Versatile Wrote:
People who say Liu kang "won" over and over again are mistaken. MK was the only actual tournament. In MK4 I am pretty sure Quan Chi killed Shinnok, in MKDA there was no real victory and technically Kang didn't win MK2 or MK3 since they were not tournaments(MK2 being a trap).
How is him being in MKD just bringing him back to be bringing him back? I can see if his story was really stupid like "i came back alive because my soul couldnt rest in such turmoil" or some stupid shit like that, but his story had a nice little twist and I didn't have a problem with it. All negativity IMO towards MKD's story and characters should be towards the new ones. With the exception of Ashrah and Havik, they all sucked IMO.
People who say Liu kang "won" over and over again are mistaken. MK was the only actual tournament. In MK4 I am pretty sure Quan Chi killed Shinnok, in MKDA there was no real victory and technically Kang didn't win MK2 or MK3 since they were not tournaments(MK2 being a trap).
How is him being in MKD just bringing him back to be bringing him back? I can see if his story was really stupid like "i came back alive because my soul couldnt rest in such turmoil" or some stupid shit like that, but his story had a nice little twist and I didn't have a problem with it. All negativity IMO towards MKD's story and characters should be towards the new ones. With the exception of Ashrah and Havik, they all sucked IMO.
MK1 Liu Kang won. MK2, hard to tell if anyone really "won", though the bad guys must have lost somehow (or the Sindel ressurection would be unneccessary). MK3, either Liu or Raiden defeated Shao Kahn, most likely Liu. MK4, Liu destroyed Shinnok. The Liu Kang's Tomb background in MKD tells us about his four MK victories, and he did remain the champ all through that time.
Personally, I thought Liu's MKD story wasn't very interesting, granted better than some (Kobra, Tanya, Shujinko, maybe Nightwolf) but not enough to make me want him back so soon. Doesn't help that, as a fighter he's still, imo a stale, unevolving beginners character.

About Me
First of all I must congratulate you for your very interesting thread: I like the way it is done, the way people reply complete and detailed answers.
If Midway want to consider their fan's opinions, they should read that thread, and I strongly recommend to the Moderators of MKO to make it a stickied.
So now, here's my feedback on every character, the pros and the cons of their return in MK7. If the character should return, then his pros are listed before his cons and vice versa. I won't reply according to my tastes, but according to the storyline:
*By the way, I think every MK should always have the classics no matter what...
About Liu Kang:
-Pros: He should return of course ! Mortal Kombat is not the same
without him. He has made himself a new identity, and instead
of being the champion, he is the spiritual being trying to prevent
his accursed body from doing these evil deeds.
-Cons: If he returns as the champion again, this will be so unoriginal and
boring. He should go on and have his current story developed
About Johnny Cage:
-Pros: He is one of the classics, and to be honest, he needs something
big to happen to him. Maybe he actually could have enjoyed being
evil and have interior conflicts. He could become treacherous at
some point and have regrets. His relationship with Sonya could
finally grow, and maybe put Sonya's rank in peril.
-Cons: If he comes back just to kick asses and make a movie out of it,
then he shouldn't return.
About Sonya Blade:
-Pros: She is the female classic of Mortal Kombat, so she should return
in MK7. She was freed from Onaga, now what ? Will her rank as
Major Blade remain ? Will her relationship with Cage grow ?
Maybe she prefers Kenshi after all. And her new friend Cyrax was
lost on Earth while she was working for Onaga. Will they meet
again ? So many possibilities, and Midway may screw that up...
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Sonya out of
About Raiden:
-Pros: Now the character of Raiden has evolved !!! He's not a com-
passionate "god" anymore, he's like Hades, Seth or Loki ! He is still
the protector of Earthrealm, but he lost his even temper and
eternal patience... This is the best way he could have evolved in my
opinion; two thumbs up for Midway on Raiden. He could even be a
sub-boss in the upcoming game!
-Cons: If he doesn't return, he should still have a role storywise.
About Scorpion:
-Pros: He is the very classic of Mortal Kombat, and he will be in MK7
according to Ed Boon. Period.
-Cons: If he doesn't come back, many fans will stop considering him the
most overrated character of Mortal Kombat.
About Sub Zero:
-Pros: Okay for this one I'm confused. I'll consider this Sub Zero the
younger one: the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. I guess he will
come back no matter what. His relationship with Noob Saibot
as his former older brother is awesome and his story should go
this way. Saibot could hate him to death while Sub Zero could
keep faith for him to be back to his old self.
-Cons: I guess that, like Scorpion, if he doesn't come back, many fans will
stop considering him the most overrated character of Mortal
About Kano:
-Cons: Storylinewise, I think Kano has made the perfect thug and his
fame is behind him. He was killed in Deadly Alliance by Mavado,
and I don't think anyone want to bring him back.
-Pros: Unless some demon saw Kano's doings and found some
potential in him as mercenary or slave. Or, maybe he could meet
with Sheeva, the one he betrayed, in the Netherealm...
About Prince Goro:
-Pros: If Goro returns, it will be as Shao Kahn's first officer or general. He
must be used to bring a new shokan in the story, as a friend, or as
an enemy. Plus, Kitana is back... (he betrayed her).
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Goro out of
About Shang Tsung:
-Pros: If he did die, well find a smart way to bring him back ! He doesn't
really need to be resurrected, he could just have went back to his
original self.... the ugly mutant thing self. He needs his morphing
ability back.
-Cons: He should return, but if he really died after Raiden's implosion,
then he must not be back in a lame way.
About Reptile:
-Pros: He is a must for MK7. In my opinion, he should re-evolve back to
his ninja form: he should also get the coolest ninja outfit !!! He also
needs his moves back (Acid Spit, Force Ball, Invisibility). It should
be very easy for Midway to find a great way for Reptile to return ! He
probably now has the Dragon King's body, so Midway mustn't
screw up this one...
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Reptile out of
MK7, unless he died due to Onaga's defeat (if he was defeated)
but that would be very (i repeat: very) stupid of Midway.
About Kung Lao:
-Pros: He could be back and have his old moves back. His story should
develop in a new and original way, like he finds interior peace and
use new manners to achieve his goals, and he can easily be
related with Fujin or Kai. Maybe he could be the one who manage
to bring "the good old Raiden" back. Let's not forget his relation-
ship with Bo'Rai Cho; he didn't manage to defeat the deadly
alliance even after the master's training, how does he feel about
-Cons: He may be left out of MK7 due to a limited number of characters,
but he still should have a role storyline wise.
About Jax Briggs:
-Cons: I think we have seen what Jax can do during the previous games,
and when compared to other characters, I feel like he's unoriginal
and obsolete. I think his fame is behind him. If they bring him
back, it must be to enlarge his fan base, so Midway could try to
make something good out of him.
-Pros: He still may be related to Cyrax and Sonya.
About Baraka:
-Cons: If his ending happens, we won't get to see what will happen
between Kitana and Mileena. I also think Baraka reached his
maximum potential in Deception. Either he should be back with
a new Tarkata or his death could bring a new and more nimble
Tarkata to MK7, since he was the most powerful, we need a
different kind of Tarkata !
-Pros: If he comes back, well it would be better if none of Baraka's and
Mileena's endings happened. He could have defeated many
great warriors in the previous war for his master Onaga, and
thus becoming Onaga's first general, being rival to Shao Kahn's
general: Goro. (Assuming Onaga ain't dead)
About Princess Kitana:
-Pros: She needs to come back. After being evil again, will she decide to
go back to her assassin manners ? Or will she rebel against it
more than anything ? Now that she's alive, she'll notice Goro's betrayal.
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Kitana out of
About Mileena:
-Pros: Either she must have defeated the real Baraka, or his ending must
not have happened: it is Kitana's job to finish Mileena for good.
Unless Sindel and Kitana find a way to make good use of her and
use Edenian magic to dispell evil in her. I say If she kills Kitana,
then this will be a very surprising turn of event, and Mileena could
develop another story of her own. Maybe her dilemma of loyalty
between Shao Kahn and Onaga will make her story even more
interesting ! Anyway, Kitana and Mileena must be together again
in a Mortal Kombat game.
