser:Hold BLK + Up,Up

Special Forces
Fire At Will: Hold BLK + Towards,Towards
.50 Caliber: Hold BLK + Away,Away
Center Mass: Hold BLK + Towards,Away,Towards
Air-to-Surface Missile: Hold BLK + Away,Towards,Away
Pro-Pain: Hold BLK + Up,Up

White Lotus
Split Personality: Hold BLK + Towards,Towards
Dragon's Flame: Hold BLK + Away,Away
Ancestor's Wrath: Hold BLK + Towards,Away,Towards
Double Shot: Hold BLK + Away,Towards,Away
Wind and Fire Wheel: Hold BLK + Up,Up

I'll keep adding as I find them,post in the comments if you find any more.
The Lin Kuei gets Smoke's Revenge, but Kotal has no Montezuma's Revenge?
04/07/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
Dunno man. BTW guys,i've been adding the brutality inputs on the "BRUTALITIES and their requirements" thread,in case you want to take a look. there are several combo brutalities,namely Shinnok,Mileena and Raiden.
04/07/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
btw guys,the ahmed raza channel(the one where I was obtaining most of the brutalities + a lot of 2nd fatalities) seems to have all it's videos taken down by WB. well,I got at least a good chunk of the inputs.
04/07/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)

F1: D,L,R,D,U (mid)

F2: D,u,D,U,Block (mid)
04/07/2015 09:22 PM (UTC)
thanks,adding it right now. BTW,what's the name of the 1st fatality?
04/07/2015 09:38 PM (UTC)
Someone posted this on gamefaqs, credits to him

Unfortunately the brutality requirements aren't listed but the commands are.
04/07/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
Someone posted this on gamefaqs, credits to him

Unfortunately the brutality requirements aren't listed but the commands are.

it's screencaps from ahmed raza's videos. thank you man!
04/07/2015 10:12 PM (UTC)
btw,I'll later add the brutalities in the brutality thread. (if anyone wants to do it,fine by me)
I added Corrupted Shinnok given that he's the only NPC with fatalities(he seems to be in the same situation as the bosses in MK9),missing Sonya,Reptile,Jacqui's fatalities,as well as Sub-Zero's 2nd.
04/07/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
The Lin Kuei gets Smoke's Revenge, but Kotal has no Montezuma's Revenge?

Is there any video of what Smoke does? Or can you describe the kill?
04/07/2015 10:24 PM (UTC)
Ferra/Torr's second fatality name is called "Play Time"
04/07/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
I see 3 different Faction Kills for Brotherhood of Shadows, but I don't know the names and the videos in YT are already taken out sad

From what I remember: One was a purple energy that stretched the legs and arms (maybe more parts); Second was involving a dark portal in the ground; Third was a big schyte that cut in half from head to belly.
Viser Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
The Lin Kuei gets Smoke's Revenge, but Kotal has no Montezuma's Revenge?

Is there any video of what Smoke does? Or can you describe the kill?

I'm looking for that one actually.

I'm guessing it's just one of Smoke's fatalities from MK9, without Smoke showing up even though he has an NPC model in this.

I mostly just wanted to make that Montezuma's revenge joke.
04/07/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
The Lin Kuei gets Smoke's Revenge, but Kotal has no Montezuma's Revenge?

Is there any video of what Smoke does? Or can you describe the kill?

I'm looking for that one actually.

I'm guessing it's just one of Smoke's fatalities from MK9, without Smoke showing up even though he has an NPC model in this.

I mostly just wanted to make that Montezuma's revenge joke.

It was a good joke. smile

Shame Smoke doesn't appear and kill him :(
Well he could appear, just judging from the other faction kills I'm not so sure.
04/07/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
This should be stickied.
04/08/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Ferra/Torr's second fatality name is called "Play Time"

added. do you know what's the input?

I was wrong, they did decide to go the extra mile. Smoke does show up. Pretty cool. I'd have still preferred the long hair, but that's just me being a crybaby. Interestingly enough though - he doesn't seem to have the revenant eyes or veins...Oh yeah, credit goes to AcidSpit95 for posting the link to the twitter to begin with.
04/08/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:

I was wrong, they did decide to go the extra mile. Smoke does show up. Pretty cool. I'd have still preferred the long hair, but that's just me being a crybaby. Interestingly enough though - he doesn't seem to have the revenant eyes or veins...

...I fear for Fujin
smokeman14 Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:

I was wrong, they did decide to go the extra mile. Smoke does show up. Pretty cool. I'd have still preferred the long hair, but that's just me being a crybaby. Interestingly enough though - he doesn't seem to have the revenant eyes or veins...

...I fear for Fujin

If anything I'd consider him and Li Mei more likely to be DLC than Smoke, just a gut feeling. I wanted Smoke back big time but I feel like he's gonna sit this one out.
04/08/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:

I was wrong, they did decide to go the extra mile. Smoke does show up. Pretty cool. I'd have still preferred the long hair, but that's just me being a crybaby. Interestingly enough though - he doesn't seem to have the revenant eyes or veins...

...I fear for Fujin

If anything I'd consider him and Li Mei more likely to be DLC than Smoke, just a gut feeling. I wanted Smoke back big time but I feel like he's gonna sit this one out.

it's possible Smoke will be restricted to a Faction Kill,an Assist and possibly(according to rumors) a secret fight. in other words,an NPC.
guys,anybody download that vid yet? WB might take that down at any given time.
btw,I still fear for Fujin either way. NRS always seems to be willing to put him...then they scrap him. maybe they see him as redundant,given that we have Raiden.
04/08/2015 06:31 AM (UTC)
there's 4 BoS kills. unknown input for the 4th,however.
added Cassie,forgot her,LOL
04/08/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
I saw a video of Smoke phasing through a opponent like in Mortal Kombat 2011,thst was the faction kill
04/08/2015 05:17 PM (UTC)
difference is that Smoke only decapitates the opponent,unlike the Tremor fatality where the opponent falls in pieces.
04/08/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
guys,any other fatality?
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