-Cons: If Mileena is killed by Baraka instead of Kitana, her death will be
empty. She was finally having a story of her own, it would be lame
to spit on it.
About Jade:
-Cons: She could easily stay out of this game and still have a role
storyline wise.
-Pros: She was awesome in Deception, but Jade must have flaws ! She
always made the right choices, she was always loyal to Kitana,
she needs something...
About Smoke:
-Pros: The tag team thing was a good idea, but let's keep it a Deception
trademark and get Smoke alone with new and old moves. If I was
Smoke, I'd be pissed off for being used by Saibot, and I'd also be
pissed off of being a damn cyborg who can easily be reprogramed
to do anyone's wishes. Smoke needs to find a way back to his
human self and could be enemy to Noob Saibot.
-Cons: We can't go on a new Mortal Kombat and leaving Noob Smoke the
way they are, I think they deserve to be in the upcoming game no
matter what.
About Noob Saibot:
-Pros: If he truly is Sub Zero's older brother, then read what I think above
for Sub Zero. He could have made a deadly enemy in Smoke, and
while Sub Zero still wants to bring him back, he wants to kill both.
Sub Zero's dilemma between his evil brother or his best friend
could be interesting.
-Cons: We can't go on a new Mortal Kombat and leaving Noob Smoke the
way they are, I think they deserve to be in the upcoming game no
matter what.
About Kintaro:
-Cons: He died of a reasonable death and should be kept dead.
-Pros: I don't hink anyone (except the fans
) would like to have Kintaro
back, but if Midway find a nice and smart way to resurrect him, then
go on! I'd like to play Kintaro in MK7... although if this happens, I'm
afraid the plot will suck.
About Shao Kahn:
-Pros: He needs to be back, he just got his power back ! He is strongly
related to Goro, Baraka and Mileena who betrayed him and I'd
liked to see Sindel and him interact once again. Maybe Sindel
could kill him in MK7 ! I wouldn't have seen that coming !
-Cons: He needs to be back, whether Onaga is alive or not.
About Queen Sindel:
-Cons: Ok she managed to get Kitana back (or someone else did it...)
so she can go back to Edenia to rule her land. If she's back, it
must be because Midway have great plans for her, otherwise they
should leave the place to someone else.
-Pros: If she's back, she must have something big: her death (she is old
enough) or her killing Shao Kahn... but I doubt she would have the
advantage over Kahn... seriously. But who knows ? If they fight on
the pit; she can fly
I'll post the others later.
If Midway want to consider their fan's opinions, they should read that thread, and I strongly recommend to the Moderators of MKO to make it a stickied.
So now, here's my feedback on every character, the pros and the cons of their return in MK7. If the character should return, then his pros are listed before his cons and vice versa. I won't reply according to my tastes, but according to the storyline:
*By the way, I think every MK should always have the classics no matter what...
About Liu Kang:
-Pros: He should return of course ! Mortal Kombat is not the same
without him. He has made himself a new identity, and instead
of being the champion, he is the spiritual being trying to prevent
his accursed body from doing these evil deeds.
-Cons: If he returns as the champion again, this will be so unoriginal and
boring. He should go on and have his current story developed
About Johnny Cage:
-Pros: He is one of the classics, and to be honest, he needs something
big to happen to him. Maybe he actually could have enjoyed being
evil and have interior conflicts. He could become treacherous at
some point and have regrets. His relationship with Sonya could
finally grow, and maybe put Sonya's rank in peril.
-Cons: If he comes back just to kick asses and make a movie out of it,
then he shouldn't return.
About Sonya Blade:
-Pros: She is the female classic of Mortal Kombat, so she should return
in MK7. She was freed from Onaga, now what ? Will her rank as
Major Blade remain ? Will her relationship with Cage grow ?
Maybe she prefers Kenshi after all. And her new friend Cyrax was
lost on Earth while she was working for Onaga. Will they meet
again ? So many possibilities, and Midway may screw that up...
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Sonya out of
About Raiden:
-Pros: Now the character of Raiden has evolved !!! He's not a com-
passionate "god" anymore, he's like Hades, Seth or Loki ! He is still
the protector of Earthrealm, but he lost his even temper and
eternal patience... This is the best way he could have evolved in my
opinion; two thumbs up for Midway on Raiden. He could even be a
sub-boss in the upcoming game!
-Cons: If he doesn't return, he should still have a role storywise.
About Scorpion:
-Pros: He is the very classic of Mortal Kombat, and he will be in MK7
according to Ed Boon. Period.
-Cons: If he doesn't come back, many fans will stop considering him the
most overrated character of Mortal Kombat.
About Sub Zero:
-Pros: Okay for this one I'm confused. I'll consider this Sub Zero the
younger one: the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. I guess he will
come back no matter what. His relationship with Noob Saibot
as his former older brother is awesome and his story should go
this way. Saibot could hate him to death while Sub Zero could
keep faith for him to be back to his old self.
-Cons: I guess that, like Scorpion, if he doesn't come back, many fans will
stop considering him the most overrated character of Mortal
About Kano:
-Cons: Storylinewise, I think Kano has made the perfect thug and his
fame is behind him. He was killed in Deadly Alliance by Mavado,
and I don't think anyone want to bring him back.
-Pros: Unless some demon saw Kano's doings and found some
potential in him as mercenary or slave. Or, maybe he could meet
with Sheeva, the one he betrayed, in the Netherealm...
About Prince Goro:
-Pros: If Goro returns, it will be as Shao Kahn's first officer or general. He
must be used to bring a new shokan in the story, as a friend, or as
an enemy. Plus, Kitana is back... (he betrayed her).
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Goro out of
About Shang Tsung:
-Pros: If he did die, well find a smart way to bring him back ! He doesn't
really need to be resurrected, he could just have went back to his
original self.... the ugly mutant thing self. He needs his morphing
ability back.
-Cons: He should return, but if he really died after Raiden's implosion,
then he must not be back in a lame way.
About Reptile:
-Pros: He is a must for MK7. In my opinion, he should re-evolve back to
his ninja form: he should also get the coolest ninja outfit !!! He also
needs his moves back (Acid Spit, Force Ball, Invisibility). It should
be very easy for Midway to find a great way for Reptile to return ! He
probably now has the Dragon King's body, so Midway mustn't
screw up this one...
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Reptile out of
MK7, unless he died due to Onaga's defeat (if he was defeated)
but that would be very (i repeat: very) stupid of Midway.
About Kung Lao:
-Pros: He could be back and have his old moves back. His story should
develop in a new and original way, like he finds interior peace and
use new manners to achieve his goals, and he can easily be
related with Fujin or Kai. Maybe he could be the one who manage
to bring "the good old Raiden" back. Let's not forget his relation-
ship with Bo'Rai Cho; he didn't manage to defeat the deadly
alliance even after the master's training, how does he feel about
-Cons: He may be left out of MK7 due to a limited number of characters,
but he still should have a role storyline wise.
About Jax Briggs:
-Cons: I think we have seen what Jax can do during the previous games,
and when compared to other characters, I feel like he's unoriginal
and obsolete. I think his fame is behind him. If they bring him
back, it must be to enlarge his fan base, so Midway could try to
make something good out of him.
-Pros: He still may be related to Cyrax and Sonya.
About Baraka:
-Cons: If his ending happens, we won't get to see what will happen
between Kitana and Mileena. I also think Baraka reached his
maximum potential in Deception. Either he should be back with
a new Tarkata or his death could bring a new and more nimble
Tarkata to MK7, since he was the most powerful, we need a
different kind of Tarkata !
-Pros: If he comes back, well it would be better if none of Baraka's and
Mileena's endings happened. He could have defeated many
great warriors in the previous war for his master Onaga, and
thus becoming Onaga's first general, being rival to Shao Kahn's
general: Goro. (Assuming Onaga ain't dead)
About Princess Kitana:
-Pros: She needs to come back. After being evil again, will she decide to
go back to her assassin manners ? Or will she rebel against it
more than anything ? Now that she's alive, she'll notice Goro's betrayal.
-Cons: Honestly, I don't feel there is a good reason to keep Kitana out of
About Mileena:
-Pros: Either she must have defeated the real Baraka, or his ending must
not have happened: it is Kitana's job to finish Mileena for good.
Unless Sindel and Kitana find a way to make good use of her and
use Edenian magic to dispell evil in her. I say If she kills Kitana,
then this will be a very surprising turn of event, and Mileena could
develop another story of her own. Maybe her dilemma of loyalty
between Shao Kahn and Onaga will make her story even more
interesting ! Anyway, Kitana and Mileena must be together again
in a Mortal Kombat game.
-Cons: If Mileena is killed by Baraka instead of Kitana, her death will be
empty. She was finally having a story of her own, it would be lame
to spit on it.
About Jade:
-Cons: She could easily stay out of this game and still have a role
storyline wise.
-Pros: She was awesome in Deception, but Jade must have flaws ! She
always made the right choices, she was always loyal to Kitana,
she needs something...
About Smoke:
-Pros: The tag team thing was a good idea, but let's keep it a Deception
trademark and get Smoke alone with new and old moves. If I was
Smoke, I'd be pissed off for being used by Saibot, and I'd also be
pissed off of being a damn cyborg who can easily be reprogramed
to do anyone's wishes. Smoke needs to find a way back to his
human self and could be enemy to Noob Saibot.
-Cons: We can't go on a new Mortal Kombat and leaving Noob Smoke the
way they are, I think they deserve to be in the upcoming game no
matter what.
About Noob Saibot:
-Pros: If he truly is Sub Zero's older brother, then read what I think above
for Sub Zero. He could have made a deadly enemy in Smoke, and
while Sub Zero still wants to bring him back, he wants to kill both.
Sub Zero's dilemma between his evil brother or his best friend
could be interesting.
-Cons: We can't go on a new Mortal Kombat and leaving Noob Smoke the
way they are, I think they deserve to be in the upcoming game no
matter what.
About Kintaro:
-Cons: He died of a reasonable death and should be kept dead.
-Pros: I don't hink anyone (except the fans
back, but if Midway find a nice and smart way to resurrect him, then
go on! I'd like to play Kintaro in MK7... although if this happens, I'm
afraid the plot will suck.
About Shao Kahn:
-Pros: He needs to be back, he just got his power back ! He is strongly
related to Goro, Baraka and Mileena who betrayed him and I'd
liked to see Sindel and him interact once again. Maybe Sindel
could kill him in MK7 ! I wouldn't have seen that coming !
-Cons: He needs to be back, whether Onaga is alive or not.
About Queen Sindel:
-Cons: Ok she managed to get Kitana back (or someone else did it...)
so she can go back to Edenia to rule her land. If she's back, it
must be because Midway have great plans for her, otherwise they
should leave the place to someone else.
-Pros: If she's back, she must have something big: her death (she is old
enough) or her killing Shao Kahn... but I doubt she would have the
advantage over Kahn... seriously. But who knows ? If they fight on
the pit; she can fly
I'll post the others later.

About Me
About Kurtis Stryker:
-Cons: He never meant to be part of Mortal Kombat, so unless someone
bring him back (which I doubt will happen) he will most likely not
be part of the next MK. He never chose to be part of it, and I don't
think Sonya and Liu Kang pray for Stryker to come and help them...
-Pros: Maybe he met Cyrax on Earth, but then again, this would be lame...
About Cyrax:
-Pros: He's on Earth, anything can happen. He must be back with Sektor
and the Tekunin in the next MK as deadly enemies.... muahaha.
-Cons: If he doesn't return, then he should be back in MK8.
About Sektor:
-Pros: He's building up his new Tekunin clan, so maybe not only Onaga
and Kahn would be a threat to the heroes, but Sektor could also
be the major threat on Earth !
-Cons: If he doesn't return in MK7 (which would be lame) then he must
be back in MK8 !
About Nightwolf:
-Cons: In my opinion Nightwolf was original and he should have been
among the most heroic characters of Deception, and he should
either die as a hero, or fall for good and follow his ending.
-Pros: If he comes back, he mustn't be the good old Nightwolf we know
again. If he doesn't die, then he should become something else
as a character.
About Kabal:
-Pros: He should be back with Kira and die for good in MK7 in my opinion.
-Cons: He must be back because the Black Dragon is powerful at the
About Sheeva:
-Cons: She's dead, and therefore shouldn't be brought back.
-Pros: Honestly I'd like to see Sheeva back, but currently she's stranded
in the Netherealm, sleeping on the floor of an empty house
About Motaro:
-Cons: He also is dead...
-Pros: He shouldn't come back, but a new centaur would be amazing !!!
About Rain:
-Pros: Although he is dead, I think he would make a great asset for MK7.
-Cons: He is dead, so if Midway don't find a smart way to get him back,
then should he R.I.P.
About Ermac:
-Pros: He must be back ! He is at the summum of his usefulness and
might ! He finally is free and he works for good ! Let Ermac be
-Cons: It is really dumb if he ain't back !
About Chameleon:
-Cons: I think he was created for fun and since he has no official storyline
or style of his own he should never be heard of.
-Pros: None.
About Khaemeleon:
-Pros: She could definatly be back and hence Reptile's story, she could
change MK7's story !
-Cons: She does have a storyline, but she needs a style of her own ! And
she could be amazing if directed correctly.
About Kai:
-Pros: He should come back with huge changes.
-Cons: He could also stay dead... but I think he has potential.
About Shinnok:
-Pros: If Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Raiden and Onaga meet, this would be
deadly !
-Cons: If he comes back, he needs a good purpose, a good reason for
being alive again, moves for himself and a new design.
About Reiko:
-Cons: I don't know, he is kind of like Kano and Jax to me, he lacks
something good to make him awesome. He is a bit boring in
my opinion.
-Pros: I guess Reiko can be directed in many ways, so if Midway find a
use for him in MK7, then I'd be glad!
About Jarek:
-Cons: He was too much like Kano and he died, so he should stay dead.
He tried to accomplish his mission but he failed, and no one that
has the power to resurrect would like to see him around anyway.
-Pros: I see none.
About Tanya:
-Cons: Although I like her, I believe we saw what she was capable of, and
she'll always be the manipulative biatch of MK. She was awesome
during Deception, but I think Jade should have killed her.
-Pros: She could come back, but it would be cooler if Jade had killed her,
so Jade could go home and there would be two places for new
characters !
About Quan Chi:
-Pros: He should come back no matter what.
-Cons: I hope he'll be back; although I never play him and I'm not keen on
him, I must admit he adds something special to the MK storylines.
About Fujin:
-Pros: He could be back and disagree with Raiden.
-Cons: I think its time for him to return ! So I see none.
About Meat:
-Pros: What?
-Cons: Huh!
About Master Bo'Rai Cho:
-Pros: He must be there if Kung Lao is in MK7 mostly to see
them evolve, and anyway, he must be there storyline wise.
If he comes back, and that LiMei's treason is true, then he must
do something. He must be there also because he's strongly
related to Baraka (his worst enemy) and Mileena (whom he
thought was Kitana) and for Liu Kang (see his ending).
-Cons: None.
About LiMei:
-Pros: It'd be cool to have her around again. She's got a cool style. If
she really got on Onaga's side, then this will be awesome ! She
could get power and she would make a lot of enemies
-Cons: I'd see nothing wrong if she'd be back.
About Kenshi:
-Pros: I think he should develop a relationship with Sonya... and he
should fight Shang Tsung again in this one. He is so unique he
must be in next MKs.
-Cons: I'd see nothing wrong if he'd be back.
About Mavado:
-Cons: He died so he should stay dead.
-Pros: He must'nt be back, Kabal killed him.
About Hsu Hao:
-Cons: He died so he should stay dead.
-Pros: He must'nt be back, Jax killed him.
About Nitara:
-Pros: She could be back, but is she does so, she must be with at least
one fellow vampire, a male.
-Cons: I highly think Nitara could come back.
About Blaze:
-Pros: He should definatly come back, pursuing his mission or with
another purpose.
-Cons: It'd be dull if we never saw Blaze again.
About Mokap:
-Cons: He was a joke and he needs to stay MKDA's joke character.
-Pros: If he comes back.......*sighs*....
About Drahmin:
-Pros: He should come back in his new form.
-Cons: He could be kept for MK8.
About Moloch:
-Cons: He should'nt come back...
-Pros: ...unless he has a good reason to follow Drahmin and he has new
design and moves. If he returns he must be playable.
About Sareena:
-Pros: She has a lot of potential. She must be back.
-Cons: None. (Notice my answers are shorter and shorter, I'm fucking tired...)
About Ashrah:
-Cons: She achieved her mission and therefore shouldn't come back unless she has a good reason.
-Pros: If she comes back, I hope that's because she was caught by a greater demon who got her to her old self and she's a demon again ! I'd like to see her a demon...
About Dairou:
-Cons: He did his job.
-Pros: If he's back, I'd like to see more from him: a new style, another weapon than a sword and new moves.
About Darrius:
-Cons: Like Jarek, Kano and Jax, he lacks something. I wouldn't mind
to never see him again.
-Pros: He can be back, but I doubt his story will be interesting.
About Havik:
-Pros: He should be back !! See his ending and he has potential.
-Cons: In my opinion, it'd be lame not to have Havik and Hotaru in MK7.
About Hotaru:
-Pros: I hope he wasn't killed, because he could be important in MK7.
-Cons: If he comes back, it means many endings didn't happen, but then again... who cares
About Kobra:
-Cons: Although I strongly doubt Kira killed him, I hope she has.
-Pros: He should be back so the Black Dragon would count more than two members.....
About Kira:
-Pros:She should be back with Kabal since the Black Dragon is powerful.
-Cons: None.
About Shujinko:
-Cons: He should die at the hands of Raiden.
-Pros: If he's back, he could become the "undefeatable and lonely old guy no one can beat" and has Liu Kang for rival and everyone for enemy.
About Onaga, the Dragon King:
-Pros: He shouldn't have been killed, and he should be back to fight against Raiden, Shao Kahn and shit.
-Cons: If he died, then all hail the Emperor Shao Kahn.
-Cons: He never meant to be part of Mortal Kombat, so unless someone
bring him back (which I doubt will happen) he will most likely not
be part of the next MK. He never chose to be part of it, and I don't
think Sonya and Liu Kang pray for Stryker to come and help them...
-Pros: Maybe he met Cyrax on Earth, but then again, this would be lame...
About Cyrax:
-Pros: He's on Earth, anything can happen. He must be back with Sektor
and the Tekunin in the next MK as deadly enemies.... muahaha.
-Cons: If he doesn't return, then he should be back in MK8.
About Sektor:
-Pros: He's building up his new Tekunin clan, so maybe not only Onaga
and Kahn would be a threat to the heroes, but Sektor could also
be the major threat on Earth !
-Cons: If he doesn't return in MK7 (which would be lame) then he must
be back in MK8 !
About Nightwolf:
-Cons: In my opinion Nightwolf was original and he should have been
among the most heroic characters of Deception, and he should
either die as a hero, or fall for good and follow his ending.
-Pros: If he comes back, he mustn't be the good old Nightwolf we know
again. If he doesn't die, then he should become something else
as a character.
About Kabal:
-Pros: He should be back with Kira and die for good in MK7 in my opinion.
-Cons: He must be back because the Black Dragon is powerful at the
About Sheeva:
-Cons: She's dead, and therefore shouldn't be brought back.
-Pros: Honestly I'd like to see Sheeva back, but currently she's stranded
in the Netherealm, sleeping on the floor of an empty house
About Motaro:
-Cons: He also is dead...
-Pros: He shouldn't come back, but a new centaur would be amazing !!!
About Rain:
-Pros: Although he is dead, I think he would make a great asset for MK7.
-Cons: He is dead, so if Midway don't find a smart way to get him back,
then should he R.I.P.
About Ermac:
-Pros: He must be back ! He is at the summum of his usefulness and
might ! He finally is free and he works for good ! Let Ermac be
-Cons: It is really dumb if he ain't back !
About Chameleon:
-Cons: I think he was created for fun and since he has no official storyline
or style of his own he should never be heard of.
-Pros: None.
About Khaemeleon:
-Pros: She could definatly be back and hence Reptile's story, she could
change MK7's story !
-Cons: She does have a storyline, but she needs a style of her own ! And
she could be amazing if directed correctly.
About Kai:
-Pros: He should come back with huge changes.
-Cons: He could also stay dead... but I think he has potential.
About Shinnok:
-Pros: If Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Raiden and Onaga meet, this would be
deadly !
-Cons: If he comes back, he needs a good purpose, a good reason for
being alive again, moves for himself and a new design.
About Reiko:
-Cons: I don't know, he is kind of like Kano and Jax to me, he lacks
something good to make him awesome. He is a bit boring in
my opinion.
-Pros: I guess Reiko can be directed in many ways, so if Midway find a
use for him in MK7, then I'd be glad!
About Jarek:
-Cons: He was too much like Kano and he died, so he should stay dead.
He tried to accomplish his mission but he failed, and no one that
has the power to resurrect would like to see him around anyway.
-Pros: I see none.
About Tanya:
-Cons: Although I like her, I believe we saw what she was capable of, and
she'll always be the manipulative biatch of MK. She was awesome
during Deception, but I think Jade should have killed her.
-Pros: She could come back, but it would be cooler if Jade had killed her,
so Jade could go home and there would be two places for new
characters !
About Quan Chi:
-Pros: He should come back no matter what.
-Cons: I hope he'll be back; although I never play him and I'm not keen on
him, I must admit he adds something special to the MK storylines.
About Fujin:
-Pros: He could be back and disagree with Raiden.
-Cons: I think its time for him to return ! So I see none.
About Meat:
-Pros: What?
-Cons: Huh!
About Master Bo'Rai Cho:
-Pros: He must be there if Kung Lao is in MK7 mostly to see
them evolve, and anyway, he must be there storyline wise.
If he comes back, and that LiMei's treason is true, then he must
do something. He must be there also because he's strongly
related to Baraka (his worst enemy) and Mileena (whom he
thought was Kitana) and for Liu Kang (see his ending).
-Cons: None.
About LiMei:
-Pros: It'd be cool to have her around again. She's got a cool style. If
she really got on Onaga's side, then this will be awesome ! She
could get power and she would make a lot of enemies
-Cons: I'd see nothing wrong if she'd be back.
About Kenshi:
-Pros: I think he should develop a relationship with Sonya... and he
should fight Shang Tsung again in this one. He is so unique he
must be in next MKs.
-Cons: I'd see nothing wrong if he'd be back.
About Mavado:
-Cons: He died so he should stay dead.
-Pros: He must'nt be back, Kabal killed him.
About Hsu Hao:
-Cons: He died so he should stay dead.
-Pros: He must'nt be back, Jax killed him.
About Nitara:
-Pros: She could be back, but is she does so, she must be with at least
one fellow vampire, a male.
-Cons: I highly think Nitara could come back.
About Blaze:
-Pros: He should definatly come back, pursuing his mission or with
another purpose.
-Cons: It'd be dull if we never saw Blaze again.
About Mokap:
-Cons: He was a joke and he needs to stay MKDA's joke character.
-Pros: If he comes back.......*sighs*....
About Drahmin:
-Pros: He should come back in his new form.
-Cons: He could be kept for MK8.
About Moloch:
-Cons: He should'nt come back...
-Pros: ...unless he has a good reason to follow Drahmin and he has new
design and moves. If he returns he must be playable.
About Sareena:
-Pros: She has a lot of potential. She must be back.
-Cons: None. (Notice my answers are shorter and shorter, I'm fucking tired...)
About Ashrah:
-Cons: She achieved her mission and therefore shouldn't come back unless she has a good reason.
-Pros: If she comes back, I hope that's because she was caught by a greater demon who got her to her old self and she's a demon again ! I'd like to see her a demon...
About Dairou:
-Cons: He did his job.
-Pros: If he's back, I'd like to see more from him: a new style, another weapon than a sword and new moves.
About Darrius:
-Cons: Like Jarek, Kano and Jax, he lacks something. I wouldn't mind
to never see him again.
-Pros: He can be back, but I doubt his story will be interesting.
About Havik:
-Pros: He should be back !! See his ending and he has potential.
-Cons: In my opinion, it'd be lame not to have Havik and Hotaru in MK7.
About Hotaru:
-Pros: I hope he wasn't killed, because he could be important in MK7.
-Cons: If he comes back, it means many endings didn't happen, but then again... who cares
About Kobra:
-Cons: Although I strongly doubt Kira killed him, I hope she has.
-Pros: He should be back so the Black Dragon would count more than two members.....
About Kira:
-Pros:She should be back with Kabal since the Black Dragon is powerful.
-Cons: None.
About Shujinko:
-Cons: He should die at the hands of Raiden.
-Pros: If he's back, he could become the "undefeatable and lonely old guy no one can beat" and has Liu Kang for rival and everyone for enemy.
About Onaga, the Dragon King:
-Pros: He shouldn't have been killed, and he should be back to fight against Raiden, Shao Kahn and shit.
-Cons: If he died, then all hail the Emperor Shao Kahn.
Hey I really appreciate the comments Ying Yueng. I worked hard on thinking of those characters, and you far surpassed me with your work. Great stuff. Ya, I was hoping this could be a stickied thread. Its different from other character ones in that it has nothing to do with favorites of mine or others. It is strictly for the sake of bettering MK. Tekken suceeds because fans know that their essential and classic characters like Paul, Nina, Law ,Yoshimitsu, and others will always be there for them to rely on in addition to new people. Thats what I am hoping for MK in the future.
Wow, that's a great list there Ying Yueng. You've got it right about many characters, and how essential (or not) they would be in future MKs.
Great effort there, YingYeung.

Ok For Starters MK7 was Deadly Aliance 8 is Deception so you guys are wanting MK9.
As far as charactors go they should kill off PERMINTLY
Jax-Because he is not speacil and has no good combs and plays no part in the story of deception other than protecting Liu Kang's Spector in Earthrealm.
Sonya-Same as JAx But plays no part in the games konquest
Cage-He is a faggot and needs to be shot in the Face
Shang Tsung-Oh wow i can steal your Soul! he is not powerful
Quan Chi-For alleing with Shang Tsung
Kano-He is Just a ferry
Goro-No specil powers
Kung Lao-How gay i can throw a hat wow
Kintaro-same as goro
Sektor-Cyrax is the better cyborg but neither compare to the great smoke
Nightwolf-he is just gay as hell
Kabal-same as nightwolf
Hsu Hao-were did he come from. kill him
Mokap-a gay dude in a suit wow finish him!
Now here are the Charectors that should be left alone or placed back into MK9
Sub-Zero-He is the man. My #1 char.
Noob-Has a cool stroy and he needs to battle shinnok for control of the netherealm
Smoke-is the best cyborg
Ashrah-has some pretty damn good combos
Scorpion-He is also the man. My #2 char.
Reptile-My #3 char. (only in his ninja costume from mk2 and 3
Rain-Same as reptile but #4
Kai-has potential
Sheeva-Only need 1 4 armed freak. she has potential
Sindel-cannot go without the queen
Shao Kahn-he is better than Onaga
Jade-She has extream potential same as Kai
Raiden-Need i explain!

As far as charactors go they should kill off PERMINTLY
Jax-Because he is not speacil and has no good combs and plays no part in the story of deception other than protecting Liu Kang's Spector in Earthrealm.
Sonya-Same as JAx But plays no part in the games konquest
Cage-He is a faggot and needs to be shot in the Face
Shang Tsung-Oh wow i can steal your Soul! he is not powerful
Quan Chi-For alleing with Shang Tsung
Kano-He is Just a ferry
Goro-No specil powers
Kung Lao-How gay i can throw a hat wow
Kintaro-same as goro
Sektor-Cyrax is the better cyborg but neither compare to the great smoke
Nightwolf-he is just gay as hell
Kabal-same as nightwolf
Hsu Hao-were did he come from. kill him
Mokap-a gay dude in a suit wow finish him!
Now here are the Charectors that should be left alone or placed back into MK9
Sub-Zero-He is the man. My #1 char.
Noob-Has a cool stroy and he needs to battle shinnok for control of the netherealm
Smoke-is the best cyborg
Ashrah-has some pretty damn good combos
Scorpion-He is also the man. My #2 char.
Reptile-My #3 char. (only in his ninja costume from mk2 and 3
Rain-Same as reptile but #4
Kai-has potential
Sheeva-Only need 1 4 armed freak. she has potential
Sindel-cannot go without the queen
Shao Kahn-he is better than Onaga
Jade-She has extream potential same as Kai
Raiden-Need i explain!
Thanks for feedback in the post. The only problems I have with some of your choices of characters to bring back is that you provide poor evidence for and against certain characters.... Like Kano... Just saying he is a ferry isn't really a justibiable reason to keep him out. And for Ashrah, although I do like her a lot as well, I don't see her story going anywhere from Deception unless they completely whip something up for her. Just saying she had good combos doesn't necessarily make her essential... But then again its your opinion, so I respect that. Just though I would throw those out there.
Sub-Zero1992 Wrote:
Ok For Starters MK7 was Deadly Aliance 8 is Deception so you guys are wanting MK9.
As far as charactors go they should kill off PERMINTLY
Jax-Because he is not speacil and has no good combs and plays no part in the story of deception other than protecting Liu Kang's Spector in Earthrealm.
Sonya-Same as JAx But plays no part in the games konquest
Cage-He is a faggot and needs to be shot in the Face
Shang Tsung-Oh wow i can steal your Soul! he is not powerful
Quan Chi-For alleing with Shang Tsung
Kano-He is Just a ferry
Goro-No specil powers
Kung Lao-How gay i can throw a hat wow
Kintaro-same as goro
Sektor-Cyrax is the better cyborg but neither compare to the great smoke
Nightwolf-he is just gay as hell
Kabal-same as nightwolf
Hsu Hao-were did he come from. kill him
Mokap-a gay dude in a suit wow finish him!
Now here are the Charectors that should be left alone or placed back into MK9
Sub-Zero-He is the man. My #1 char.
Noob-Has a cool stroy and he needs to battle shinnok for control of the netherealm
Smoke-is the best cyborg
Ashrah-has some pretty damn good combos
Scorpion-He is also the man. My #2 char.
Reptile-My #3 char. (only in his ninja costume from mk2 and 3
Rain-Same as reptile but #4
Kai-has potential
Sheeva-Only need 1 4 armed freak. she has potential
Sindel-cannot go without the queen
Shao Kahn-he is better than Onaga
Jade-She has extream potential same as Kai
Raiden-Need i explain!

Ok For Starters MK7 was Deadly Aliance 8 is Deception so you guys are wanting MK9.
As far as charactors go they should kill off PERMINTLY
Jax-Because he is not speacil and has no good combs and plays no part in the story of deception other than protecting Liu Kang's Spector in Earthrealm.
Sonya-Same as JAx But plays no part in the games konquest
Cage-He is a faggot and needs to be shot in the Face
Shang Tsung-Oh wow i can steal your Soul! he is not powerful
Quan Chi-For alleing with Shang Tsung
Kano-He is Just a ferry
Goro-No specil powers
Kung Lao-How gay i can throw a hat wow
Kintaro-same as goro
Sektor-Cyrax is the better cyborg but neither compare to the great smoke
Nightwolf-he is just gay as hell
Kabal-same as nightwolf
Hsu Hao-were did he come from. kill him
Mokap-a gay dude in a suit wow finish him!
Now here are the Charectors that should be left alone or placed back into MK9
Sub-Zero-He is the man. My #1 char.
Noob-Has a cool stroy and he needs to battle shinnok for control of the netherealm
Smoke-is the best cyborg
Ashrah-has some pretty damn good combos
Scorpion-He is also the man. My #2 char.
Reptile-My #3 char. (only in his ninja costume from mk2 and 3
Rain-Same as reptile but #4
Kai-has potential
Sheeva-Only need 1 4 armed freak. she has potential
Sindel-cannot go without the queen
Shao Kahn-he is better than Onaga
Jade-She has extream potential same as Kai
Raiden-Need i explain!

Well thank you rubin but the thing that really got me was that people want to get rid of the sub-zero now and bring back the mk1 sub. and as far as for some of my charactors that i want to never see agian i relize that some of my reasons are not all that great but you do have to admit that most of them are sucky. but thx agian.

Well I would say about 4 out of the 10 I put in my very first post for this thread are characters that I can't stand or think are "sucky" as you say... I kept them on board though because of a few reasons...
They have been there for a long time and represent the origins of Mk
They, overall amongst most of the fan base, are popular characters
They have great stories that involve many other characters as well....
I really like Kabal and Kung Lao, but I failed to put them on the list (although many people would argue that they deserve to be on there) because I was trying to narrow it down to the top 10 elite and essential personalities in Mortal Kombat. Personally, Sonya and Quan Chi can eat a weiner for all I care, but I do recognize their importance to the MK universe. SEe where I am coming from?
They have been there for a long time and represent the origins of Mk
They, overall amongst most of the fan base, are popular characters
They have great stories that involve many other characters as well....
I really like Kabal and Kung Lao, but I failed to put them on the list (although many people would argue that they deserve to be on there) because I was trying to narrow it down to the top 10 elite and essential personalities in Mortal Kombat. Personally, Sonya and Quan Chi can eat a weiner for all I care, but I do recognize their importance to the MK universe. SEe where I am coming from?

You are so right about Sonya and Quan Chi But just me personlly to throw into the eat weiner catagory i would have to throw in Kabal.
well again thats your opinion. Kabal actually has a pretty good story if you ask me. Lets just keep this thread to essential characters please though from now on. Listing people, and providing good support as to why they are essential to the MK universe. Thanks
My opinion of who should be given highest priorty for big roles in MK7, and why. Like Rubin, and to keep in the theme of this thread, I am not simply making a list of all my favourites.
Sub Zero (younger)
Why- Look at the build up this guy's had the last two games. Leader of the reformed Lin Quei. Gaining and losing a student. Powers increasing due to medallion and armour, with hints he may not be 100% human. Discovering his older brother is now evil, and controlling his best friend. Sub Zero is a hero and MK champion in the making, imo.
Why- He's the Elder God's champion, fanboys (and Boon's) favourite. Trying to get rid of him will be like pissing in the wind, sadly.
Kung Lao
Why- I think this character is ready for a bigger role as an MK hero. He's been trained by Bo, and should inherit Liu's mantle, and be the main Shaolin fighter. Plus he trains younger students (see his MK3/MKG bios) so the potential to introduce a student is there.
Why- She's too important to the MK world and storyline to not at least be there. I think it's time she became queen of Edenia, she seems to be it's most active leader in MK4/MKDA.
Quan Chi
Why- Also been given a lot of build up. He helped kill Liu, then the other heroes. After helping beat Raiden, he turned on and defeated Shang Tsung. Plus it's more than likely he survived Raiden's sacrificial blast. The Quan man ain't through with his evil schemes just yet.
Why- Another MK icon, so can't not be there. Plus the Dark Raiden storyline looks very interesting, and could be a boost to many characters storylines. The formerly wise old mentor going mad, think of the possibilities.
Johnny Cage
Why- A real "love him or hate him" guy. But MK's a poorer place without him. He helps lighten the overall mood, but with just the right mix of humour, without being stupid (like Bo Rai Cho). Badly needs a new storyline direction.
Why- Overrated as hell, also needs a new plot boost. But she's an MK veteran, and the best representative of the more Earthrealm based heroes, the Special Forces.
Why- Let's hear it for MK's most adaptable, evolving character. Should stay as a lizard man (the MKSM design is great), but he has managed to make his mark in every MK plot so far, and still has room to develop.
Why- If dead, he needs a convincing way to cheat this. But Mavado is far too involved with many other characters to not appear. Sub Zero, Quan Chi, Sonya (supposed to be her biggest enemy now), etc...
Li Mei
Why- Has evolved a lot in the short time she's been around. Started off an MK innocent caught up in it all. MKD gave her a harder edge, but still kept the naive, inexperienced outlook not often seen in MK. Still has lots of room to grow and develop, imo.
Why- MK's most improved character. Proof that cheap pallete swaps can become interesting characters if done right. I see him taking over the guide/mentor role for the heroes while Raiden goes doo lally.
Why- Simply because, along with Sub Zero, Scorpion and Raiden, he is an MK icon. An instantly recognisable series trademark, and the most developed sub boss. Must at least have some part in MK's future.
Why- One of the most unique female characters in beat em ups. She has the ongoing fued with Kitana, and her MKD developments prove that Mileena can cut it on her own terms as a character just fine too.
Shao Kahn
Why- Still arguably the number one big bad MK villain. No one else has really managed to steal his spotlight. Has the perfect mix of evil, brutality and arrogance, plus an intimidating look.
Why- Come on, we've just found out he's the older Sub Zero. Too important to not return, and battle his heroic younger brother, and any other old foes. Could even give Scorpions story a much needed kick up the arse.
Shang Tsung
Why- An all time great MK villain, and another good character for evolving into different storylines. Even more essential if they can finally give him his morphs back, as he's not the same without them.
Why- I think he's dull, but he's never been given a fair chance imo. He needs to come back with HIS OWN look (I like the etheral one), moves, and plot. A baptism of fire for Smoke, can he cut it on his own terms?
Why- The Black Dragon are a big deal again. With Kabal's comeback a bit disappointing to many (and I speak as a big fan), I think she has more potential to lead a criminal mob. Has cunning, ruthlessness and the whole sexy bad girl persona.
Why- One of the more popular newbies, and imo one of the easiest to adapt to future storylines. A complete wild card, simply out to cause chaos for everyone, there's too many possibilities to not have him around.
Finally, and this one is painful for me...
Liu Kang
Why- I hate the goody goody turkey, his death was a good move. Liu must not become MK champ, or THE main hero again. But I accept (just) that to many, he is "Mr Mortal Kombat".
Sub Zero (younger)
Why- Look at the build up this guy's had the last two games. Leader of the reformed Lin Quei. Gaining and losing a student. Powers increasing due to medallion and armour, with hints he may not be 100% human. Discovering his older brother is now evil, and controlling his best friend. Sub Zero is a hero and MK champion in the making, imo.
Why- He's the Elder God's champion, fanboys (and Boon's) favourite. Trying to get rid of him will be like pissing in the wind, sadly.
Kung Lao
Why- I think this character is ready for a bigger role as an MK hero. He's been trained by Bo, and should inherit Liu's mantle, and be the main Shaolin fighter. Plus he trains younger students (see his MK3/MKG bios) so the potential to introduce a student is there.
Why- She's too important to the MK world and storyline to not at least be there. I think it's time she became queen of Edenia, she seems to be it's most active leader in MK4/MKDA.
Quan Chi
Why- Also been given a lot of build up. He helped kill Liu, then the other heroes. After helping beat Raiden, he turned on and defeated Shang Tsung. Plus it's more than likely he survived Raiden's sacrificial blast. The Quan man ain't through with his evil schemes just yet.
Why- Another MK icon, so can't not be there. Plus the Dark Raiden storyline looks very interesting, and could be a boost to many characters storylines. The formerly wise old mentor going mad, think of the possibilities.
Johnny Cage
Why- A real "love him or hate him" guy. But MK's a poorer place without him. He helps lighten the overall mood, but with just the right mix of humour, without being stupid (like Bo Rai Cho). Badly needs a new storyline direction.
Why- Overrated as hell, also needs a new plot boost. But she's an MK veteran, and the best representative of the more Earthrealm based heroes, the Special Forces.
Why- Let's hear it for MK's most adaptable, evolving character. Should stay as a lizard man (the MKSM design is great), but he has managed to make his mark in every MK plot so far, and still has room to develop.
Why- If dead, he needs a convincing way to cheat this. But Mavado is far too involved with many other characters to not appear. Sub Zero, Quan Chi, Sonya (supposed to be her biggest enemy now), etc...
Li Mei
Why- Has evolved a lot in the short time she's been around. Started off an MK innocent caught up in it all. MKD gave her a harder edge, but still kept the naive, inexperienced outlook not often seen in MK. Still has lots of room to grow and develop, imo.
Why- MK's most improved character. Proof that cheap pallete swaps can become interesting characters if done right. I see him taking over the guide/mentor role for the heroes while Raiden goes doo lally.
Why- Simply because, along with Sub Zero, Scorpion and Raiden, he is an MK icon. An instantly recognisable series trademark, and the most developed sub boss. Must at least have some part in MK's future.
Why- One of the most unique female characters in beat em ups. She has the ongoing fued with Kitana, and her MKD developments prove that Mileena can cut it on her own terms as a character just fine too.
Shao Kahn
Why- Still arguably the number one big bad MK villain. No one else has really managed to steal his spotlight. Has the perfect mix of evil, brutality and arrogance, plus an intimidating look.
Why- Come on, we've just found out he's the older Sub Zero. Too important to not return, and battle his heroic younger brother, and any other old foes. Could even give Scorpions story a much needed kick up the arse.
Shang Tsung
Why- An all time great MK villain, and another good character for evolving into different storylines. Even more essential if they can finally give him his morphs back, as he's not the same without them.
Why- I think he's dull, but he's never been given a fair chance imo. He needs to come back with HIS OWN look (I like the etheral one), moves, and plot. A baptism of fire for Smoke, can he cut it on his own terms?
Why- The Black Dragon are a big deal again. With Kabal's comeback a bit disappointing to many (and I speak as a big fan), I think she has more potential to lead a criminal mob. Has cunning, ruthlessness and the whole sexy bad girl persona.
Why- One of the more popular newbies, and imo one of the easiest to adapt to future storylines. A complete wild card, simply out to cause chaos for everyone, there's too many possibilities to not have him around.
Finally, and this one is painful for me...
Liu Kang
Why- I hate the goody goody turkey, his death was a good move. Liu must not become MK champ, or THE main hero again. But I accept (just) that to many, he is "Mr Mortal Kombat".

About Me
red_dragon Wrote:
My opinion of who should be given highest priorty for big roles in MK7, and why. Like Rubin, and to keep in the theme of this thread, I am not simply making a list of all my favourites.
Sub Zero (younger)
Why- Look at the build up this guy's had the last two games. Leader of the reformed Lin Quei. Gaining and losing a student. Powers increasing due to medallion and armour, with hints he may not be 100% human. Discovering his older brother is now evil, and controlling his best friend. Sub Zero is a hero and MK champion in the making, imo.
Why- He's the Elder God's champion, fanboys (and Boon's) favourite. Trying to get rid of him will be like pissing in the wind, sadly.
Kung Lao
Why- I think this character is ready for a bigger role as an MK hero. He's been trained by Bo, and should inherit Liu's mantle, and be the main Shaolin fighter. Plus he trains younger students (see his MK3/MKG bios) so the potential to introduce a student is there.
Why- She's too important to the MK world and storyline to not at least be there. I think it's time she became queen of Edenia, she seems to be it's most active leader in MK4/MKDA.
Quan Chi
Why- Also been given a lot of build up. He helped kill Liu, then the other heroes. After helping beat Raiden, he turned on and defeated Shang Tsung. Plus it's more than likely he survived Raiden's sacrificial blast. The Quan man ain't through with his evil schemes just yet.
Why- Another MK icon, so can't not be there. Plus the Dark Raiden storyline looks very interesting, and could be a boost to many characters storylines. The formerly wise old mentor going mad, think of the possibilities.
Johnny Cage
Why- A real "love him or hate him" guy. But MK's a poorer place without him. He helps lighten the overall mood, but with just the right mix of humour, without being stupid (like Bo Rai Cho). Badly needs a new storyline direction.
Why- Overrated as hell, also needs a new plot boost. But she's an MK veteran, and the best representative of the more Earthrealm based heroes, the Special Forces.
Why- Let's hear it for MK's most adaptable, evolving character. Should stay as a lizard man (the MKSM design is great), but he has managed to make his mark in every MK plot so far, and still has room to develop.
Why- If dead, he needs a convincing way to cheat this. But Mavado is far too involved with many other characters to not appear. Sub Zero, Quan Chi, Sonya (supposed to be her biggest enemy now), etc...
Li Mei
Why- Has evolved a lot in the short time she's been around. Started off an MK innocent caught up in it all. MKD gave her a harder edge, but still kept the naive, inexperienced outlook not often seen in MK. Still has lots of room to grow and develop, imo.
Why- MK's most improved character. Proof that cheap pallete swaps can become interesting characters if done right. I see him taking over the guide/mentor role for the heroes while Raiden goes doo lally.
Why- Simply because, along with Sub Zero, Scorpion and Raiden, he is an MK icon. An instantly recognisable series trademark, and the most developed sub boss. Must at least have some part in MK's future.
Why- One of the most unique female characters in beat em ups. She has the ongoing fued with Kitana, and her MKD developments prove that Mileena can cut it on her own terms as a character just fine too.
Shao Kahn
Why- Still arguably the number one big bad MK villain. No one else has really managed to steal his spotlight. Has the perfect mix of evil, brutality and arrogance, plus an intimidating look.
Why- Come on, we've just found out he's the older Sub Zero. Too important to not return, and battle his heroic younger brother, and any other old foes. Could even give Scorpions story a much needed kick up the arse.
Shang Tsung
Why- An all time great MK villain, and another good character for evolving into different storylines. Even more essential if they can finally give him his morphs back, as he's not the same without them.
Why- I think he's dull, but he's never been given a fair chance imo. He needs to come back with HIS OWN look (I like the etheral one), moves, and plot. A baptism of fire for Smoke, can he cut it on his own terms?
Why- The Black Dragon are a big deal again. With Kabal's comeback a bit disappointing to many (and I speak as a big fan), I think she has more potential to lead a criminal mob. Has cunning, ruthlessness and the whole sexy bad girl persona.
Why- One of the more popular newbies, and imo one of the easiest to adapt to future storylines. A complete wild card, simply out to cause chaos for everyone, there's too many possibilities to not have him around.
Finally, and this one is painful for me...
Liu Kang
Why- I hate the goody goody turkey, his death was a good move. Liu must not become MK champ, or THE main hero again. But I accept (just) that to many, he is "Mr Mortal Kombat".
My opinion of who should be given highest priorty for big roles in MK7, and why. Like Rubin, and to keep in the theme of this thread, I am not simply making a list of all my favourites.
Sub Zero (younger)
Why- Look at the build up this guy's had the last two games. Leader of the reformed Lin Quei. Gaining and losing a student. Powers increasing due to medallion and armour, with hints he may not be 100% human. Discovering his older brother is now evil, and controlling his best friend. Sub Zero is a hero and MK champion in the making, imo.
Why- He's the Elder God's champion, fanboys (and Boon's) favourite. Trying to get rid of him will be like pissing in the wind, sadly.
Kung Lao
Why- I think this character is ready for a bigger role as an MK hero. He's been trained by Bo, and should inherit Liu's mantle, and be the main Shaolin fighter. Plus he trains younger students (see his MK3/MKG bios) so the potential to introduce a student is there.
Why- She's too important to the MK world and storyline to not at least be there. I think it's time she became queen of Edenia, she seems to be it's most active leader in MK4/MKDA.
Quan Chi
Why- Also been given a lot of build up. He helped kill Liu, then the other heroes. After helping beat Raiden, he turned on and defeated Shang Tsung. Plus it's more than likely he survived Raiden's sacrificial blast. The Quan man ain't through with his evil schemes just yet.
Why- Another MK icon, so can't not be there. Plus the Dark Raiden storyline looks very interesting, and could be a boost to many characters storylines. The formerly wise old mentor going mad, think of the possibilities.
Johnny Cage
Why- A real "love him or hate him" guy. But MK's a poorer place without him. He helps lighten the overall mood, but with just the right mix of humour, without being stupid (like Bo Rai Cho). Badly needs a new storyline direction.
Why- Overrated as hell, also needs a new plot boost. But she's an MK veteran, and the best representative of the more Earthrealm based heroes, the Special Forces.
Why- Let's hear it for MK's most adaptable, evolving character. Should stay as a lizard man (the MKSM design is great), but he has managed to make his mark in every MK plot so far, and still has room to develop.
Why- If dead, he needs a convincing way to cheat this. But Mavado is far too involved with many other characters to not appear. Sub Zero, Quan Chi, Sonya (supposed to be her biggest enemy now), etc...
Li Mei
Why- Has evolved a lot in the short time she's been around. Started off an MK innocent caught up in it all. MKD gave her a harder edge, but still kept the naive, inexperienced outlook not often seen in MK. Still has lots of room to grow and develop, imo.
Why- MK's most improved character. Proof that cheap pallete swaps can become interesting characters if done right. I see him taking over the guide/mentor role for the heroes while Raiden goes doo lally.
Why- Simply because, along with Sub Zero, Scorpion and Raiden, he is an MK icon. An instantly recognisable series trademark, and the most developed sub boss. Must at least have some part in MK's future.
Why- One of the most unique female characters in beat em ups. She has the ongoing fued with Kitana, and her MKD developments prove that Mileena can cut it on her own terms as a character just fine too.
Shao Kahn
Why- Still arguably the number one big bad MK villain. No one else has really managed to steal his spotlight. Has the perfect mix of evil, brutality and arrogance, plus an intimidating look.
Why- Come on, we've just found out he's the older Sub Zero. Too important to not return, and battle his heroic younger brother, and any other old foes. Could even give Scorpions story a much needed kick up the arse.
Shang Tsung
Why- An all time great MK villain, and another good character for evolving into different storylines. Even more essential if they can finally give him his morphs back, as he's not the same without them.
Why- I think he's dull, but he's never been given a fair chance imo. He needs to come back with HIS OWN look (I like the etheral one), moves, and plot. A baptism of fire for Smoke, can he cut it on his own terms?
Why- The Black Dragon are a big deal again. With Kabal's comeback a bit disappointing to many (and I speak as a big fan), I think she has more potential to lead a criminal mob. Has cunning, ruthlessness and the whole sexy bad girl persona.
Why- One of the more popular newbies, and imo one of the easiest to adapt to future storylines. A complete wild card, simply out to cause chaos for everyone, there's too many possibilities to not have him around.
Finally, and this one is painful for me...
Liu Kang
Why- I hate the goody goody turkey, his death was a good move. Liu must not become MK champ, or THE main hero again. But I accept (just) that to many, he is "Mr Mortal Kombat".
I TOTALLY agree with everything you said there dude. Awesome work, and if Rubin wanted something objective: there you got it !
haha. hey guys, I'm not trying to be the enemy. Just making sure this doesn't turn into the 1 millionth character wish list or favorite character thread. Thanks again everyone for all the feedback. Red-dragon and Ying Yeung... you guys made great threads.
Thank you Rubin, for starting this thread rather than yet another "who do you WANT in MK7?" thread. Made us think more about who should be given higher priority for MK's future, and take into account characters we don't really like.
Hey, no problem red_dragon.... That was my goal for this thread.
Hopefully, MK's in the future will differ from the past in that fans will be assured that the classic characters will be included in all additions. Maybe Team Boon will realize that there are certain characters that need to be included in the games always, while the not so essentials can swap in and out....
Hopefully, MK's in the future will differ from the past in that fans will be assured that the classic characters will be included in all additions. Maybe Team Boon will realize that there are certain characters that need to be included in the games always, while the not so essentials can swap in and out....
red_dragon Wrote:
Thank you Rubin, for starting this thread rather than yet another "who do you WANT in MK7?" thread. Made us think more about who should be given higher priority for MK's future, and take into account characters we don't really like.
Thank you Rubin, for starting this thread rather than yet another "who do you WANT in MK7?" thread. Made us think more about who should be given higher priority for MK's future, and take into account characters we don't really like.
This thread is just proof nobody should sleep on Rubin's topics, the guy knows what's up!
I COMPLETELY agree with YinYeung and Red_Dragon with their post, I onl wish I would of done the same thing..perhaps I will, but I really think you guys covered it all, and I almost 100% agree with everything you guys all said...with the exception of Smoke being dull..to me he has the potential to be the perfect "tragic hero" type of character. Cursed to be someting he doesn't want to be. DAMN YOU LIN KUEI!
I COMPLETELY agree with YinYeung and Red_Dragon with their post, I onl wish I would of done the same thing..perhaps I will, but I really think you guys covered it all, and I almost 100% agree with everything you guys all said...with the exception of Smoke being dull..to me he has the potential to be the perfect "tragic hero" type of character. Cursed to be someting he doesn't want to be. DAMN YOU LIN KUEI!
Hey thanks everyone. All the feedback has been great and I appreciate the compliments. This has been a very successful thread so far. I think I am going to update with some more stuff either later today or tomorrow. possibly another 5 characters to consider as essential, although I think the 10 in my first post are THE 10. Also, I like Ying Yeung's ideas on where the characters can go from here. I think I will do that with my original 10 and try to put more detail into where they should be going. Thanks everyone.
Versatile and I started a new thread for everyone to check out as promised... its very early in construction... using the 10 essentials to build on their stories. Liu Kang is up right now so check it out if you are interested.
Versatile and I started a new thread for everyone to check out as promised... its very early in construction... using the 10 essentials to build on their stories. Liu Kang is up right now so check it out if you are interested.
As long as they bring back Ermac and Rain and all of the cyber-ninjas and ninjas..im good!!!!!!!!!!!!
queve Wrote:
Essential Heroes:
Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Kung Lao
Essential Evil
Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn
Quan Chi
*The One Being*?
Essential Heroes:
Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Kung Lao
Essential Evil
Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn
Quan Chi
*The One Being*?
I don't quite get why Jax is in the list of essentials there Queve. Yeah, Jax turns up most games, yeah he had his own shitty side game. But he stopped being essential after MK3. Aside from killing Hsu Hao (hardly an important character), he mainly just follows Sonya around, probably carrying the heroes luggage and making coffees or something.
And PLEASE don't say it's because he's the token black guy. There are other more interesting black characters, with far more potential than Jax.
I do agree with your other choices though, whether I like them personally or not. I'm interested in seeing the One Being make it's mark on MK, hope it turns out better than Onaga.

For me the essential characters are:
Sub Zero
Noob Saibot (Tho I dont like him)
Scorpion (Tho I hate him)
Shao Kahn
I dont really think anyone else is crucial is the storyline.
Kitana is intergral to the storyline now so she must return.
Noob/Sub Zero....gonna be a main plot from now on and is very interesting, and Sareena is the probably the only ne who was involved with both except Scorpion- will also be interesting to see how he reacts to his former enemies return.
As for Shao Kahn, well he needs to be all powerful again and Havik, he will stir things up big time in all the realms with his cahotic ways.
Sub Zero
Noob Saibot (Tho I dont like him)
Scorpion (Tho I hate him)
Shao Kahn
I dont really think anyone else is crucial is the storyline.
Kitana is intergral to the storyline now so she must return.
Noob/Sub Zero....gonna be a main plot from now on and is very interesting, and Sareena is the probably the only ne who was involved with both except Scorpion- will also be interesting to see how he reacts to his former enemies return.
As for Shao Kahn, well he needs to be all powerful again and Havik, he will stir things up big time in all the realms with his cahotic ways.
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